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7 Alternative Sites Like Idealist for Volunteering and Nonprofit Opportunities

By Gregor K. published about 2023-02-04 04:44:21

Are you looking for websites similar to Idealist, the online platform for connecting with organizations and individuals around the world who are working to make positive change? Look no further! In this article, we'll provide a list of websites similar to Idealist that will help you find more volunteer opportunities and job postings. From nonprofit organizations to international NGOs, you'll be sure to find the perfect opportunity for you. So read on to find out more about these top websites like Idealist.

Idealist connects millions of people and organizations to find opportunities to take action and create tangible change.


  • Search for job and volunteer opportunities.
  • Find organizations and events.
  • Connect with people and organizations.

Idealist Alternatives


VolunteerMatch is an online service that connects volunteers with non-profit organizations. It helps people find local volunteer opportunities that match their skills, interests, and availability.

Both are volunteer-oriented websites that help people find volunteer opportunities near them.

VolunteerMatch specializes in local volunteer opportunities, while Idealist has a wider range of volunteer and career opportunities.

Is VolunteerMatch a good alternative?


Catchafire is an online platform that connects people with skills to nonprofits, foundations, and social enterprises in need of their expertise. Through Catchafire, volunteers can find meaningful and impactful ways to give back to their communities, while nonprofits can access the skills, talent, and insights they need to reach their goals.

Both are volunteer-oriented websites with an emphasis on meaningful volunteering.

Catchafire focuses on virtual volunteering, while Idealist is more geared towards in-person volunteer opportunities.

Is Catchafire a good alternative?


GivePulse is a community engagement platform that simplifies volunteer management, community service tracking, and impact measurement. Our mission is to enable organizations to increase the impact of their service and volunteer activities through better organization, communication, and collaboration.

Both are websites that allow users to find volunteer opportunities in their area.

GivePulse offers a wider range of volunteering opportunities than Idealist, including virtual and remote volunteering.

Is GivePulse a good alternative?

Network for Good

Network for Good is an online fundraising platform that helps nonprofit organizations raise money via donations and crowdfunding campaigns. It provides both individual donors and corporate sponsors with easy and efficient ways to donate to their favorite causes.

Both are websites that allow users to find volunteer opportunities in their area.

Network for Good offers a wider range of volunteering opportunities than Idealist, including virtual and remote volunteering.

Is Network for Good a good alternative?


JustServe is a free service that connects individuals, groups, and organizations with volunteer service opportunities in their community. It provides an easy way to find, share, and track service projects that benefit the community.

Both are websites that allow users to find volunteer opportunities in their area.

JustServe focuses on local volunteer opportunities, while Idealist has a wider range of volunteer and career opportunities.

Is JustServe a good alternative?
| is a global movement of 6 million young people making positive change, online and off! The organization empowers youth to take action on social issues they care about.

Both are websites that allow users to find volunteer opportunities in their area.

DoSomething focuses on youth-oriented volunteer opportunities, while Idealist has a wider range of volunteer and career opportunities.

Is a good alternative?

All for Good

All for Good is a free service powered by volunteers, nonprofits and companies to help people find local volunteer opportunities. We connect people to organizations that need their help and make it easy to find and sign up for activities that benefit their communities.

Both are websites that allow users to find volunteer opportunities in their area.

All for Good offers a wider range of volunteering opportunities than Idealist, including virtual and remote volunteering.

Is All for Good a good alternative?

History of Idealist

Idealist is a website launched in 1995 as a platform for connecting individuals and organizations for social change. Initially, it was a directory of organizations, but over time it evolved to become a platform for connecting people, volunteering, and job and internship opportunities. It has since become a premier destination for people and organizations to share resources and opportunities, join forces, and work together to create positive social change.

Idealist Status

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  • I'm so overwhelmed by all these options, I think I'm gonna need a vacation!

    2023-08-02 14:13:22 ·
  • Who says you can't have too much of a good thing?

    2023-08-23 07:59:07 ·
  • So much potential, so little time!

    2023-11-09 21:13:12 ·
  • I guess if you can't find what you're looking for on Idealist, you can just keep scrolling!

    2023-12-07 14:44:41 ·
  • Wow, the internet really is a small world!

    2024-01-29 18:20:00 ·
  • Who knew there were so many sites like Idealist out there?

    2024-02-27 12:31:57 ·
  • It's like a candy store for job seekers!

    2024-03-17 00:54:16 ·
  • Looks like I'm going to be busy this weekend comparing all these sites!

    2024-06-05 22:08:40 ·
  • I feel like I'm in an alternate universe where everyone is looking for their dream job!

    2024-06-07 20:23:06 ·
  • I'm amazed by the sheer number of options available to help people find their ideal job!

    2024-06-17 23:50:32 ·