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7 Alternative Platforms to for Online Activism and Petitions

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-11 18:42:30

Are you looking for powerful online tools to fuel your activism and make a difference? is one of the most popular and effective websites for creating petitions and raising awareness for a cause, but it's not the only one. Here's a list of similar websites like that are worth checking out if you want to create campaigns and support causes that you care about.

502 is the world’s largest petition platform, empowering people everywhere to create the change they want to see.


  • Create and sign petitions
  • Organize campaigns and mobilize supporters
  • Share petitions with your networks
  • Stay updated on the causes you care about Alternatives


Petition2Congress is a platform powered by the White House that enables citizens to create and sign petitions directly to the federal government. It gives citizens a way to make their voices heard and to make a difference in their communities, states, and nation.

Both websites allow users to create and sign petitions in order to bring about social change.

Petition2Congress focuses on petitions at the federal level, while allows petitions at all levels of government.

Is Petition2Congress a good alternative?

We the People

We the People is a global platform for citizens, activists and social entrepreneurs to act on the world’s biggest challenges. It provides tools, resources and a community for people to come together to create positive social change.

Both websites allow users to create and sign petitions in order to bring about social change.

We the People focuses on petitions at the federal level, while allows petitions at all levels of government.

Is We the People a good alternative?


GoPetition is an online campaigning platform that allows users to create and share petitions. Through their platform, users can create petitions and campaigns, collect signatures, and share them with their audience.

Both websites allow users to create and sign petitions in order to bring about social change.

GoPetition allows users to target petitions at a variety of levels, while focuses on global campaigns.

Is GoPetition a good alternative?


Care2 is an online community of people passionate about making the world a better place. It is a place to connect with other like-minded individuals, share ideas, take action and make an impact.

Both websites allow users to create and sign petitions in order to bring about social change.

Care2 focuses on petitions for environmental and animal rights issues, while allows petitions on any issue.

Is Care2 a good alternative?

The Petition Site

The Petition Site is an online platform that allows people to create, share and sign petitions to bring attention to a particular cause. It is a free service that helps citizens of all countries to get their message heard and engage in meaningful dialogue with decision makers.

Both websites allow users to create and sign petitions in order to bring about social change.

The Petition Site focuses on petitions for a variety of causes, while allows petitions on any issue.

Is The Petition Site a good alternative?


Avaaz is an international, online campaigning platform that focuses on global activism and movement building. It works to protect the planet and fight for social justice, human rights, animal rights, and more, by uniting people from all over the world.

Both websites allow users to create and sign petitions in order to bring about social change.

Avaaz focuses on petitions for global issues, while allows petitions on any issue.

Is Avaaz a good alternative?
| is a community of more than 10 million Americans dedicated to a more just and progressive America. We work together to build progressive power, resist the Trump administration, and lead the fight for progressive policies that matter to all Americans.

Both websites allow users to create and sign petitions in order to bring about social change. focuses on petitions for progressive causes, while allows petitions on any issue.

Is a good alternative?

History of was founded in 2007 as a platform to connect individuals and organizations who wanted to create positive social change. It quickly grew and expanded to become one of the world's largest online petitioning platforms, allowing users to create and sign petitions for causes they care about and to mobilize the support of others. has become a powerful tool for people all over the world to stand up for their beliefs and to make real impact on issues that matter to them. Status

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  • I'm sure these websites are all "copy-change.orgs

    2023-05-27 04:59:03 ·
  • What did the world do before

    2023-08-09 07:23:17 ·
  • These other websites are just trying to keep up with!

    2023-09-19 05:04:52 ·
  • is basically the be-all, end-all of similar websites.

    2024-01-30 22:30:37 ·
  • Everyone should just and be done with it.

    2024-03-15 16:34:06 ·
  • All these other websites need to make a to their business model

    2024-04-03 14:43:45 ·
  • Hope none of these other websites try to!

    2024-06-06 22:18:34 ·
  • Who needs these other websites when you have

    2024-07-24 15:19:34 ·