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5 Alternatives to GoFundMe for Raising Funds Online

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-27 15:40:11

Are you looking for an alternative to GoFundMe for your fundraising efforts? Look no further! This article presents a list of similar websites like GoFundMe that you can use to raise funds for your cause. From crowdfunding platforms to donation services, each of the websites offers its own unique set of features and advantages. Read on to explore the various options available and decide which is the best fit for you.

GoFundMe is a fundraising platform that has helped millions of people raise over $9 billion for their personal causes and life events. It's fast, easy, and secure, and you can customize your fundraiser with photos and stories to share your reasons for raising money.


  • Create customizable campaigns with photos, videos, and stories
  • Get support from friends, family, and the GoFundMe community
  • Receive donations quickly and securely
  • Manage your donations and update donors

GoFundMe Alternatives


Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. From films, games, and music to art, design, and technology, Kickstarter helps artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators find the resources and support they need to make their ideas a reality.

Both are crowdfunding platforms with an all-or-nothing model.

Kickstarter is focused on creative projects, while GoFundMe is focused on personal causes.

Is Kickstarter a good alternative?


Indiegogo is a crowdfunding platform that enables people to raise money for creative projects. It has a global reach and provides access to millions of passionate backers.

Both are crowdfunding platforms that offer a flexible funding model.

Indiegogo has a larger user base, but GoFundMe charges lower fees.

Is Indiegogo a good alternative?


Crowdfunder is a platform that connects entrepreneurs with investors who can help them grow their businesses. Investors can invest in startups for as little as £10 and receive equity in return.

Both offer a variety of crowdfunding options for entrepreneurs and businesses.

Crowdfunder is focused more on equity crowdfunding, while GoFundMe is focused on donations.

Is Crowdfunder a good alternative?


CrowdRise is a fundraising website to raise money for charity and personal causes. People can start a crowdfunding campaign to get donations from individuals and businesses around the world.

Both are crowdfunding platforms with an emphasis on charities and social causes.

Crowdrise is focused on larger donations, while GoFundMe is focused on smaller donations.

Is CrowdRise a good alternative?


Patreon is a membership platform that provides business tools for creators to run a subscription content service, with ways for artists to build relationships and provide exclusive experiences to their subscribers, or "patrons".

Both use a subscription-based model for crowdfunding.

Patreon is focused on content creators, while GoFundMe is focused on personal causes.

Is Patreon a good alternative?


Fundly is an online crowdfunding platform that helps individuals and organizations raise money quickly and easily. It provides a simple, safe, and secure way to collect donations online and is designed to maximize donations and engage potential supporters.

Both are crowdfunding platforms with an emphasis on social causes.

Fundly is focused on larger donations, while GoFundMe is focused on smaller donations.

Is Fundly a good alternative?


GiveForward is a crowdfunding platform for medical expenses, memorials, and other needs. Through GiveForward, individuals can create a personalized fundraising page, share it with friends and family, and accept donations from anywhere around the world.

Both are crowdfunding platforms with an emphasis on medical causes.

GiveForward has a larger user base, but GoFundMe charges lower fees.

Is GiveForward a good alternative?


Crowdfunding is an online platform that enables people to raise money for personal or business projects and causes. It enables people to support projects or causes they believe in by donating funds or buying products and services.

Both GoFundMe and Crowdfunding are online platforms that allow users to raise money for personal, charitable, or business purposes.

GoFundMe does not charge a platform fee, while Crowdfunding charges a 5% platform fee on each donation.

Is Crowdfunding a good alternative?


DonorsChoose is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. Public school teachers post classroom project requests and donors can choose the projects they want to support. Projects range from books and school supplies to field trips and technology.

Both GoFundMe and DonorsChoose are online crowdfunding platforms that facilitate donations to causes.

GoFundMe allows users to donate to any cause they choose, while DonorsChoose focuses on funding public school classroom projects.

Is DonorsChoose a good alternative?


Facebook is a social media platform that allows people to connect with friends, family, and the world around them. It enables users to share photos, videos, and messages, as well as join groups, follow companies and organizations, and much more.

Both GoFundMe and Facebook are websites used for connecting with people.

GoFundMe is used for raising money for causes, whereas Facebook is primarily used for social interaction.

Is Facebook a good alternative?


JustGiving is a global giving platform that helps people to raise money for causes they care about. It enables individuals and charities to collect donations quickly and securely online. JustGiving also provides tools and services that help charities to increase the impact of the donations they receive.

Both websites are used to fundraise for a cause or charity.

GoFundMe is designed for individual campaigns, while JustGiving is designed for larger organisations.

Is JustGiving a good alternative?


PayPal is a secure, global online payment service that allows individuals and businesses to send and receive payments online. It has a wide range of features and services that make it easy to send and receive payments online.

The similarity between GoFundMe and PayPal is that both are online payment platforms. The difference between GoFundMe and PayPal is that GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform while PayPal provides money transfer services.

Is PayPal a good alternative?


Venmo is a mobile payment platform that allows users to easily and securely send and receive money from friends and family. The service is available on both web and mobile app, making it easy to pay anyone, anywhere.

Both websites provide a platform for users to send and receive money.

GoFundMe allows users to create crowdfunding campaigns, whereas Venmo does not.

Is Venmo a good alternative?

GoFundMe Head-To-Head

GoFundMe is one of the leading online crowdfunding platforms, allowing people to raise funds for a wide range of causes. In this article, we will be taking a look at how GoFundMe compares to other crowdfunding websites. We'll examine their features, fees and user experience, so you can decide which platform is the best option for your needs. So read on to find out more about GoFundMe and its rivals!


GoFundMe and Crowdfunding are two of the most popular online fundraising platforms used to raise money for causes, projects, and events. GoFundMe allows individuals to raise money from their personal networks with no fees or deadlines. It also enables users to customize their campaigns with photos and videos. Crowdfunding is a more comprehensive platform that allows users to launch campaigns, collect donations, pre-sell products, and offer rewards for donors. Additionally, it provides campaign analytics and detailed donor insights that can help fundraisers optimize their campaigns. Both platforms provide secure payment processing options as well as several other features such as social media integration and donation tracking. While both platforms offer similar services, they differ in terms of pricing structures and customization options.


GoFundMe and DonorsChoose are both crowdfunding websites that allow individuals to raise money for causes they care about. However, they differ in the types of causes they support and the way campaigns are structured. GoFundMe is designed for individuals to fundraise for personal projects or expenses, such as medical bills, tuition fees, travel costs, or emergency relief efforts. GoFundMe campaigns typically have a flexible goal and do not require an official nonprofit status. DonorsChoose, on the other hand, focuses solely on education-related projects submitted by public school teachers. DonorsChoose requires its campaigns to have a specific goal and only allows teachers from accredited public schools to submit requests. The website also includes additional features such as teacher ratings and project reviews that help donors make more informed decisions about where their money is going.


GoFundMe and Facebook are two popular online fundraising platforms that have been used to help people achieve their financial goals. GoFundMe is a dedicated crowdfunding platform for personal causes, allowing users to raise money for medical bills, education expenses, volunteer trips, and more. It offers direct donations with no setup fees or deadlines and provides access to social media sharing tools to help spread the word of your fundraiser. Facebook is an all-in-one platform that allows users to create and manage their own fundraisers as well as donate directly to verified charities. It features an intuitive interface and access to powerful analytics that can be used to track donations over time. Both services offer secure payment processing options, but GoFundMe also offers rewards and incentives for donors while Facebook has specialized features such as birthday fundraisers and donation match programs.


GoFundMe and JustGiving are two online fundraising websites designed to help individuals and organizations reach their goals. Both offer customizable donation pages, allowing users to easily create an account and share their cause with family and friends. GoFundMe also provides users with a range of tools for setting up a fundraiser, such as creating a donation button for website embedding, setting recipient information and tracking donations. JustGiving offers more options when it comes to payment processing, allowing users to accept credit cards, PayPal and Apple Pay payments in addition to traditional methods like check or cash. Furthermore, JustGiving also allows users to set up recurring donations. Ultimately both websites provide reliable solutions for fundraising campaigns while offering different features tailored towards different needs.


GoFundMe and Indiegogo are both fundraising websites that allow people to raise money for their causes. GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform designed to help individuals, groups and organizations reach their funding goals. It provides users with the tools they need to easily create and manage campaigns, share their stories, collect donations, and track progress. Indiegogo is an international crowdfunding site that helps entrepreneurs bring their projects to life by connecting them with a global community of backers who support them. It offers a wide range of services such as product prototyping, marketing support and payment processing. One major difference between the two websites is that GoFundMe allows users to keep all or most of the money they raise, while Indiegogo requires creators to meet specific monetary goals in order to receive the funds collected. Additionally, GoFundMe does not charge fees for setup or payments processing like some other crowdfunding sites do, making it more attractive for smaller projects. On the other hand, Indiegogo has a more expansive network of backers compared to GoFundMe which may be beneficial for larger scale fundraising initiatives. Furthermore, Indiegogo's marketplace feature gives creators the ability to offer rewards in exchange for donations which can help increase engagement with potential backers.


GoFundMe and Kickstarter are two popular websites that are used to help people raise money for personal causes, projects, and businesses. GoFundMe focuses on individual campaigns such as medical bills, memorial funds, education expenses, and volunteer trips. It is free to start a campaign, but there are processing fees associated with donations. Meanwhile, Kickstarter is used to fund creative projects such as books, movies, music albums, video games, art projects, and more. It requires a fee to launch a project before any pledges can be made. While both sites offer unique features to support campaigns—including the ability to add images and videos—GoFundMe has more customization options when creating the page. Additionally, GoFundMe allows users the option of setting up recurring donations while Kickstarter does not have this feature available.


GoFundMe and Patreon are two popular websites that allow users to raise money for their projects, causes, or creative endeavors. Both platforms are designed to make it simple for people to launch and manage a funding campaign. GoFundMe allows users to raise money for any type of cause, such as health care costs, emergency funds, education expenses and more. It offers the ability to customize campaigns with photos and videos, set a fundraising goal and view progress through real-time analytics. Donations can be made securely online via credit card or debit card. GoFundMe also offers tools for sharing the fundraising campaign on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Patreon is specifically designed for creators who want to earn recurring revenue from their fans in exchange for exclusive content. It allows creators to offer multiple tiers of membership at different price points with different perks associated with each tier. Creators can post exclusive content directly on Patreon or link out to YouTube videos, blogs or other sites they own. Fans can also create custom pledges or send tips directly through Patreon’s website or mobile app.


GoFundMe and PayPal are two popular websites used for personal and business fundraising. GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform that provides individuals, groups, and organizations with the ability to create custom campaigns to raise money for various causes. It allows users to set up campaigns that accept donations from multiple sources such as credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and bank transfers. Additionally, it offers a wide variety of marketing tools such as email sharing, social media integration, and real-time analytics to help users promote their campaigns. PayPal is an online payment service provider that enables users to send money securely to recipients either domestically or internationally. It facilitates online payments via its secure server technology and allows users to pay with their credit/debit cards or through bank transfers. While both services can be used for similar purposes, they offer different features; GoFundMe offers more customization options while PayPal has more payment methods available.


GoFundMe and Venmo are two popular online platforms that offer users the ability to transfer funds quickly and securely. While both platforms provide a convenient way for users to send and receive money, they have some distinct differences. GoFundMe is tailored towards crowdfunding; it allows users to set up individual or group campaigns as well as donate directly to charity. Venmo, on the other hand, is designed primarily for peer-to-peer transfers, allowing users to transfer funds between each other quickly and easily. Both services have mobile apps available for easy access on the go, with GoFundMe’s app offering additional features such as the ability to create campaigns, manage donations, and even track donor contributions. They both offer secure payment processing and customer support in case of any issues. While both services can be used for different purposes, GoFundMe is more suitable for raising funds from large groups of people while Venmo is better suited for smaller transactions between individuals.

History of GoFundMe

GoFundMe is a website that was founded in 2010 with the mission of helping people raise money for any personal cause. Over the years, it has grown to become one of the world's largest crowdfunding sites and has helped millions of people around the globe raise money for personal causes such as medical bills, education costs, and volunteer trips. It is now available in over 20 countries and has been used to raise over $9 billion dollars in donations.

GoFundMe Status

The GoFundMe website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:24).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:24.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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  • Maybe I should start a GoFundMe to pay for a subscription to all these websites!

    2023-02-23 18:31:20 ·
  • Wow, I had no idea there were so many ways to ask for money online!

    2023-07-29 03:33:35 ·
  • I guess I'm not the only one who needs help paying for their shopping addiction!

    2023-08-16 02:51:23 ·
  • Does this mean I can now start a crowdfunding campaign to buy a Ferrari?

    2023-08-22 21:06:15 ·
  • I think I need to start a GoFundMe to pay for all the fees on these websites!

    2023-11-08 15:50:13 ·
  • I'm sure there's a way to get money for a margarita fund somewhere in this list!

    2024-04-18 18:20:17 ·
  • All these sites must be making a killing – I should become a venture capitalist!

    2024-06-23 15:09:30 ·
  • Finally, a way to monetize my procrastination habit!

    2024-07-09 06:03:09 ·