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Top Alternatives to Giva: A List of Similar Websites

By Gregor K. published about 2023-02-01 00:33:32

Are you looking for a list of websites that are similar to Giva? Giva is an online platform for businesses to provide customer service support and tracking for customer service tickets. It is a powerful tool for businesses to keep track of customer support requests and handle customer service inquiries. But what if you need something different than Giva? You're in luck. Here is a list of websites that are similar to Giva and offer similar features.

Giva is the leading provider of cloud-based digital workplace solutions designed to help organizations improve customer service, reduce costs, and increase employee engagement. Giva's suite of products provide out-of-the-box solutions for customer service, contact center, and help desk operations, as well as a comprehensive set of real-time analytics, reporting, and performance management tools.


  • Automated ticketing, routing, and tracking
  • Real-time analytics and reporting
  • Self-service portals for customers
  • Collaborative workflows for agents
  • Automated customer surveys
  • Multi-channel support (phone, chat, email, etc.)

Giva Alternatives


OneDrive is a cloud storage, file sharing, and collaboration platform from Microsoft. It offers secure access to data storage and sharing, as well as other collaboration features such as real-time editing, file sharing, and more.

Both websites offer cloud storage solutions for businesses.

OneDrive is owned and operated by Microsoft, whereas Giva is a third-party provider.

Is OneDrive a good alternative?

Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. It allows users to store files in the cloud, share files, and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with collaborators.

Both websites offer cloud storage solutions for businesses.

Google Drive is owned and operated by Google, whereas Giva is a third-party provider.

Is Google Drive a good alternative?


Dropbox is a cloud storage and file sharing service that allows users to store and access files from anywhere. It is designed to make collaboration easy, and it syncs across devices so all your files are always up-to-date.

Both websites offer cloud storage solutions for businesses.

Dropbox is owned and operated by Dropbox, Inc., whereas Giva is a third-party provider.

Is Dropbox a good alternative?


Box is a cloud-based content management, workflow and collaboration platform that enables users to securely store, share, and manage their files in the cloud.

Both websites offer cloud storage solutions for businesses.

Box is owned and operated by Box, Inc., whereas Giva is a third-party provider.

Is Box a good alternative?

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Amazon S3 is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers and gives them the ability to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web.

Both websites offer cloud storage solutions for businesses.

Amazon S3 is owned and operated by Amazon, whereas Giva is a third-party provider.

Is Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) a good alternative?

Backblaze B2

Backblaze B2 is an object storage solution that offers users an easy and affordable way to store data in the cloud. It provides a simple web-based interface for managing and sharing data, with advanced capabilities for managing large files and media.

Both websites offer cloud storage solutions for businesses.

Backblaze B2 is owned and operated by Backblaze, Inc., whereas Giva is a third-party provider.

Is Backblaze B2 a good alternative?


iDrive provides users with secure online storage, backup, and file sharing solutions. With iDrive, users can store, share, sync and protect their files easily and securely.

Both websites offer cloud storage solutions for businesses.

iDrive is owned and operated by iDrive, Inc., whereas Giva is a third-party provider.

Is iDrive a good alternative?


Clara is an automated debt collection and recovery solution that uses AI-driven technology to help businesses reduce losses and improve their cash flow. Our powerful automation platform provides you with a comprehensive set of tools to manage and collect on past due debts.

Both Giva and Clara are websites that offer customer service solutions.

Giva provides a cloud-based customer service platform that offers end-to-end tracking, while Clara focuses on providing AI-powered chatbot solutions.

Is Clara a good alternative?


CaratLane is an online jewellery shopping destination for jewellery lovers in India. It offers a wide range of jewellery designs in gold, diamond, platinum and precious stones to suit every occasion.

Both Giva and CaratLane are e-commerce websites selling online jewelry.

Giva specializes in selling diamond jewelry while CaratLane sells a variety of precious stones and gems.

Is CaratLane a good alternative?


Flex is an innovative staffing solution that enables businesses to manage and optimize their workforces. With Flex, businesses get access to a wide range of services, such as recruiting, onboarding, payroll, and more. Additionally, Flex provides powerful analytics and insights to help businesses make better decisions about their workforce.

Both Giva and Flex are cloud-based customer service solutions.

Giva offers a comprehensive suite of customer service applications while Flex focuses on developing custom solutions for businesses.

Is Flex a good alternative?


Make: is an online magazine that features DIY projects and tutorials, as well as reviews of the latest tools and gadgets. It also offers a wide range of resources to help makers of all skill levels to learn new techniques and explore different types of creating.

Both Giva and Make are websites that offer services to businesses for improving their customer service operations.

Giva provides software solutions for customer service and case management, while Make offers online support tools such as live chat and knowledge base management.

Is Make a good alternative?


Pay is a powerful digital payment platform that enables businesses and individuals to securely, seamlessly and conveniently transact with each other. With Pay, users can send and receive payments, track spending and manage their finances.

Both Giva and Pay are websites that allow users to easily transfer money online.

Giva is a peer-to-peer payment platform, while Pay is a payment processor for businesses.

Is Pay a good alternative?


Show is an event management platform that helps organizers plan, manage, and promote their events. From ticketing to marketing, Show offers comprehensive tools and features to bring your events to life.

Both Giva and Show are websites designed to help people share stories.

Giva is a platform for connecting with creatives, while Show is more of a storytelling community.

Is Show a good alternative?


Tender is an open procurement platform that enables organizations to streamline their purchasing processes, reduce costs, and access new suppliers and markets. The platform is designed to make the procurement process easier and more efficient by allowing buyers to search for and compare products, services, and quotes, as well as manage and track orders.

Both websites provide an online platform for professional collaboration and project-based workflow.

Giva offers a suite of services and products to facilitate communication and team collaboration, while Tender is focused on creating a web-based application to manage customer support.

Is Tender a good alternative?

Giva Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of Giva and other websites. Giva is a website that offers users a wide range of features and services that make it easy to manage customer interactions, streamline processes, and ensure compliance. We will be comparing Giva against other popular websites in the same category to see how it stacks up in terms of features, usability, cost, and customer support. By the end of this comparison you should have a better understanding of which platforms are best suited to meet your needs.


Giva and Clara are both websites that offer customer service solutions. Giva provides a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform along with analytics, e-mail ticketing, process automation, and reporting tools to help companies streamline their customer service operations. Clara is a virtual assistant platform that automates customer service conversations by using natural language processing (NLP) technology. Both platforms include features such as integration with third-party applications, AI-powered chatbots, and real-time analytics. Giva has more robust CRM capabilities, while Clara offers more advanced NLP technology for automated conversation. Both services are designed to help companies improve their customer experience by providing faster response times and better customer service.


Giva and CaratLane are two websites dedicated to providing their customers with high-quality merchandise. Both websites offer a wide selection of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and more. Giva emphasizes its commitment to quality and craftsmanship in every piece they make by using diamonds that are ethically sourced, conflict-free, and graded by the world’s leading gem labs. CaratLane focuses on providing customers with an extensive variety of options for their jewelry needs. They have a wide range of designs from classic to modern styles that can be customized according to customer preferences. Both websites also offer complimentary services such as free shipping, free resizing and replacement warranties. Additionally, Giva offers virtual consultations with experts for personalized advice while CaratLane provides on-demand video consultations for customers who want to discuss specific products or would like a detailed look at how different pieces look on them. Ultimately both websites provide high-end products and services that cater to all types of customers.


Giva and Flex are both customer service software solutions that help businesses manage their customer interactions. Giva provides a suite of features designed to streamline customer service operations. It includes a ticketing system, automated workflow, customer self-service portal, knowledge base, and more. Flex offers an emphasis on real-time interaction with customers and prospects, featuring a live chat tool, built-in automation capabilities, and advanced analytics. Both services offer reporting tools to track customer service performance metrics like response time, resolution times, customer satisfaction ratings, etc. However, Giva's reporting is focused more on the data collected from tickets while Flex offers deeper insights into overall customer experience. Additionally, Giva has a built-in telephony system and call log feature for tracking phone conversations with customers while Flex does not offer these features.


Giva and Make are both web development companies that specialize in creating websites for businesses. Giva offers a comprehensive suite of services, including website design and development, content management, e-commerce solutions, custom web applications, and domain hosting. Make also provides web design and development services as well as hosting, analytics, and maintenance packages. Giva focuses on providing businesses with powerful features such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media integration, mobile device compatibility, and scalability. They also offer custom software development to tailor their clients' websites to their specific needs. Make specializes in creating stunningly designed websites with an emphasis on user experience. Their services include responsive design and development, creative branding, intuitive navigation systems, and more. Both Giva and Make provide extensive support systems for their customers so they can get the most out of their websites. Giva's customer service team is available 24/7 via phone or email to answer any questions or concerns clients may have about their website projects. Make also offers a wide range of support options via chat bot or email depending on the type of service requested.


Giva and Pay are both customer service and ticketing platforms designed to help businesses streamline customer service operations. Giva offers an integrated suite of services for its customers, including a cloud-based help desk system with real time analytics, reporting and automation capabilities. Additionally, Giva provides a robust knowledge base to store frequently asked questions, as well as a ticketing system that enables customers to submit tickets directly from the website. Pay offers an all-in-one platform with tools such as a ticketing system, CRM integration, reporting and analytics capabilities, and an AI-powered chatbot. Both platforms offer customizable dashboards that allow users to easily access their data in one place. However, Giva allows for more customized features thanPay does; for example, Giva users can set up personalized workflow rules that automate client interactions based on specific criteria. Ultimately, both Giva and Pay offer comprehensive customer service solutions designed to optimize customer service operations.


Giva and Show are two software products that help businesses provide customer service. Giva is a cloud-based customer service solution that offers a wide range of features, such as ticket management, knowledge base management, self-service portals and more. Show is a customer service platform that integrates with popular ecommerce applications like Shopify and Magento, allowing customers to easily submit tickets and access support directly. Both Giva and Show offer features designed to enhance customer experience. Giva’s ticket management tools allow businesses to quickly respond to customer inquiries while providing insights into the causes of customer issues. Show focuses on providing direct support to customers by integrating with ecommerce applications and offering personalized help options. Additionally, both platforms enable users to create self-service portals for customers to quickly search for solutions on their own.


Giva and Tender both offer services to help businesses streamline customer service. Giva provides cloud-based applications that allow tracking of tickets, service levels, knowledge bases, reporting and analytics. Tender offers a full suite of customer service tools including a CRM system, ticketing system, live chat functionality and more. Giva's main features include integrated case management with real-time visibility into the progress of individual tickets and analytics to identify patterns in customer support requests. It also offers an AI-powered intelligent assistant to help customers quickly find answers to their queries. On the other hand, Tender provides a comprehensive CRM suite that integrates with existing enterprise applications such as Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics. It also includes powerful ticketing capabilities including custom ticket types, automated routing rules and support for multiple channels such as email, phone and social media. Additionally, its live chat feature allows agents to quickly respond to inquiries from customers on any website or mobile app.


Giva and Quit are both web-based applications designed to help organizations streamline their customer service operations. Giva's main features include customizable ticketing, automated workflows, knowledge base management, analytics, and integration with third-party systems. Quit is an AI-powered customer service automation platform that offers ticketing, customer self-service, auto-responses, analytics, and integrations with popular CRM systems. Both services offer intuitive user interfaces and reporting capabilities. However, Giva also provides a document library and a contact center solution while Quit offers chatbot functionality. Additionally, Quit utilizes natural language processing (NLP) technology to provide automated responses that can help customers quickly resolve their issues.


Giva and Letgo are both online marketplaces for secondhand goods. Giva is an online marketplace for a variety of items, from furniture to clothes to electronics. It allows users to connect with local buyers and sellers, making it easy to purchase or sell items near you. Buyers can search for items by location, category, or keyword. Sellers can post detailed product descriptions and photos to help buyers easily find what they’re looking for. Letgo is an app-based platform that focuses on buying and selling secondhand items among people in the same geographic area. Users can search for items with keywords, categories, and locations, as well as follow users with similar interests. Sellers can create detailed product listings and add photos of the item they are selling. Both websites offer secure payment methods and customer support features to ensure a safe transaction process.

History of Giva

Giva is a software company that specializes in customer service solutions. Founded in 1999, the company has been providing cloud-based applications and services to help businesses manage their customer service operations. Over the years, Giva has developed innovative solutions to help organizations streamline their customer service processes and reduce costs. Giva has won numerous awards for its customer service solutions, including a Stevie Award for Customer Service Excellence.

Giva Status

The Giva website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:24).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:24.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing Giva's website? .


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