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Top Alternatives to OneDrive: A List of Similar Cloud Storage Solutions

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-28 00:19:22

Are you looking for a OneDrive alternative? If you're looking for a cloud storage solution, but are not satisfied with OneDrive, there are plenty of other options available. Here's a list of the top similar websites like OneDrive that offer reliable cloud storage, along with the features and benefits that each offers.

OneDrive Alternatives

Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. It allows users to store files in the cloud, share files, and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with collaborators.

Both OneDrive and Google Drive offer cloud storage and file sharing capabilities. Both have mobile apps and web-based interfaces. They also offer a certain amount of free storage.

OneDrive offers more storage for a lower cost, while Google Drive offers better integration with other Google products.

Is Google Drive a good alternative?


Dropbox is a cloud storage and file sharing service that allows users to store and access files from anywhere. It is designed to make collaboration easy, and it syncs across devices so all your files are always up-to-date.

Both OneDrive and Dropbox offer cloud storage and file sharing capabilities. They both have mobile apps and web-based interfaces.

OneDrive offers more storage for a lower cost, while Dropbox offers more features such as collaboration tools and a more user-friendly interface.

Is Dropbox a good alternative?


Box is a cloud-based content management, workflow and collaboration platform that enables users to securely store, share, and manage their files in the cloud.

Both OneDrive and Box offer cloud storage and file sharing capabilities. They both have mobile apps and web-based interfaces.

OneDrive offers more storage for a lower cost, while Box is more suited for businesses, with more advanced security and collaboration features.

Is Box a good alternative?

Amazon Drive

Amazon Drive provides secure online storage for your photos, videos, documents, music, and more. With Amazon Drive, you can easily access your files from any device and share them with friends and family.

Both OneDrive and Amazon Drive offer cloud storage and file sharing capabilities. They both have mobile apps and web-based interfaces.

OneDrive offers more storage for a lower cost, while Amazon Drive offers better integration with Amazon products.

Is Amazon Drive a good alternative?


iCloud is a cloud storage and backup solution from Apple that enables users to securely store data, including documents, photos, and music, and access them from any device. iCloud is integrated into all of Apple's products, including iPhones, iPads, Macs, and Apple TVs, and is accessible online through the iCloud website.

Both OneDrive and iCloud offer cloud storage and file sharing capabilities. They both have mobile apps and web-based interfaces.

OneDrive offers more storage for a lower cost, while iCloud is more suited for Apple products, with better integration with other Apple products.

Is iCloud a good alternative?


pCloud is a secure cloud storage platform that enables users to store, share, and work on all their files. With pCloud, users can access their files from any device, anytime, and anywhere.

Both OneDrive and pCloud offer cloud storage and file sharing capabilities. They both have mobile apps and web-based interfaces.

OneDrive offers more storage for a lower cost, while pCloud offers more features such as end-to-end encryption and a more user-friendly interface.

Is pCloud a good alternative?
| is a secure cloud storage that provides a simple and secure way to store, back up, and share files. It is accessible from anywhere and features end-to-end encryption, keeping your data safe and secure.

Both OneDrive and offer cloud storage and file sharing capabilities. They both have mobile apps and web-based interfaces.

OneDrive offers more storage for a lower cost, while offers more features such as end-to-end encryption and an emphasis on privacy.

Is a good alternative?


SharePoint is a powerful collaboration platform that helps organizations share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to facilitate better business decisions and outcomes.

Both OneDrive and SharePoint are web-based services from Microsoft designed to help users store and share files.

OneDrive is more geared toward individual storage and collaboration, while SharePoint is more suited for larger business organizations with a need for secure document management.

Is SharePoint a good alternative?


Blue is an all-in-one cloud platform designed to help businesses manage their operations more effectively and efficiently. Our cloud-based platform offers a suite of business applications, such as project management, data analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM) tools, that enable users to collaborate and work smarter.

Both OneDrive and Blue provide secure cloud storage solutions for businesses and individuals.

OneDrive is owned by Microsoft, while Blue is an independent provider of cloud storage services.

Is Blue a good alternative?


Cloud is a cloud computing platform that provides businesses with an easy way to access and manage their IT resources. It offers an array of services, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). With cloud, users can create, deploy, and manage applications, websites, and databases in the cloud with ease.

Both OneDrive and Cloud are online storage solutions that allow users to store and access data from any device connected to the internet.

OneDrive is a specific Microsoft product whereas Cloud is a generic term that can describe any type of online storage service.

Is Cloud a good alternative?


CrashPlan provides backup and recovery solutions for businesses and individuals. It offers comprehensive data protection and recovery options, including secure cloud storage, local backup, and archiving. With CrashPlan, users can ensure their data is secure and always accessible, no matter the device or platform.

Both OneDrive and CrashPlan provide secure cloud storage solutions.

OneDrive is designed for personal file storage, while CrashPlan offers additional business-oriented features like central management and data encryption.

Is CrashPlan a good alternative?


Size is an online shopping platform that makes it easy to find the perfect size for any clothing item. With a vast selection of sizes and styles, you’re sure to find something that fits your needs.

Both OneDrive and Size are cloud storage websites, meaning they allow users to store data on remote servers.

OneDrive is a product of Microsoft and provides users with 1TB of storage space while Size offers unlimited storage capacity.

Is Size a good alternative?

Google Docs

Google Docs is an online word processor that lets you create and format documents and collaborate with other people in real time.

Both OneDrive and Google Docs are online storage services.

OneDrive is owned by Microsoft whereas Google Docs is owned by Google.

Is Google Docs a good alternative?

Download is the best source for finding and downloading the latest versions of software and apps for all types of devices.

Both websites provide a platform for users to store and access digital files.

OneDrive is a cloud storage service while Download is a website offering free software downloads.

Is Download a good alternative?

OneDrive Head-To-Head

OneDrive is Microsoft’s online storage service, offering users a convenient way to store and access their personal data. In this head-to-head comparison, we will take a look at OneDrive and its features in comparison with other leading web storage solutions. We’ll examine various aspects such as price, security and usability, so you can make an informed decision when choosing the right cloud storage solution for your needs.


OneDrive and SharePoint are cloud-based storage solutions from Microsoft. Both offer a variety of features to help users store, sync, and share files across devices. OneDrive is geared towards individual users while SharePoint is better suited for teams. OneDrive provides an easy way to store and access personal files on any device with the ability to backup files automatically. It also allows users to collaborate on documents in real-time with friends or colleagues. The ability to set permissions for different levels of access is also useful for controlling who has access to certain documents. SharePoint is designed for enterprise collaboration, allowing teams to work together on projects from anywhere in the world. It enables teams to create websites, share documents, and keep everyone informed via group calendar events or announcements. In addition, it offers powerful search capabilities so that users can easily find people and content quickly within their organizations. Overall, OneDrive is great for individuals looking for a simple way to store and back up personal files while SharePoint is ideal for larger organizations that need a more advanced solution for team collaboration and document sharing.


OneDrive and Blue are two cloud-based storage providers that offer a variety of features for users to store, share and manage files online. With OneDrive, users can store up to 5TB of data in the cloud and access their files from any device. It also has a wide range of collaboration tools, including real-time editing, file sharing and version control. Blue offers secure storage with end-to-end encryption and multiple levels of authentication. It also provides advanced administrative controls allowing administrators to configure user access privileges. Both platforms offer team security features such as encrypted file transfers and secure backups to protect company data. However, OneDrive offers more collaboration features than Blue such as co-authoring documents in Office 365 applications and chat capabilities within the platform.

Google Drive

OneDrive and Google Drive are two popular cloud storage services. While they both provide a secure way to store files, there are a few differences in the features they offer. OneDrive is powered by Microsoft and integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products, such as Office 365, making it ideal for businesses that rely on the Microsoft suite of products. Users can share documents and collaborate in real-time with others who also have a OneDrive account. The service also offers advanced security features such as data encryption, two-factor authentication, and multi-factor authentication. Google Drive is powered by Google and integrates with many of their other services, such as Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. It’s particularly useful for those who need to access their files from multiple devices or platforms as it allows users to sync files across multiple devices. The service also has enhanced security measures, including data encryption and virus scanning capabilities. In conclusion, OneDrive and Google Drive both provide secure cloud storage options with a variety of features tailored to different user needs.


OneDrive and Cloud are both online cloud storage solutions that allow users to store and share files with others. Both services offer a range of features, such as file synchronization, storage capacity and access control. OneDrive offers 5GB of free storage capacity, while Cloud offers 20GB of free storage capacity. OneDrive has an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, while Cloud has a more advanced user experience with a variety of customization options. In terms of file sharing, both platforms have similar capabilities, allowing users to share documents and files securely with other people via email or links. OneDrive also provides integration with Microsoft Office apps for easy collaboration on documents, spreadsheets and presentations. The two services also differ in terms of access control; OneDrive allows users to set user-level permissions for different folders and files, while Cloud does not have this feature. Additionally, OneDrive has built-in encryption features that ensure data security while it is stored in the cloud. Overall, both OneDrive and Cloud offer reliable cloud storage solutions with similar features but different levels of customization options and security measures.


OneDrive and Box are two popular cloud storage solutions that offer users the ability to store, sync, and share files. While both services provide users with file storage capabilities, there are some key differences between the two. OneDrive offers a standalone cloud storage option for individual users as well as plans for businesses of any size. It has a wide range of collaboration features including real-time co-authoring in Office Online, sharing control and settings, commenting on files and folders, access from multiple devices and platforms, and advanced mobile features like offline access. On the other hand, Box is an enterprise-grade content management system which offers secure collaboration tools for teams. Businesses can use Box to store their documents in the cloud while also setting up permissions and security policies to protect sensitive information. It’s integrated with Microsoft Office 365 and G Suite allowing teams to collaborate on documents in real time while keeping versions up-to-date. It also offers integration with over 1,000 third party apps including Salesforce, Dropbox, Slack etc. Ultimately OneDrive is best suited for individual users or small businesses looking for basic cloud storage options whereas Box is better suited for larger enterprises requiring more robust collaboration tools and security measures.


OneDrive and CrashPlan are two cloud storage solutions that allow users to store, back up, and share digital files. Both services offer secure storage with easy access, while OneDrive is a Microsoft product that integrates with Windows and Office applications, while CrashPlan provides comprehensive data backup and restoration options. OneDrive offers 5 GB of free storage space with the option to purchase more if needed. It also allows users to easily sync files across devices, as well as share them with others. However, it does not provide a direct download link for files stored in its cloud – instead, users have to log into their account to access them. CrashPlan supports multiple platforms, including Mac OS X and Linux. It has an unlimited storage capacity for users who purchase the subscription service, and allows for incremental backups of individual files or entire folders. Additionally, the software can be configured to create backups on external hard drives or other remote systems for redundancy purposes. Furthermore, it offers direct links for file downloads from its cloud storage. Overall, both OneDrive and CrashPlan offer good solutions for storing and sharing digital files securely in the cloud. For those looking for basic backup options but don’t need advanced features such as remote backup or direct download links might prefer OneDrive due its integration with Windows and Office applications; however those who require detailed control over their data may find the full feature set provided by CrashPlan more suitable.


OneDrive and Dropbox are both cloud storage solutions that allow users to keep their files safe and accessible from anywhere. Both offer a wide range of features, though they have some differences. OneDrive offers a better integration with the Microsoft 365 suite, while Dropbox is more suited for collaboration. OneDrive allows users to sync files across multiple devices and has a built-in Office suite with applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, making it ideal for teams that use the Microsoft ecosystem. Dropbox also has an offline mode for working on documents when not connected to the internet, as well as shared folders to make it easy for teams to work together on projects. Additionally, both services offer additional security measures such as two-factor authentication and encrypted file transfers.

Google Drive

OneDrive and Google Drive are both cloud storage services that allow users to store, share, and access their data from anywhere. They both offer features such as file versioning, collaboration tools, and automatic file sync. OneDrive is part of Microsoft 365 and offers integration with Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. It also allows users to password protect shared links and set an expiration date for the link. Google Drive is part of the G Suite family of products and integrates with other Google products like Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail and Calendar. It has a large free storage capacity and allows users to search for files using keywords or phrases. Additionally, Google Drive has advanced AI-based machine learning capabilities that allow users to quickly find files they need.


OneDrive and Size are two cloud storage services designed for individuals and companies alike to store and share files. Both offer a variety of features, including file sharing, secure storage, file syncing, online collaboration tools and mobile access. OneDrive provides up to 5GB of free cloud storage space with an easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to store, share and access files. Users can also upgrade to OneDrive for Business which comes with 1TB of secure storage space. With OneDrive users can access their data from any device or web browser as well as sync their documents across multiple devices. It also offers real-time collaboration on Microsoft Office documents with co-workers in different locations. Size is a cloud storage service that offers up to 10GB of free secure cloud storage with an intuitive user interface and mobile access. It allows users to securely store, organize, share and collaborate on files from any device or web browser in real-time. It also offers advanced security features like two-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption for added protection against data loss or theft. Size also provides a single dashboard for managing all your digital assets in one place.

Google Docs

OneDrive and Google Docs are two popular cloud storage services, each with their own unique features. OneDrive is part of the Microsoft Office suite, giving users access to a range of Office applications and tools. It also offers one terabyte of free storage space and unlimited file size uploads. Google Docs is a web-based document editor that allows users to create, store, and collaborate on files in real-time. While it doesn't offer as much storage space as OneDrive, it does have powerful collaboration features such as real-time editing and commenting capabilities. Additionally, Google Docs has AI-powered features such as Smart Compose for quickly drafting documents. Both platforms are secure and offer multiple security layers like encryption, two factor authentication, and activity monitoring to keep your data safe. No matter what platform you choose, both OneDrive and Google Docs are intuitive services that provide a secure way to store your files in the cloud.


OneDrive and Download are both websites that allow users to store, share, and access files from anywhere. Both offer features such as drag-and-drop file sharing and secure file storage. However, there are some differences between the two services. OneDrive is owned by Microsoft and has a tightly integrated user interface with Windows 10, making it easy for users to switch back and forth between their local files stored on their computer and those stored in OneDrive. It also offers collaboration features such as file sharing with other users and a feature that allows users to view revisions of files over time. Download is a cloud storage service focused on providing fast downloads for large files. Its user interface is simple and streamlined, allowing for easy navigation of folders, downloads, and uploaded files. It also provides security options such as password protection for shared files, expiring links for shared content, and two-factor authentication. In addition, Download offers an API that allows integrations with third-party applications such as Slack or Dropbox.


OneDrive and Evernote are both cloud-based services that allow users to store, share, and access their files, documents, photos, videos, and other data. While they both offer user-friendly experiences with features such as syncing between devices and easy sharing options, there are key differences between the two services. OneDrive is a file storage system from Microsoft that allows users to store files in the cloud and access them from anywhere. It offers 1TB of free storage space for personal use, making it an ideal choice for those who need to store large amounts of data. It also features collaborative tools such as co-authoring documents and folder sharing with others. Evernote is a productivity tool designed to help users organize their ideas and tasks across multiple devices. It has tools such as note taking, task lists, image saving, PDF annotation and more. Additionally, it has powerful searching capabilities so users can quickly find specific notes or documents they are looking for.


OneDrive and Enterprise are both cloud storage solutions that have the potential to help small businesses and enterprises manage their data more effectively. OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage platform, while Enterprise is a similar service offered by Dropbox. Both services offer robust security protocols, as well as excellent collaboration tools to facilitate communication between team members. OneDrive allows users to store up to 5TB of data on the cloud, while Enterprise offers unlimited storage space. This can be beneficial for businesses with large files or multiple users who need access to the same information. Additionally, OneDrive offers a wide range of options for sharing and collaborating on documents, including the ability to grant permissions based on specific roles within an organization. On the other hand, Enterprise provides an integrated chat tool for easy collaboration among team members in real-time. In terms of security features, both platforms offer secure encryption methods to protect user data from unauthorized access or malicious attacks. However, OneDrive also offers multi-factor authentication as an additional layer of protection against hackers. Furthermore, OneDrive supports integration with Office 365 applications for better compatibility with existing processes and procedures. Enterprise does not offer this feature at this time.


OneDrive and Flickr are both online storage solutions, but they differ in terms of features. OneDrive offers a cloud-based solution that allows users to store and share files, as well as sync files across devices. It also provides a range of office applications and collaboration tools. Flickr is an image hosting service that allows users to store, organize, and share photos, as well as videos. Both services offer sharing capabilities and provide access from multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. However, OneDrive offers more in terms of file formats with support for Office documents and other file types such as PDFs while Flickr supports only image formats. Additionally, OneDrive offers versioning which stores previous versions of files so that users can roll back changes while Flickr does not provide this feature.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

OneDrive and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) are both data storage and file transfer solutions. OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage system, while FTP is a protocol used to securely transfer files over the internet. OneDrive is designed for personal use, allowing users to easily store, share, and collaborate on files with family, friends, or colleagues. It offers advanced security features such as version control and data encryption. Files can be synced between devices and accessed from anywhere. FTP allows users to securely transfer large files across multiple computers by setting up an FTP server on one computer. It is often used by businesses due to its ability to handle large volumes of data quickly and efficiently. It also provides enhanced security measures such as password protection for access control. However, it does not offer real-time synchronization or collaboration capabilities like OneDrive does.

Google Photos

OneDrive and Google Photos are two cloud storage services that provide users with an easy way to store, share, and manage their photos and other files. OneDrive is a Microsoft product which offers 5GB of free storage space for users. It allows for file sharing with other OneDrive users or through a public link. It also includes Office web apps so you can edit documents from within the app. OneDrive also has a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, allowing you to access your files from anywhere. Google Photos is a Google product providing 15GB of free storage space for users. It offers automatic backup of your photos, making it easy to store them in the cloud without deleting them from your device or computer. You can also easily share and collaborate on photos with friends and family on Google Photos. The app also has a number of editing tools to help enhance your images before sharing them online. Additionally, you can use the mobile app to access photos stored in Google Photos on your iOS or Android device.


OneDrive and GitHub are two cloud-based storage solutions that allow users to store and share their files, photos, documents and other digital content online. OneDrive is a file hosting service developed by Microsoft that offers users 5 GB of free storage space with the option to upgrade for additional storage. It also allows users to open and edit documents directly in their web browser using the Office Online suite of apps. On the other hand, GitHub is a version control system and web-based hosting service for software development projects. It offers unlimited public repositories with up to three collaborators per repository for free, as well as private repositories for subscription plans. Both services offer features like file sharing, collaboration tools, access from any device, security features such as backups and encryption, and integration with popular third-party services like Dropbox or Google Drive. However, OneDrive focuses more on personal data management while GitHub provides more support for software development processes.


Microsoft OneDrive and Gmail are both popular cloud-based services designed to store, share and manage data. OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage service, allowing users to store their personal files and documents in the cloud for easy access from any device. Gmail is Google’s email service, providing users with unlimited storage space for email messages, attachments and more. OneDrive offers a robust file storage system, allowing users to create folders and organize their files into different categories. It also includes a range of security features such as two-factor authentication and encryption. Additionally, it allows users to share files with other OneDrive users, or even generate a link that can be sent to non-users for instant download access. Gmail's main feature is its web interface which provides an easy way to organize emails and attach files quickly. It also features powerful search capabilities that enable you to easily find specific emails or attachments stored within your inbox. Furthermore, Gmail automatically filters out spam messages to prevent them from clogging up your inbox and allows you to set up multiple accounts for better organization of your email messages. Overall, both OneDrive and Gmail are great services designed with convenience in mind; so it really depends on the type of data you need stored in the cloud as well as how much control you want over it in terms of security settings and user permissions.


OneDrive and Mega are two popular cloud storage platforms that give users the ability to sync, store, and share a variety of files. OneDrive is owned by Microsoft and tightly integrated into their Windows operating system, while Mega is an independent company owned by Kim Dotcom. OneDrive offers an Office Online suite with online versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as 1TB of free storage with a Microsoft account. In comparison, Mega offers 50GB of free storage, but does not offer any type of Office Online suite. Both platforms offer end-to-end encryption for secure file transfers and both have apps available for mobile devices. However, OneDrive's app is much more sophisticated than Mega's basic mobile application. Additionally, OneDrive has the ability to store files in the cloud and sync them across multiple devices automatically; while Mega requires manual syncing if you wish to keep your files up-to-date across multiple devices.


OneDrive and OneNote are two of the most popular cloud storage and note taking platforms available. While they have many similarities, there are key differences between them that make them suitable for different tasks and users. OneDrive is a cloud storage platform that allows users to store, access, and share files online. It also provides synchronization capabilities so files can be accessed across multiple devices. Additionally, it has advanced security features such as encryption and two-factor authentication. On the other hand, OneNote is a digital notebook that allows users to take notes, record audio, add images and videos, draw sketches and diagrams, tag notes, create checklists, organize information in notebooks, collaborate with other people in real time, and more. It also provides integration with Office 365 products like Word or Excel for easy data manipulation. In conclusion, both OneDrive and OneNote offer great features to help users organize their information efficiently; however depending on the primary need of the user one may be more suited than the other.

History of OneDrive

OneDrive is a cloud storage service that was first launched in 2008 as part of Windows Live. It allowed users to store and share files, photos, and music. In 2011, the service was upgraded to include Office 365 integration, allowing for the sharing of documents across devices. In 2014, OneDrive was made available as a standalone service, opening up its features to a much wider audience. Since then, OneDrive has been regularly updated with new features and improved functionality.

OneDrive Status

The OneDrive website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:39).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:39.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing OneDrive's website? .


  • Can I just get one of these sites to store all of the other nine?

    2023-02-08 21:16:51 ·
  • Looks like I'll have to start saving my files in all of these places, just to be safe!

    2023-02-28 10:00:54 ·
  • At least now I can use one of these sites to store the other ones' passwords!

    2023-05-30 16:27:04 ·
  • Does this mean I can store my files in ten different places at the same time?

    2023-09-08 02:16:57 ·
  • Wow, I'm just overwhelmed with all these options!

    2023-11-17 20:07:50 ·
  • I'm going to need a bigger hard drive now!

    2023-12-06 14:46:55 ·
  • I guess I'm going to be spending a lot of time organizing all my files now!

    2023-12-16 04:15:00 ·
  • I'm definitely going to need a cheat sheet to keep track of all these websites!

    2024-01-05 01:09:43 ·
  • Great - now I have to remember ten different usernames and passwords!

    2024-07-11 17:24:57 ·
  • Wow, I didn't know I could store files in so many different places!

    2024-07-16 03:51:24 ·