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7 Alternatives to PureChat You Can Use for Live Chat Support

By Gregor K. published about 2023-02-03 13:43:21

Are you looking for a live chat service that is similar to PureChat? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will provide you with a list of similar websites like PureChat that offer top-notch customer service. From customer-centric innovations to powerful features, these websites have all the right stuff to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Keep reading to discover the best websites that are similar to PureChat.

PureChat is a live chat software for websites that allows you to engage with your website visitors in real-time.


  • Engage with visitors in real-time
  • Monitor website activity
  • Create automated triggers
  • Customize the look and feel of the chat window
  • Integrate with popular services and apps

PureChat Alternatives


Olark is a customer support software that provides an all-in-one solution for sales, support, and feedback. It allows businesses to communicate directly with their customers in real-time.

Similar features such as live chat, visitor tracking, automated messages, and integrations with popular CRMs and analytics tools.

Olark offers unlimited chat operators and users, whereas PureChat is limited to the plan you choose.

Is Olark a good alternative?


LiveChat is the most popular live chat software solution for customer support teams. It is easy to use and customize, and provides a number of features, like proactive chat invitations and automated chat triggers.

Both offer real-time customer service with visitor tracking, automated messages, and integrations with popular CRMs and analytics tools.

LiveChat offers more features such as canned responses, reports, and surveys than PureChat.

Is LiveChat a good alternative?
| is a live chat software that allows businesses to communicate with website visitors in real time. It provides a simple, easy to use interface that works on all devices, allowing customers to chat with customer service agents, sales teams and support teams.

Real-time customer service, automated messages, and integrations with popular CRMs and analytics tools. offers unlimited chat operators and users, whereas PureChat is limited to the plan you choose.

Is a good alternative?


Intercom is a unified messaging platform for customer communication. It provides a single interface for managing all your customer conversations across web, social, and mobile channels. With Intercom, companies can easily connect with customers, build relationships, and drive more sales without having to switch between different messaging tools.

Live chat, automated messages, and integrations with popular CRMs and analytics tools.

Intercom provides a more sophisticated solution with more features such as user profiles, surveys, and marketing automation.

Is Intercom a good alternative?

Zendesk Chat

Zendesk Chat is a customer service software that makes it easy to connect with customers in real-time. It enables businesses to provide personalized, responsive support and improve customer satisfaction.

Real-time customer service, visitor tracking, automated messages, and integrations with popular CRMs and analytics tools.

Zendesk Chat offers more features such as canned responses, reports, and surveys than PureChat.

Is Zendesk Chat a good alternative?


Freshchat is a modern messaging platform designed to help businesses provide better customer service and foster meaningful conversations across multiple channels. It comes with an intuitive interface, powerful live chat capabilities, and AI-driven automation, making it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes.

Live chat, automated messages, and integrations with popular CRMs and analytics tools.

Freshchat provides a more sophisticated solution with more features such as user profiles, surveys, and marketing automation.

Is Freshchat a good alternative?


Chatbot is a leading provider of artificial intelligence-powered chatbot solutions for businesses. Our chatbot platform helps companies create engaging customer experiences, automate customer service processes, and streamline customer support operations. Our AI-powered chatbot technology allows businesses to create customer-centric conversations, automate repetitive tasks, and provide personalized customer support.

Live chat, automated messages, and integrations with popular CRMs and analytics tools.

Chatbot offers more features such as natural language processing, custom integrations, and AI-powered bots than PureChat.

Is Chatbot a good alternative?

Cricket is the official website of cricket, providing up-to-date news, scores, videos, and other information about the game and its players.

Both websites provide customer service solutions.

PureChat is an online chat and messaging platform, while Cricket is a wireless provider.

Is Cricket a good alternative?

Straight Talk

Straight Talk is the leading provider of no-contract wireless services. With Straight Talk, you can save money on your monthly phone bill without sacrificing the quality of your service. You can choose from a variety of plans and phones, and customize your plan to fit your needs.

Both websites provide support and customer service to their users.

PureChat is a website used for online customer service, while Straight Talk is a website used to purchase prepaid wireless services.

Is Straight Talk a good alternative?


Spectrum is the fastest, most reliable internet, TV, and Voice service provider in the US. With over 45 million customers nationwide, Spectrum offers the best in entertainment, internet, and phone service.

Both PureChat and Spectrum are customer service solutions that help businesses provide support to customers.

PureChat is an online messaging platform while Spectrum offers a suite of tools for customer service teams.

Is Spectrum a good alternative?


Visible is an all-digital wireless service that provides unlimited data, minutes, and texts with no annual contracts or hidden fees. Plus, you can stream anytime, anywhere with no surprise charges.

Both PureChat and Visible are customer service solutions that allow businesses to communicate with their customers.

PureChat is a live chat software whereas Visible is a customer support platform with built-in analytics.

Is Visible a good alternative?

PureChat Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of PureChat and other websites. In this article, we'll be taking a look at the features, benefits, and drawbacks of each of these websites. We'll compare the user interface design, customer service options, integrations with other platforms, ease of use, and pricing model. So if you're considering using one of these services to improve your website's customer experience or are just curious about how they stack up against each other, read on!


PureChat and Cricket are both chat software platforms that allow businesses to manage customer conversations in real-time. PureChat offers features such as custom chat window design, automated greetings, analytics tracking and reporting, predefined auto-responses, integrations with third party apps, and a mobile app for Android and iOS devices. Cricket provides features such as advanced analytics and reporting, multi-channel support (including voice), integrated SMS services, multiple agent dashboards with drag & drop functionality, canned responses, call routing optimization tools, intelligent lead scoring based on customer behavior and more. Both platforms also offer team collaboration tools to help keep communication organized between agents.

Straight Talk

PureChat and Straight Talk are both customer support solutions that help businesses connect with their customers. PureChat offers a cloud-based solution that allows businesses to communicate with customers online in real time. It provides an array of features such as chat widgets, automated triggers, proactive chat, and visitor tracking. Additionally, it offers integration with third party services such as Salesforce and Zendesk. On the other hand, Straight Talk provides a range of unified communication solutions for small businesses including voice & video calling, messaging, web conferencing, contact center software, and more. It also features team collaboration tools such as file sharing and task management. Both platforms offer detailed analytics and reporting tools to help companies better understand customer service trends and behavior.


PureChat and Spectrum are both customer service platforms designed to help businesses communicate with their customers. PureChat provides a simple user interface with customizable chat windows, while Spectrum offers more features including live video and audio support as well as advanced reporting. Both platforms offer features that enable businesses to engage with their customers in real time, such as instant messaging and automated responses. However, PureChat is focused more on providing an efficient chat solution for customer service teams, while Spectrum has a wider range of options for teams looking to provide comprehensive online customer service. PureChat also allows users access to their chat history and the ability to create custom forms for collecting information from customers, while Spectrum includes tools for creating custom email campaigns as well as detailed analytics.


PureChat and Visible are both live chat software solutions for businesses looking to optimize their customer service. PureChat offers a free version of their software which allows for unlimited chats, branding options, and custom forms. Visible, on the other hand, is a full-featured solution that offers advanced features such as automated messages, real-time analytics, queue management and more. Both offer integrations with popular CRM platforms including Salesforce and Zendesk. PureChat also supports communication via text message while Visible does not. In addition, PureChat can be integrated with multiple websites whereas Visible is limited to one website. Lastly, PureChat offers access to a library of canned responses while Visible does not.

History of PureChat

PureChat was founded in 2012 and is a customer messaging platform that allows businesses to communicate with their customers in real time. It provides features such as chatbot automation, live chat, and lead capture, enabling businesses to engage with customers more effectively. It also offers plugins to embed chat boxes on website pages and helps businesses to increase sales and customer satisfaction.

PureChat Status

The PureChat website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:44).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:44.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing PureChat's website? .


  • Can't wait to find out all the stories behind the people I'll be chatting with on these websites!

    2023-02-21 14:47:34 ·
  • Wow, now I can chat with complete strangers without having to leave my house! #PureChatRevolution

    2023-04-28 22:48:36 ·
  • Who needs friends when you have a list of websites like PureChat to talk to strangers!

    2023-06-30 21:22:45 ·
  • J S

    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm ready to join the #PureChatClub!

    2023-11-30 00:54:21 ·
  • Finally, I can avoid talking to my family members by using one of these websites!

    2024-01-29 22:06:28 ·
  • I'm not sure if this is a blessing or a curse, but I'm excited to find out!

    2024-02-11 18:42:19 ·
  • I'm not sure if I'm more excited about the list of similar websites or the fact that I can now chat with random people!

    2024-06-05 08:26:10 ·
  • Chatting with strangers has never been easier - thanks to this list of similar websites!

    2024-07-11 10:27:48 ·