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Top 7 Alternatives to Jira for Project Management

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-22 01:31:59

Are you looking for websites similar to Jira? Jira is one of the most popular project management software solutions in the world, providing users with the ability to assign tasks, track progress, and collaborate with teams. But if you're looking for something a little different, there are plenty of alternatives out there. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best Jira alternatives and similar websites, so you can find the perfect fit for your project.

Jira Alternatives


Trello is an easy-to-use project management tool that helps teams of all sizes organize and collaborate on tasks, projects, and ideas. It’s easy to use, flexible, and powerful.

Organization of tasks, tracking progress, and collaboration

Trello is highly visual while Jira is more text-based

Is Trello a good alternative?


Asana is a leading work management platform that helps teams manage their projects and tasks, collaborate with their colleagues, and track their progress. With Asana, teams can organize their work, break down complex projects, assign tasks, set deadlines, and share files. Asana provides visibility and accountability for teams to stay on track and achieve their goals.

Task management and collaboration

Asana is more focused on individual tasks while Jira is more project-oriented

Is Asana a good alternative?


Basecamp is project management software and team communication platform that helps teams stay organized, communicate better, and get more done.

Project management and collaboration

Basecamp is more suited for larger teams, while Jira is more suitable for smaller teams

Is Basecamp a good alternative?


Monday is a project management software that allows users to plan and arrange their tasks and projects in a simple, visual and customizable way. It provides teams with powerful tools to ensure the successful completion of projects.

Task tracking and collaboration is more focused on visualizing data, while Jira is more focused on tracking tasks

Is Monday a good alternative?


Wrike is a project management software designed to help teams organize their tasks and workflow, collaborate on projects, and track progress in real time.

Task organization and collaboration

Wrike is more focused on creating templates, while Jira is more focused on tracking tasks

Is Wrike a good alternative?

Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects is a project management suite that helps teams plan, collaborate and track their projects from start to finish. With a user-friendly interface and project templates, it makes the entire process easier.

Project management and collaboration

Zoho Projects is more focused on document sharing, while Jira is more focused on tracking tasks

Is Zoho Projects a good alternative?


Redmine is an open source, web-based project management and issue tracking tool. It allows users to manage multiple projects and associated subprojects, issues, and timelines. It offers issue tracking, time tracking, gantt charts and calendars, wiki, forums, and role based access control.

Task organization and tracking

Redmine is open source, while Jira is not

Is Redmine a good alternative?


Airtable is a flexible database and collaboration platform that helps teams organize and manage data in ways that make it easier to understand and use. It combines the ease of a spreadsheet with the power of a database to give users unprecedented control over their data.

Both Jira and Airtable are cloud-based software applications.

Jira is used for project management and bug tracking, while Airtable is used for database organization and collaboration.

Is Airtable a good alternative?


User is an all-in-one project management tool that helps businesses save time and effort when managing their projects. With a streamlined interface, users can quickly access task and project resources, assign tasks, track progress, share updates and collaborate in real-time.

Both Jira and User offer online software for project and issue tracking.

Jira is an enterprise-grade platform, while User is a more simple solution for smaller teams.

Is User a good alternative?


Work is an online job search platform that helps you find the right job for your skills, experience, and interests. With a variety of job categories and geographic locations to choose from, Work has something for everyone.

Both Jira and Work are platforms that enable users to manage projects and track tasks.

Jira is a software development project management tool, while Work is an online collaboration platform for teams.

Is Work a good alternative?


Project is a project management platform designed to help teams collaborate better, faster and easier. It is built to empower teams to work smarter and faster to get projects done.

Both Jira and Project are project management software tools.

Jira offers agile project management features while Project is a more traditional project management tool.

Is Project a good alternative?


GitHub is a development platform designed to help developers build, collaborate, and share better software. It provides a web-based graphical interface and desktop as well as mobile integration.

Both Jira and GitHub are web-based platforms used for project management and development.

Jira is a commercial service that offers issue tracking, workflow management, collaboration tools, and reporting capabilities, while GitHub is an open source platform designed for developers to host their projects and collaborate with other developers.

Is GitHub a good alternative?


ClickUp is the world's best project management and productivity platform, enabling teams to get more done faster. It is an all-in-one workspace for teams to collaborate, plan, organize, and track progress on their projects.

Both Jira and ClickUp are project management tools that help teams organize tasks, track progress and collaborate productively. However, Jira is best suited for larger and more complex projects, while ClickUp is designed to accommodate small teams with fewer features.

Is ClickUp a good alternative?


Epic is a leading provider of healthy snacks and meals, using only the highest quality ingredients that are ethically and sustainably sourced. Our products are designed to provide convenient, nutritious and delicious options for busy people on the go.

Both Jira and Epic are tracking tools used to manage software projects.

Jira is a cloud-based platform, while Epic is an on-premise solution.

Is Epic a good alternative?

Jira Head-To-Head

Welcome to our comparison of Jira and other websites! In this article, we will be exploring the features of Jira and comparing it to other websites. We'll be taking a look at the pros and cons of each website as well as their capabilities so that you can decide which one best fits your needs. By the end, you should have a better understanding of how Jira stacks up against its competitors. Let's get started!


Jira and Asana are two popular project management tools used by teams to collaborate and track progress on tasks. Both platforms offer project boards, assignable tasks, task deadlines, custom fields and timeline views. Jira is designed primarily for software development teams while Asana is suitable for all types of teams. Jira offers a more robust set of features than Asana such as advanced capabilities like code integration, workflow automation, bugs tracking, analytics, and customizable dashboards. It also allows users to customize projects with custom fields such as checkboxes, dates and dropdown menus. Asana's basic features include project boards, assignable tasks and timelines but it does not offer the level of customization that Jira does. Both platforms provide reporting capabilities but Jira offers more detailed reports including bug tracking reports, sprint burndown charts and velocity graphs which are not available in Asana. Additionally, Jira integrates with third-party applications like Slack and GitHub while Asana is limited to its own integration with other services like Google Calendar or Dropbox. Overall both tools offer useful features for their respective audiences however Jira is better suited for software development teams due to its comprehensive set of features while Asana may be more suitable for other types of teams due to its simpler user interface.


Jira and Airtable are two different types of software tools designed to help users manage their projects and tasks. Both have features that can help create an efficient workflow, but they have very different approaches. Jira is a project management tool designed to help teams collaborate on projects and tasks in real-time. It allows users to create and assign tasks, track progress, and customize workflows. Jira also has advanced reporting capabilities, allowing teams to gain insights into the performance of their projects. Airtable is also a project management tool but with a more flexible approach. It combines the simplicity of a spreadsheet with the power of databases, allowing users to quickly enter data, organize it into fields, and easily search for information. Airtable also offers advanced customization options like views and forms for creating custom dashboards or forms for capturing data from team members or customers. Finally, Airtable has powerful automation tools that allow users to automate processes like sending reminders or updating records when certain conditions are met.


Jira and User are project management software solutions that help teams plan, track and collaborate on projects. Both offer similar features such as task and issue tracking, project scheduling, resource management, and reporting capabilities. Jira has a powerful workflow engine that allows users to customize their processes to fit their specific needs. It also offers advanced capabilities such as Kanban boards, Scrum boards, custom fields, issue history tracking, time tracking and reporting tools. Additionally, Jira integrates with several other applications for further customization. User offers a more basic feature set than Jira with customizable workflows that allow users to set up tasks and projects quickly. It also includes features such as priority-based task planning, visual timeline views, collaboration tools and reporting options. However, User is more limited in terms of integration with other applications than Jira is.


Jira and Work are both project management tools that help teams collaborate on projects. Jira is more focused on agile development, offering features such as sprint planning, kanban boards, and agile reporting. It also offers custom fields, issue tracking, and time tracking. Work, on the other hand, provides a more comprehensive range of project management tools including task tracking, resource scheduling, budgeting and forecasting. It also provides an automated workflow engine to help automate repetitive workflows. Additionally Work offers an API for integrations with third party applications. Both Jira and Work offer collaborative editing capabilities such as real-time chat and file sharing. They also both provide mobile apps to allow users to stay connected while on the go.


Jira and Project are both project management software platforms that help organizations collaborate, plan, and track projects more efficiently. Both have a variety of features to help users streamline and manage their projects, such as task management, Gantt charts, resource allocation, and reporting. When comparing Jira and Project, there are several key features that set them apart. Jira is an agile project management tool designed for teams looking for a more flexible approach to managing tasks. It allows users to easily create workflows with custom fields and screens, as well as customize the workflow process. Additionally, Jira offers an array of integrations that enable users to connect with other tools such as Slack or GitHub. Project on the other hand is a traditional project planning tool that focuses on providing structure and order to projects. It provides users with advanced scheduling capabilities like task interdependencies and multiple timelines so they can keep track of all the details in their projects. Additionally, Project has powerful reporting capabilities to help monitor progress and make sure everything is on track. Overall, while both tools offer different approaches to managing projects, it's important for teams to consider which one is best suited for their needs before making a decision.


Jira and GitHub are two popular collaboration tools used by software development teams. Jira is a project management platform that helps teams plan, track, and release projects. It provides a wide range of features including issue tracking, kanban boards, sprints and releases, and scrum boards. GitHub is a version control system designed to help developers collaborate on code. It offers version control capabilities like code review, branching, merging, and pull requests for managing changes to the codebase. Both platforms provide powerful collaboration capabilities but differ in the areas they focus on. Jira focuses on tracking tasks and agile processes while GitHub focuses on providing an efficient way to share code between team members. With Jira's robust set of features, users have the ability to organize their projects in an efficient manner while also having visibility into progress across multiple teams. With its version control capabilities and comprehensive insights into the source code activity, GitHub provides developers with an effective way to work together on code without sacrificing quality or speed of delivery.


Jira and ClickUp are both popular project management tools that help teams stay organized and on top of tasks. Jira is best used for software development projects, while ClickUp is well-suited for a variety of use cases, from single users to enterprise teams. Jira offers a wide range of features designed for software development projects. Its workflow customization capabilities allow users to create custom statuses and transitions as needed, and its agile boards provide visual task tracking for Scrum and Kanban teams. It also allows developers to track bugs, build roadmaps, measure performance against project goals, assign tasks to team members, run reports, and even add code snippets directly into issues. ClickUp is an all-in-one work management solution that allows teams to break down any type of task into smaller subtasks with user-defined categories. It also offers features like Gantt charts for project planning and tracking progress over time; goal setting; reminders; automated workflows; document collaboration; inline commenting; private workspaces; calendar view; dependencies between tasks with automatic updates; integrations with Slack, Trello, Google Drive and more. Overall, ClickUp provides an intuitive user experience with powerful functionality that helps keep everyone on the same page.


Jira and Epic are both popular project management software solutions that businesses use to plan, track, and release projects. Jira is designed for developers, while Epic is designed for larger organizations who need to manage multiple projects and teams. Jira offers a range of features such as issue tracking, sprint planning and tracking, agile boards, reporting capabilities, customizable dashboards, and integration with third-party tools. It also has powerful search capabilities that enable users to quickly locate specific items within their projects. Epic provides a number of features including project portfolio management (PPM) tools for managing multiple initiatives across teams, collaboration tools to help teams work together effectively and efficiently, advanced reporting capabilities for better decision making, integration with third-party tools and services like Salesforce and Sharepoint, and the ability to customize user interfaces. Additionally, it includes gamification elements to motivate team members in completing tasks. Overall both solutions offer similar features but differ in terms of the target audience they appeal to; Jira is more suitable for developers while Epic is better suited for larger enterprises that need comprehensive PPM solutions.


Jira and Cloud are both project management software that are designed to help teams collaborate more effectively. Jira is designed for agile development and complex projects, while Cloud is designed for simple tasks and basic project tracking. Jira offers a range of features such as customizable workflows, issue tracking, reporting, automation tools, Kanban boards, and more. It integrates with third-party applications such as Slack, Asana, and Confluence for collaboration purposes. Additionally, it has an advanced search function that makes finding the right information easy. Cloud provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to quickly create projects and assign tasks to team members. It also offers mobile access so users can stay connected when on the go. Additionally, Cloud supports real-time collaboration with chat capabilities and file sharing options. It also includes reporting tools to help track progress and identify areas of improvement.


Jira and Clubhouse are both project management tools designed to help teams collaborate on projects and tasks. Jira provides a complex set of features that allow users to create workflows, customize their project boards, and track progress. It also includes automated reporting, real-time notifications, and resource management tools. Clubhouse is a simpler web-based tool that offers a light weight user interface and integrates with popular services like GitHub and Slack. With Clubhouse’s quick setup, users can quickly manage tasks, sprints, and stories while maintaining an easy to use workflow. Both platforms have dashboard views for status tracking and detailed reports as well as collaboration features like commenting, tagging, and attaching files. Additionally both Jira and Clubhouse offer Kanban boards with multiple columnsfor tracking your tasks.


Jira and Task are two popular project management websites designed to help teams stay organized and on track. Both offer a wide range of features, but they differ in how they are used. Jira is a collaboration tool that allows users to create tasks, assign them to team members, and track progress. It also supports multiple workflows, so teams can customize their processes to meet their needs. Additionally, Jira provides advanced reporting capabilities, allowing users to quickly analyze project data. Task is an online task manager designed specifically for task-oriented projects. It helps users organize tasks into lists, assign them to team members, set deadlines, and manage progress. Task also offers a range of features such as notifications and reminders to ensure tasks are completed on time. Finally, it integrates with other popular web applications such as Gmail and Slack for easy collaboration with teammates.

Microsoft Excel

Jira and Microsoft Excel are both powerful tools used in the workplace. Jira is a project tracking system that is ideal for businesses that need to manage multiple projects, while Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application that can be used for data analysis and visualization. Jira allows users to track tasks, prioritize work, assign resources, and create reports. It also has powerful collaboration features like issue tracking, agile boards, sprints, kanban boards, backlogs, and dashboards. Additionally it offers integrations with other applications like Slack and Google Sheets so teams can easily collaborate on projects. Microsoft Excel is an incredibly versatile tool for organizing, analyzing and presenting data in an easy-to-understand format. It includes features like formulas and functions which allow users to quickly perform calculations on large datasets; pivot tables which enable users to quickly summarize data; charts which help visualize data trends; filters that let users sort through large datasets; and macros which automate repetitive tasks. Excel also offers integration with other Microsoft Office programs as well as cloud storage services such as OneDrive or SharePoint. Overall both products offer powerful tools for managing projects or analyzing data but the specific use cases for each will depend on individual user needs.


Jira and Figma are both powerful tools that help teams collaborate, brainstorm, organize projects, and track progress. Jira is an issue tracking system that specializes in agile project management, while Figma is a design collaboration tool. Jira provides a centralized platform for teams to manage tasks, track progress, and discuss issues. Its features include customizable workflows, reporting capabilities, dashboards for monitoring progress, and integration with other software products. Jira also has built-in support for Agile development processes such as Scrum and Kanban. Figma is a collaborative online design tool that allows multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously. Its features include version control for designs, collaboration tools such as commenting and annotations, real-time co-editing of files across different devices or browsers, and easy integration with other design tools such as Adobe Creative Suite. Figma also offers unique features like vector networks which enable designers to quickly create complex designs with ease. Both Jira and Figma provide powerful tools for managing projects efficiently; however they have different focuses - Jira is best suited for tracking issues while Figma specializes in creating beautiful design assets quickly and collaboratively. Therefore it’s important to assess the specific needs of your team before deciding which one to use.

Google Sheets

Jira and Google Sheets are both web-based applications used for project management and data analysis, respectively. Both applications offer a range of features to help their users complete tasks efficiently. Jira provides comprehensive project tracking capabilities with features like task boards, sprints and workflows, designed to help teams better manage projects. The platform also offers integrations with popular tools like Slack and Bitbucket, making it easy to collaborate with colleagues on projects. Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet application that lets users collaborate on data analysis in real-time. It offers a range of powerful features including the ability to create charts and graphs from data sets, access large amounts of data quickly, and import/export files in various formats. It also supports collaboration with multiple users by giving them access to the same sheet at the same time.


Jira and HubSpot are two popular software solutions for managing projects, teams, and customer relationships. Jira is designed to help businesses track and manage issues, organize projects into tasks and subtasks, assign tasks to team members, and set deadlines. It also provides a reporting tool to help teams monitor progress. HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing solution that offers features such as email campaigns, social media postings, CRM integration, lead tracking, analytics tools, and automated workflows. Both platforms offer task management capabilities with different levels of customization. Jira has a comprehensive suite of features that are useful for agile project management while HubSpot provides powerful marketing features with automation tools. Neither platform has native collaboration capabilities but both can be integrated with existing third-party tools to achieve the same effect.


Jira and Hours are both project management software platforms that help teams track and manage work. Jira is a popular tool for managing software development projects, whereas Hours is more focused on helping small businesses track time and manage remote teams. Jira offers a range of features for managing development projects, such as issue tracking, bug tracking, agile project management, custom fields, and integration with 3rd party apps. It also supports collaboration by providing team members with an overview of progress including task boards and kanban boards, as well as enabling real-time communication through chat. Hours is focused on helping small businesses track time worked by employees remotely. It provides users with tools to create invoices and timesheets, monitor productivity with built-in insights, and automate payroll with integrations to major payroll solutions. Its reporting capabilities provide managers with insights into team performance over time. The platform also offers chat support for team collaboration.


Jira and Mural are both project management tools designed to help teams collaborate and accomplish tasks more efficiently. Jira is a comprehensive, feature-rich platform that facilitates the planning, tracking, and releasing of projects. It offers issue tracking and workflow automation capabilities, allowing users to prioritize tasks, assign them to team members, and track their progress. Jira also provides reporting features that allow teams to analyze their progress in real-time. Additionally, users can customize their work environment with various plug-ins. Mural is an online collaboration tool that enables teams to create virtual whiteboards for brainstorming ideas and visualizing data. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows users to quickly create boards and add digital sticky notes, pictures, videos, links, documents and other media elements to them. With its advanced visualization tools such as Kanban boards and mind maps, users can easily organize their thoughts into actionable plans. Other features include real-time collaboration on boards with multiple team members simultaneously as well as the ability to invite remote participants into meetings for brainstorming sessions over video conferencing or phone calls.


Jira is a bug tracking and project management software from Atlassian that allows teams to plan, track, and release product in an organized manner. It has built-in tools for issue tracking, project planning, sprints, user stories, and test management. Jira also enables reporting and analytics through its dashboard. Snow is a cloud-based Software Asset Management (SAM) solution designed for organizations to manage their software licenses. It provides visibility into existing software assets, allows users to identify unused or duplicate licenses, optimize software utilization, and track license compliance. Snow also offers features such as automated license reconciliation with vendor contracts, integrated onboarding processes for new installations of software products, and cost optimization recommendations.


Jira and JAMA are two very different websites that offer project management solutions for businesses. Jira is a highly configurable, cloud-based solution that focuses on providing customers with an agile framework for managing tasks and projects. It allows users to capture, prioritize, and track tasks from start to finish. Additionally, it offers real-time reporting capabilities, workflow automation, and integration with third-party applications. JAMA is a software suite designed for medical device manufacturers and provides traceability for medical device development processes. It offers features such as compliance tracking, issue management, configuration management, requirements management and validation testing. Unlike Jira, it does not offer any workflow automation or third-party integration capabilities. However, it helps companies manage their projects by providing an organized view of requirements and allowing them to keep track of changes made over time in a single repository. In conclusion, while both websites provide project management solutions to businesses they differ in terms of features offered by each one - Jira offering agile frameworks with customizable features while JAMA offering specialized capabilities tailored towards medical device manufacturing.


Jira and Java are both software development tools used by organizations to streamline the process of creating and managing applications. Jira is a project management platform designed to help teams plan, track, and release projects in an organized manner. It offers a wide range of capabilities such as issue tracking, agile development, custom reporting, and collaboration tools. Java is a programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems that is used to create dynamic web-based applications. It allows developers to write code in multiple languages and provides an extensive library of frameworks for rapid application development. Both tools are widely used by developers for various software development projects. Jira has features such as customizable workflows, task tracking, and project planning which makes it useful for teams in any field of development. Java is more focused on the creation of dynamic web-based software using its own set of rules and syntax. It also includes an extensive library of available APIs which can be leveraged to get more out of your code. With Java you have access to many additional third party libraries that can be used with the language as well as powerful debugging tools to quickly identify errors or inconsistencies within your codebase. Overall, Jira provides a comprehensive suite of project management capabilities while Java is focused on a specific area of software development – web-based coding with its own set of language rules and syntax. Both are essential software development tools for teams looking to quickly create applications with high levels of functionality and reliability.

History of Jira

Jira is a software development tool created in 2002 by Australian software company Atlassian. It was designed to help teams to plan, track, and manage agile software development. It quickly gained popularity among software development teams and has since become one of the leading project management tools in the industry. Its feature set has evolved to include bug tracking, issue tracking, project management, and more. Today, Jira is used by thousands of teams around the world to help them collaborate and manage their projects.

Jira Status

The Jira website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:29).

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  • I'm Jira-fied by all these options!

    2023-03-26 06:37:37 ·
  • This list is the Jira-zingest!

    2023-09-19 22:13:12 ·
  • Thanks for the Jira-mazing list!

    2023-10-05 23:49:48 ·
  • It's Jira-tastic!

    2023-11-10 08:35:25 ·
  • Wow, so many Jira-likes to choose from!

    2023-12-02 16:17:47 ·
  • I'm sure this list will come in Jira-ndy!

    2024-03-07 23:05:12 ·
  • I'm Jira-fied by the sheer number of alternatives!

    2024-06-03 09:40:22 ·
  • I'm sure I can find a Jira-ble substitute!

    2024-06-07 23:47:59 ·