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7 Websites Similar to JAMA for Medical Journal Research

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-20 07:31:48

Are you looking for a website similar to JAMA? JAMA is a great website, but if you're looking for something a little different, then look no further. In this article, we will be taking a look at a list of websites that are similar to JAMA. From medical journals to health-focused magazines, these websites have something for everyone. Whether you're looking for an interesting read or a place to find the latest medical news, this list has you covered. So, let's get started and find the perfect website for you.

JAMA is a global medical journal that publishes innovative research and provides timely, clinically relevant information to help physicians improve patient care. JAMA publishes original research, reviews, perspectives, editorials, and commentaries.


  • Innovative research and review articles
  • Clinically relevant information to improve patient care
  • Comprehensive editorial coverage
  • Multimedia content

JAMA Alternatives

New England Journal of Medicine

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is a weekly medical journal publishing research and review articles, as well as commentary on topics in medicine and public health. NEJM publishes information for physicians, researchers, and other health professionals.

Both are medical journals with a focus on publishing peer-reviewed medical research.

New England Journal of Medicine focuses more on clinical medicine whereas JAMA focuses more on health policy.

Is New England Journal of Medicine a good alternative?

The Lancet

The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. It is one of the world's oldest and best-known general medical journals. It covers all aspects of medicine, including original research, reviews, news, perspectives, and commentaries.

Both are medical journals that publish peer-reviewed medical research.

The Lancet has a more global focus than JAMA, and its main focus is on medical research.

Is The Lancet a good alternative?

PLOS Medicine

PLOS Medicine is an open-access, international, peer-reviewed medical journal publishing outstanding research and commentaries that describe research in all areas of clinical medicine.

Both are medical journals that publish peer-reviewed medical research.

PLOS Medicine focuses on open access publishing, while JAMA is subscription-based.

Is PLOS Medicine a good alternative?

Annals of Internal Medicine

The Annals of Internal Medicine is a leading medical journal and a premier source of reliable, evidence-based clinical decision support for physicians and other healthcare professionals. The journal publishes original research articles, practice guidelines, review articles, editorials, and other educational materials.

Both are medical journals that publish peer-reviewed medical research.

Annals of Internal Medicine focuses on internal medicine and primary care, while JAMA focuses more on health policy.

Is Annals of Internal Medicine a good alternative?


BMJ is an award-winning, evidence-based healthcare knowledge and research journal. It provides a range of trusted, up-to-date, and evidence-based medical publications and services for healthcare professionals. It also provides peer-reviewed medical information, research, and education for healthcare professionals, patients, and the public.

Both are medical journals that publish peer-reviewed medical research.

BMJ focuses more on general and family medicine, while JAMA focuses more on health policy.

Is BMJ a good alternative?

The New England Journal of Public Policy

The New England Journal of Public Policy (NEJPP) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that is dedicated to advancing the practice and theory of public policy in New England and beyond. Published by the McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston, NEJPP welcomes submissions from scholars, practitioners, and students that explore issues of public policy through empirical, theoretical, and qualitative research.

Both are journals that focus on publishing peer-reviewed research in the field of public policy.

The New England Journal of Public Policy focuses exclusively on public policy, while JAMA focuses more generally on health policy.

Is The New England Journal of Public Policy a good alternative?

American Medical Association Journal of Ethics

The American Medical Association Journal of Ethics (JAMA) is a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal that publishes original research, reviews, and commentaries on biomedical ethics, public health ethics, and related topics. It is the official journal of the American Medical Association and is published online by the AMA.

Both are journals that focus on publishing peer-reviewed research related to ethics.

The AMA Journal of Ethics focuses exclusively on ethics, while JAMA focuses more generally on health policy.

Is American Medical Association Journal of Ethics a good alternative?

Amazon Warriors

Amazon Warriors is a nonprofit that aims to protect the Amazon rainforest and its unique ecosystems. We work with local communities, scientists, and activists to create strategies and solutions that are tailored to the needs of the local people, their environment, and the planet as a whole.

Both websites provide access to articles and resources related to topics of interest.

JAMA is a peer-reviewed medical journal, while Amazon Warriors offers information about the ancient Amazonian civilization.

Is Amazon Warriors a good alternative?


Jira is a project and issue tracking software from Atlassian that allows teams to plan, track, and release world-class software. It provides end-to-end traceability, visibility, and automation across the development lifecycle.

Both JAMA and Jira are software development tools.

JAMA is a web-based project management tool while Jira is an issue tracking tool.

Is Jira a good alternative?

USA is the official website of the United States government and provides users with access to a wide range of government information and services, including federal, state, local and tribal resources.

Both websites are devoted to providing relevant news about current events in the United States.

JAMA provides medical journal entries and articles, while USA offers opinion pieces and political analysis.

Is USA a good alternative?

USA Today

USA Today is an American daily newspaper published by Gannett Company, Inc. It publishes articles on current events, U.S. and world news, sports, entertainment, money, weather, travel, health and technology.

Both websites are sources of information and entertainment.

JAMA is a peer-reviewed medical journal, whereas USA Today is a daily newspaper.

Is USA Today a good alternative?

JAMA Head-To-Head

Welcome to our comparison of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) with other websites. We will be taking a look at the features, user experiences, and content that each website offers. We'll also be exploring the ways in which these websites can help medical professionals stay informed and up to date on the latest developments in health care, medicine, and scientific research. With so many different sites out there, it's important to know which one is right for you. So let’s get started!

Amazon Warriors

The websites JAMA and Amazon Warriors each offer a variety of products for those looking for outdoor gear, apparel, and accessories. JAMA offers an extensive range of items specializing in outdoor sports such as fishing, hunting, and camping. They have a wide selection of clothing items and gear, as well as shoes and accessories. In addition to their online store, they also have physical locations throughout the United States. Amazon Warriors offers a range of outdoor items, from clothing and footwear to sporting goods and accessories. While they don’t have any physical locations like JAMA does, their website features a wide selection of products that are highly rated by customers. They also offer free shipping on orders over $50 across the US. Overall, both websites provide quality products for those looking for outdoor gear or apparel needs. However, JAMA has the advantage of offering physical stores in addition to their online store. On the other hand, Amazon Warriors is more suited to those who prefer shopping online due to its free shipping option on qualifying orders.


JAMA and Jira are both project management software. JAMA is designed for creating, managing, and collaborating on complex projects. It offers features such as document storage, task management, version control, and advanced reporting. Jira is a more comprehensive project management platform that includes features such as sprints and backlogs, agile boards, scrum boards, time tracking and project roadmaps. Both programs offer integration with other tools such as Slack, GitHub and Google Drive. JAMA has a visual dashboard for customizing the layout of projects while Jira has a more flexible user interface with customizable dashboards. Additionally, JAMA offers automated approval workflows while Jira does not.


JAMA and USA are both websites that offer digital marketing services. The key difference between JAMA and USA is the platform they use. JAMA uses a proprietary platform to provide their services, while USA utilizes an open-source platform built on WordPress. Both sites offer search engine optimization (SEO), web design and development, social media marketing, email marketing, content creation, analytics, and website hosting services. Additionally, both companies provide customer service in the form of phone or email support. When it comes to SEO, JAMA has access to more powerful tools such as keyword research tools and backlinking services; however, USA offers detailed analytics for tracking your SEO progress. For web design and development, both companies offer custom designs but with different levels of complexity. JAMA specializes in creating high-end designs for businesses of all sizes, while USA focuses more on user experience by offering simple yet attractive designs with a focus on usability. In terms of social media marketing, JAMA offers more detailed strategies supported by their own proprietary software while USA has access to third-party platforms such as HootSuite which enables them to manage multiple accounts at once. Lastly, both companies offer website hosting services but with different features. JAMA provides cloud hosting while USA provides a shared hosting environment with more control over servers and databases.

USA Today

JAMA and USA Today are two popular websites that provide news, commentaries, and other forms of entertainment. JAMA is a medical journal website, which offers free access to peer-reviewed research articles and case reports from medical experts. It also features the latest news on healthcare topics and trends. USA Today provides general news coverage with up-to-date information on national, international, business, sports, and entertainment stories. Both websites are user-friendly with navigation menus that make it easy to find what you're looking for. Additionally, they both feature interactive elements such as polls and quizzes that enhance the user experience. However, the design of each website differs; JAMA has an academic feel while USA Today has a more modern look and feel with lots of visuals. The content offered by both websites is comprehensive but differs in terms of focus; JAMA focuses more on health-related topics while USA Today covers a wider range of topics from politics to sports to entertainment.

History of JAMA

JAMA is a website that was founded in 1883 as a weekly journal, which has since evolved into a monthly journal published by the American Medical Association. It is a comprehensive resource for the latest in medical research, and features articles on a wide range of topics, including medical news, clinical practice, public health, health care policy, and medical education.

JAMA Status

The JAMA website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:29).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:29.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing JAMA's website? .
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  • I'm feeling overwhelmed...but excited!

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  • I'm gonna need a lot more coffee to get through this list.

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  • Is this my new to-do list?

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  • So many great sites, so little time!

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  • Time to get my nerd on!

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  • Is this JAMA-azing or what?

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