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10 Great Alternatives to Ontraport That Are Worth Looking Into

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-27 21:18:30

Are you looking for a great alternative to the popular business platform Ontraport? If so, then you've come to the right place! In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive list of websites similar to Ontraport that can help you manage your business more efficiently. From CRMs to email marketing platforms, you're sure to find a solution that suits your needs. So, what are you waiting for? Read on to discover the best Ontraport alternatives!



Ontraport is an all-in-one business automation platform designed to help entrepreneurs and small businesses streamline and simplify their operations. With Ontraport, users can create automated processes for customer relationship management (CRM), marketing automation, and e-commerce, as well as manage their finances, track inventory, and monitor employee performance.

Ontraport Alternatives


Infusionsoft is an all-in-one sales and marketing automation software designed to help entrepreneurs and small businesses succeed. With a full suite of powerful, intuitive tools, Infusionsoft helps automate marketing activities, build customer relationships, and manage sales and operations.

Both offer a comprehensive suite of marketing automation and CRM tools

Infusionsoft is focused primarily on small businesses, while Ontraport is suitable for mid-size businesses

Is Infusionsoft a good alternative?


Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that helps businesses of all sizes to connect with their customers, build relationships, and grow their brands. It offers a range of features that make it easy for users to create, send, and track email campaigns.

Both offer email marketing capabilities and powerful automation tools

MailChimp does not offer the same range of CRM and automation tools as Ontraport

Is Mailchimp a good alternative?


ActiveCampaign is a powerful marketing automation platform, empowering businesses to meaningfully engage their customers with automated campaigns across email, text, and social media.

Both offer a comprehensive suite of marketing automation and CRM tools

ActiveCampaign is more affordable than Ontraport, but does not offer the same level of customization and integration

Is ActiveCampaign a good alternative?


HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing and sales platform that helps businesses of all sizes grow better. It includes a powerful set of features and tools, such as content management, contact management, email marketing, and automation, that make it easier to attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers.

Both offer a comprehensive suite of marketing automation and CRM tools

HubSpot is more focused on large businesses while Ontraport caters to mid-size businesses

Is HubSpot a good alternative?


Keap is an all-in-one client management platform that helps small businesses automate their marketing and customer relations. It allows users to manage contacts, track sales opportunities, and create automated workflows that help them stay organized.

Both offer a comprehensive suite of marketing automation and CRM tools

Keap is focused primarily on small businesses, while Ontraport is suitable for mid-size businesses

Is Keap a good alternative?

Aritic PinPoint

Aritic PinPoint is a powerful marketing automation software that helps businesses increase customer engagement, improve customer experience and generate more leads. It offers a range of features such as email automation, customer segmentation, social media integration, customer relationship management and analytics.

Both offer a comprehensive suite of marketing automation and CRM tools

Aritic PinPoint caters to large businesses while Ontraport caters to mid-size businesses

Is Aritic PinPoint a good alternative?

Salesforce Pardot

Salesforce Pardot is a B2B marketing automation software that helps marketers create more leads, generate more pipeline, and empower sales to close more deals.

Both offer a comprehensive suite of marketing automation and CRM tools

Salesforce Pardot is more focused on large businesses while Ontraport caters to mid-size businesses

Is Salesforce Pardot a good alternative?


ClickFunnels is an all-in-one online business solution that helps entrepreneurs and businesses of any size quickly create funnels and sell products online. It simplifies the process of creating a website, making sales, and tracking results.

Both Ontraport and ClickFunnels are tools to help businesses grow.

Ontraport is a comprehensive business automation platform, while ClickFunnels is an all-in-one sales funnel builder.

Is ClickFunnels a good alternative?


Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that helps you create, market, and sell digital products and online courses. With Kajabi, you can easily create and manage your digital products and course content, as well as analyze and improve your sales performance.

Both Ontraport and Kajabi are platforms used to build websites, online stores, and marketing campaigns.

Ontraport focuses on automation, while Kajabi is ideal for creating digital products like online courses.

Is Kajabi a good alternative?


Kartra is an all-in-one marketing and sales platform designed to help entrepreneurs, small businesses, and digital marketers manage their entire online business in one place.

Both Ontraport and Kartra are software platforms that allow users to manage their online businesses.

Ontraport specializes in customer relationship management software, while Kartra provides comprehensive marketing automation solutions.

Is Kartra a good alternative?


Salesforce is the world’s #1 customer relationship management (CRM) platform. It helps businesses of all sizes to connect with customers, partners, and employees in entirely new ways. Salesforce offers a wide range of products and services that help organizations to grow their business, increase customer satisfaction, and streamline operations.

Both Ontraport and Salesforce are cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) tools.

Ontraport focuses on small businesses, while Salesforce is designed to support large enterprises.

Is Salesforce a good alternative?


Zoho is a comprehensive suite of cloud-based business solutions designed to help businesses of all sizes achieve their goals. Zoho offers a broad array of products including CRM, HR, accounts, project management, and more, all powered by AI and machine learning.

Both Ontraport and Zoho are customer relationship management (CRM) platforms designed to help businesses manage their customer relationships.

Ontraport focuses on automation and marketing while Zoho offers a more comprehensive suite of applications including project management and invoicing.

Is Zoho a good alternative?

Ontraport Head-To-Head

Are you looking for an efficient way to manage your online marketing, sales, and customer service efforts? If so, then Ontraport is a great option. This comprehensive platform is designed to help you streamline your operations and stay ahead of the competition. To get the most out of Ontraport, it’s important to understand how it compares to other websites. In this article, we’ll provide a head-to-head comparison of Ontraport with some of its top competitors. We’ll look at features, pricing models, and customer feedback to determine the best option for your company.


Ontraport and ClickFunnels are two popular tools used to create websites, landing pages, and marketing funnels. Ontraport is an all-in-one business automation platform that helps businesses manage customer relationships, generate leads, run campaigns and track results. It includes features such as email automation, contact management, A/B testing, and sales reporting. ClickFunnels is a drag-and-drop website builder specifically designed for creating marketing funnels. It features options for building both simple and complex funnel layouts, customizing each page with elements including headlines and forms, adding order bumps or upsells to an offer page, as well as implementing tracking codes for split testing. Both Ontraport and ClickFunnels allow users to integrate with third-party services such as payment processors or webinar platforms. The main difference between the two is that Ontraport provides more comprehensive automation capabilities while ClickFunnels focuses more on providing a visual editor for creating marketing funnels.


Ontraport and HubSpot are both customer relationship management (CRM) platforms designed to help businesses manage their marketing and sales efforts. Ontraport offers a suite of marketing automation tools that enable businesses to create personalized campaigns, track customer data, and automate tasks. With Ontraport, users can create custom forms and landing pages with built-in A/B testing; create drip campaigns; generate automated emails based on customer behavior; integrate with external services such as Zapier; use an analytics dashboard to track results; and more. HubSpot is similar in its features, offering a suite of marketing automation tools that allow businesses to build relationships with their customers. With HubSpot, users can create email workflows, segment contacts based on interests or activity, set up lead scoring systems, optimize content for search engine optimization (SEO), and use a pulse dashboard to measure performance. Both Ontraport and HubSpot offer integrations with a variety of third-party services, but Ontraport specializes in small to mid-sized businesses while HubSpot caters more toward larger enterprises.


Ontraport and Kajabi are both online platforms designed to help businesses increase their customer engagement, automate marketing processes, and boost sales. Both provide a range of features that enable users to create websites and manage content, build landing pages, create automated campaigns, and track performance. Kajabi is a comprehensive all-in-one platform that allows users to launch digital products or services with ease. It enables users to quickly build an online presence by providing website templates, product delivery tools, market segmentation capabilities, and more. In addition, Kajabi provides advanced analytics that allow users to track customer behavior and optimize marketing activities. Ontraport is a powerful marketing automation platform for small businesses that helps them streamline processes and increase conversions. It provides tools for creating custom forms and websites as well as tracking lead generation performance. Additionally, Ontraport offers integrations with third-party applications such as Google Analytics and Salesforce so users can measure the effectiveness of their campaigns in real time.


Ontraport and Kartra are two website-building tools designed to help businesses create and manage their websites. Ontraport is more suitable for businesses that need a sophisticated system to track customer relationships, such as eCommerce stores, while Kartra is better suited for online marketers who want to sell digital products and services. Ontraport provides powerful CRM capabilities that allow users to keep track of customer data, including contact information, purchase histories, and segmentation. It also offers marketing automation tools to help users create targeted campaigns and emails. Additionally, it includes advanced website building features such as custom HTML coding, customizable templates and forms, tracking of event registrations and payments, as well as advanced analytics and reporting. Kartra is a comprehensive website builder aimed at helping online marketers create successful sales pages. It offers an extensive range of features such as drag-and-drop page editor; one-click upsells; shopping cart integration; automated email marketing; A/B testing; affiliate management tools; video hosting; lead capture forms; membership sites capabilities; payment gateway integrations; split testing; webinar registration pages; and more. Additionally, it provides analytics tools allowing users to monitor their websites performance in real time, track conversions rates across different channels, and gain insights into user behavior.


Ontraport and Mailchimp are both popular solutions for businesses looking to automate their marketing processes. Ontraport is an all-in-one business automation platform that offers a variety of features such as automation, CRM, eCommerce, email marketing, landing pages, forms, analytics, and more. In contrast, Mailchimp is an email marketing tool that specializes in creating campaigns and sending newsletters. Ontraport allows users to create automations that can be triggered by customer actions or based on certain conditions. Users can also use its CRM functionality to manage contacts and segment lists according to criteria such as demographics or activity. Its eCommerce features allow users to create online stores with product catalogs and payment processing capabilities. Additionally, it provides tools for building forms, landing pages, A/B testing campaigns and tracking conversions. Lastly, its analytics dashboards provide data insights into user behavior so businesses can better understand their target audiences and make informed decisions about their marketing activities. In comparison, Mailchimp focuses solely on creating email campaigns with features such as list segmentation, drag-and-drop editors for designing emails and signup forms, split testing options for improving open rates and clickthroughs, template libraries with customizable designs for newsletters and automated messages. It also provides detailed reports on campaign performance so users can keep track of the success of their efforts.


Ontraport and Salesforce are both comprehensive CRM solutions that provide extensive customer relationship management capabilities to businesses of all sizes. Ontraport is a cloud-based platform that provides a suite of features for managing customer relationships, including marketing automation and sales tracking. It also offers ecommerce capabilities, allowing users to create custom checkout forms and process payments. Additionally, Ontraport includes powerful analytics tools to help track marketing performance, conversions and user engagement. Salesforce is an enterprise CRM solution that provides customers with a wide array of features for managing their customer relationships. It includes tools for contact management, lead tracking, campaign management and sales automation. Additionally, Salesforce has comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities as well as a suite of mobile apps for accessing data on the go. Salesforce also offers integration with other third-party applications such as accounting software programs like QuickBooks.


Ontraport and Zoho are both software solutions designed to help businesses automate processes, streamline operations, and grow their customer base. Ontraport is best suited for marketing and sales automation, while Zoho offers an integrated suite of online tools for a variety of business needs. Ontraport provides a range of features that enable users to build websites, capture leads, create email campaigns, manage contacts, track analytics, accept payments and more. It also offers features such as A/B testing, automated lead scoring, segmentation capabilities and customized forms. Users can also benefit from personalized customer service options such as live chat support. Zoho has an extensive set of features that cover everything from customer relationship management (CRM) to accounting and project management. It’s easy to use dashboard makes it great for small businesses looking to quickly get up and running with its services. Additionally, its mobile apps give users the ability to access their data from anywhere. With Zoho you can manage your contacts database with custom fields; track customer interactions; generate reports; store documents securely in the cloud; set reminders; create task lists; and much more.

History of Ontraport

Ontraport is a website created to help entrepreneurs manage their businesses. It was originally released in 2006 as an all-in-one business platform for entrepreneurs, allowing them to manage their customer relationships, email marketing, and ecommerce operations. Over the years, it has expanded to include additional features such as marketing automation, website hosting, and affiliate management. Today, Ontraport is used by thousands of businesses around the world to help them better manage their operations.

Ontraport Status

The Ontraport website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:39).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:39.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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  • Looks like Ontraport is no longer the only option!

    2023-08-27 20:22:38 ·
  • I didn't know there were so many alternatives to Ontraport!

    2023-10-15 01:12:59 ·
  • Who knew Ontraport wasn't the only game in town!

    2023-10-22 00:13:54 ·
  • I feel like I'm in the Matrix, so many choices!

    2023-10-25 12:52:41 ·
  • Looks like Ontraport has some competition!

    2024-05-23 20:17:35 ·
  • Time to explore the other portals!

    2024-06-06 02:27:35 ·