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7 Alternatives to Feedly for Easy News Aggregation

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-09 15:58:40

Are you looking for a Feedly alternative? Feedly is a great news aggregator, but there are plenty of other similar websites that could be great options for you. This article will introduce you to a list of websites like Feedly, so you can find the best news aggregator for your needs.



Feedly is a news aggregator and RSS reader that helps you to organize, read and share the content of your favorite websites in one place.


  • Personalized news feed based on your interests
  • Ability to follow and organize your favorite sources, topics and authors
  • Ability to save and share articles with friends
  • Ability to add notes and highlights to articles
  • Ability to search and filter content

Feedly Alternatives


Inoreader is a powerful and comprehensive RSS feed reader, allowing you to easily keep up with all your favorite websites in one place. It offers a faster, more organized, and more customized reading experience for power users who want to stay up to date.

Inoreader is a content aggregator like Feedly that includes a range of features like real-time updates, smart sorting, and personalized news feeds.

Inoreader offers more advanced filtering and organization options than Feedly, and it also allows for more in-depth customization of the user experience.

Is Inoreader a good alternative?

The Old Reader

The Old Reader is a free RSS feed reader that brings back the features that were part of the old Google Reader. It is designed to make reading your favorite blogs and websites easier and more enjoyable.

The Old Reader is a content aggregator like Feedly that focuses on providing a simple, intuitive user experience.

The Old Reader focuses more on sharing content than Feedly, and it has fewer features overall.

Is The Old Reader a good alternative?

Digg Reader

Digg Reader is an RSS reader and content aggregator. It allows users to access, organize, and share content from the web in one place. It is easy to set up and use, with an intuitive user interface.

Digg Reader is a content aggregator like Feedly that focuses on providing users with a curated selection of the best stories from around the web.

Digg Reader has more of a focus on trending stories and topics, while Feedly is more focused on personalization and customization.

Is Digg Reader a good alternative?


Flipboard is a personalized social magazine, where you can easily find and share stories, videos and photos that you care about. It is the one place for all your interests, connecting you to the news, topics and people you care about.

Flipboard is a content aggregator like Feedly that focuses on providing users with a visually appealing and curated selection of content.

Flipboard is more of an editorial platform than Feedly, featuring more curated content and fewer customization options.

Is Flipboard a good alternative?


Taptu is a streamlined social news reader that allows users to stay up to date with the latest news and content from their favorite sources. It offers an array of features to make the news reading experience as engaging and efficient as possible.

Taptu is a content aggregator like Feedly that allows users to customize their news feed with their favorite topics and sources.

Unlike Feedly, Taptu also offers users the ability to search for specific topics and stories, as well as to follow channels and publishers.

Is Taptu a good alternative?


Newsblur is a personalized news aggregator that brings together stories from your favorite news sources and blogs to create a unique, personalized news experience. It allows users to customize their news feed to focus on topics that interest them the most.

NewsBlur is a content aggregator like Feedly that allows users to customize their news feed with their favorite topics and sources.

NewsBlur also offers more advanced filtering and organization options than Feedly, as well as the ability to view and rate stories.

Is Newsblur a good alternative?


News360 is a personalized news aggregator that collects news from over 20,000 sources around the world, and presents them in an easy to read format.

News360 is a content aggregator like Feedly that allows users to customize their news feed with their favorite topics and sources.

News360 also offers users the ability to follow topics and publications, as well as to save stories for later.

Is News360 a good alternative?


BuzzSumo is an advanced content research and analytics tool that helps you to discover the most popular content related to any topic, analyze the performance of content, and monitor your online presence.

Both Feedly and BuzzSumo are websites that allow users to collect, organize, and analyze content.

Feedly is a content aggregation platform that helps users find and read content from their favorite sources, while BuzzSumo is a tool used to discover popular content on the web and track its performance.

Is BuzzSumo a good alternative?


Bloglovin is a social media platform that helps you find and follow your favorite blogs and websites. You can easily create an account and start discovering new content. You can also follow other users and receive notifications when they post new content.

Both Feedly and Bloglovin are RSS readers that make it easier to follow content from multiple websites.

Feedly is a freemium service with an optional paid subscription, while Bloglovin is a free service without any payment options.

Is Bloglovin a good alternative?


Blogger is a free blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. It takes just minutes to set up a blog and start sharing your stories, photos, and videos.

Both Feedly and Blogger offer ways for their users to create and manage content.

Feedly is a platform for collecting, curating, and sharing content from multiple sources, while Blogger is an online website creation tool.

Is Blogger a good alternative?


Pocket is an online tool that allows users to save articles, videos and other content for easy retrieval and viewing later. It is an easy way to save, organize and discover the best of the web.

Both Feedly and Pocket are web-based applications used to save articles and other content for later consumption.

Feedly is a news aggregation platform whereas Pocket is more focused on saving individual pieces of content.

Is Pocket a good alternative?


Evernote is a powerful note-taking app that helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks.

Both Feedly and Evernote are productivity tools that help users organize their work.

Feedly is a news aggregator that allows users to subscribe to RSS feeds while Evernote is an app that helps users capture and store notes, photos and other multimedia content.

Is Evernote a good alternative?


Feedspot is a news aggregator and RSS feed reader that helps you to stay on top of all your favorite websites, blogs, and podcast channels in one place. It makes it easy to read and organize all your RSS feeds and news articles in one place.

Both Feedly and Feedspot are RSS readers that allow users to keep up with their favorite websites.

Feedly offers a paid premium version with additional features while Feedspot is free.

Is Feedspot a good alternative?

Google News

Google News is a free news aggregator provided by Google, selecting and summarizing news from a variety of sources. It uses automated processes to select stories, using algorithms that consider a wide range of factors including the source and freshness of the story.

Both Feedly and Google News are online news aggregators.

Feedly pulls articles from the user's subscribed list, whereas Google News displays news based on algorithms.

Is Google News a good alternative?

Feedly Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of Feedly with other websites. We will be comparing Feedly with multiple sites and providing an unbiased review of their features, strengths and weaknesses. Our team of experts has put together a comprehensive analysis of each site, including its ease of use, content variety, navigation options, organizational capabilities and more. We hope you find this review helpful in deciding which website is best for your needs.


Feedly and BuzzSumo are both tools used to analyze content on the web. Feedly is an RSS reader that curates content from a variety of sources and allows users to organize it into personalized collections. It also offers alerts for new content, social media sharing capabilities, and integrations with Evernote, Buffer, and other popular services. BuzzSumo is a tool for discovering popular content on social media networks and analyzing its performance. It provides insights about the most shared articles and bloggers related to a given topic or website, as well as details about who shared them. It also includes tracking capabilities for keywords, competitors, authors, and domains. Both Feedly and BuzzSumo provide useful features for content discovery and analysis; however, they both have distinct advantages depending on the user's specific needs.


Feedly and Bloglovin are two popular websites that allow users to access the content they want quickly and easily. Feedly is a news aggregator that allows users to curate their own sources of information, while Bloglovin is a blog reader that enables them to follow the blogs of their choice. Both websites offer a variety of features that simplify the process of finding content. Feedly provides users with an efficient way to search for and organize articles and news stories from multiple sources. It offers several filters, such as language, topic, or source, which enable users to customize their experience according to their preferences. Additionally, Feedly's "Follow" feature simplifies bookmarking by allowing users to save content from any website into one organized library. Bloglovin is designed specifically for those who follow blogs and other online publications. It allows for easy access to the latest posts from all the blogs you follow in one place. The website also has an "Explore" feature which helps you find new blogs relevant to your interests, as well as curated lists of recommended reading material from experts in different fields. Furthermore, it provides email notifications whenever one of your favorite bloggers publishes new content so you can stay up-to-date without having to constantly check back on the site. For those looking for a convenient way to stay informed about the latest developments in their areas of interest, both Feedly and Bloglovin are excellent options with plenty of helpful features.


Feedly is a content discovery and curation platform that enables users to discover, read, and share content from across the web. It offers a variety of ways to organize your content including folders, tags, and collections. Feedly also provides personalized news feeds based on your interests. Blogger is a free blogging platform developed by Google where you can create and manage your own blog. It allows users to customize their design through themes, widgets, and HTML/CSS. Blogger also includes built-in analytics with detailed insights into traffic sources as well as an integrated comment system for readers to engage with posts.


Feedly and Pocket are both web-based services that provide tools for saving and organizing articles and other content. Feedly is a news aggregator, allowing users to curate their own personalized RSS feeds, while Pocket allows users to save articles, videos, images, and other content from the web for later viewing on any device. Feedly has features such as keyword searchability and tagging capabilities to help organize content, as well as integration with popular services like Evernote and Dropbox. The service also offers native mobile apps for Android and iOS devices. Pocket’s main advantage is its cross-platform compatibility; it can be accessed on almost any device or platform through an app or browser extension, allowing saved items to be easily viewed later. Additionally, Pocket has a “recommendations” feature which suggests similar content based on what a user has already saved.


Feedly and Evernote are both online tools that allow users to organize information and store documents. Feedly is an RSS reader that allows users to streamline their online news sources into one convenient place. It gives users the ability to save articles and to organize them into categories. Evernote is a note-taking app that allows users to take notes, store PDFs and other documents, set reminders, and sync across multiple devices. It also has features such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR) which enables users to search for text within images. Both Feedly and Evernote have web clippers for saving content from the web, with Feedly’s being available in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera while Evernote’s is only available in Chrome. Another difference between the two services is that Feedly offers content discovery through its “Recommended” tab while Evernote does not. Finally, whereas Feedly offers integration with Google Calendar for scheduling posts or tasks, Evernote does not offer this feature.


Feedly and Flipboard are both websites that help users to organize, customize, and view multiple news sources in one place. Feedly allows users to create their own custom feeds based on their interests, including topics like sports, technology, business, and more. It also has built-in features such as a search bar and the ability to save articles for later reading. Flipboard also offers a personalized content curation service with similar features including topic searching and saving articles. However, it is designed more like a magazine than Feedly with stories presented in the style of an interactive scrapbook or pinboard. Both sites enable users to access content from a variety of sources such as blogs, magazines, newspapers, websites, social media networks, and RSS feeds. Ultimately both Feedly and Flipboard help users stay up-to-date on the topics they care about without having to constantly check multiple sources.


Feedly and Feedspot are both web-based services that offer users the ability to customize their online news feeds with content from multiple sources. Feedly offers a wide selection of topics including business, sports, science, and technology, while Feedspot has more specific categories such as movies, health, education, and travel. Both services allow users to curate their own list of sources by subscribing to RSS feeds or selecting popular content from the web. With Feedly, users can create collections of related topics or add notes to individual items. Feedspot also provides advanced search capabilities that allow users to search through hundreds of articles at once. Both websites make it easy to save content for later viewing by providing an offline mode that allows access without an internet connection. Feedly is available on multiple platforms including iOS, Android, Google Chrome and Firefox browsers as well as Windows and Mac devices. It also integrates with other applications like Twitter and Evernote for enhanced productivity features. On the other hand, Feedspot is only accessible via a web browser which limits its portability but allows for a more cohesive user experience when searching for content across different sites. In summary, both websites offer comprehensive news aggregation capabilities with some slight variations in terms of platform support and content organization options.

Google News

Feedly and Google News are both online services that allow users to stay up-to-date with the latest news. Feedly offers a personalized experience by allowing users to create custom feeds and categorize topics and sources to better organize their content. It also provides a “trending” feature to show which articles are popular in the user's network. In addition, Feedly has an abundance of integrations with other services such as Evernote, Buffer, IFTTT, and Pocket. Google News provides a comprehensive approach by aggregating content from numerous sources around the world. It offers personalized recommendations based on user interests and includes features such as topic categories, breaking news alerts, and live coverage of certain events. However, Google doesn’t offer any integrations with third-party services like Feedly does. Ultimately, it comes down to what best suits a user’s individual needs when deciding between these two services.


Feedly and Medium are both websites that allow users to save and read content, but they have different features. Feedly is a news aggregator that allows users to organize, share, and access content from a variety of sources. It also offers personalization features such as the ability to add tags and folders for organization. Medium is a platform for readers to discover and follow topics, authors, and publications. It uses an algorithm-based recommendation system to suggest stories for readers. Additionally, it has tools for writers such as story analytics, collaboration features, and options for monetizing their writing. Both sites offer bookmarking capabilities to save articles for later reading.


Feedly and Newsblur are both RSS feed readers that help you stay up to date with your favorite websites and blogs. Feedly is a browser-based RSS reader that allows you to organize your feeds into collections, or “magazines," for easy access. It also features an artificial intelligence feature called Leo, which helps surface relevant content from your feeds. Newsblur is a web application and mobile app that offers some unique features such as the ability to follow multiple people at once, as well as text-based browsing of stories. It also provides a social bookmarking service that allows users to share stories with their followers. Both services offer basic analytics on the performance of posts, but Feedly has more robust reporting capabilities than Newsblur. On the other hand, Newsblur’s customization options are more extensive than Feedly’s with added themes, fonts and layout options.


Feedly and Reddit are two popular websites for news aggregation and discussion. Both sites provide users with a convenient way to stay up-to-date on the topics that interest them. Feedly is an RSS reader which allows users to aggregate content from different sources into one central location, while Reddit provides an online forum for comments and discussions about various topics. Feedly has a highly visual interface which can be customized with the user’s interests and preferences, allowing them to create their own personalized “feed” of news stories. It also offers several features such as keyword search, tag organization, and article recommendations based on user behavior. Reddit is more focused on direct discussions between users rather than reading articles; it allows its members to post links, questions, images, or other forms of content to initiate conversations. Unlike Feedly, Reddit does not offer personalization options or advanced search capabilities; instead it relies on its members to vote on posts in order to make them appear higher in the rankings of each subreddit (discussion category). Overall, both Feedly and Reddit offer users access to vast amounts of information but with different approaches; whether a user prefers a visually-based platform for obtaining news or engaging in discussions is up to their individual preference.


Feedly and Twitter are two popular websites used for news aggregation and social networking, respectively. Feedly is a news aggregator that organizes content from various sources into customizable categories for easy viewing. Users can create personalized feeds to quickly access their favorite content. Twitter is a microblogging platform that allows users to post short messages (tweets) for their followers to read in real time. Both sites offer basic features such as search functionality, profile customization, and the ability to follow other users. However, Feedly provides additional tools such as saved searches, recommended content from other users, and the ability to organize content by topic or source. Additionally, Feedly includes analytics so users can track how often their content is viewed or shared. Twitter also offers unique features such as direct messaging, trending topics, and hashtags which make it easier to discover new conversations and networks. Ultimately, both websites are excellent resources for staying up-to-date on current events and engaging with like-minded individuals online.

History of Feedly

Feedly is a web-based RSS reader which was launched in 2008. It originally started as a personal project by a group of developers and quickly became one of the most popular RSS readers. The service allows users to subscribe to RSS feeds and view their content in an intuitive and organized manner. It also provides users with the ability to save and organize their feeds as well as share content with others. Feedly has since expanded to include additional features such as integration with other web services, content curation tools, and mobile applications.

Feedly Status

The Feedly website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:20).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:20.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing Feedly's website? .


  • I'm sure this list will be a huge hit with all the multi-taskers out there.

    2023-03-05 12:53:20 ·
  • Isn't it funny how something so boring can be so hilariously entertaining?

    2023-03-20 17:43:31 ·
  • I'm sure these websites are all super useful, but I'm still having a hard time not laughing.

    2023-09-01 00:08:24 ·
  • Can't decide which one to choose? Just go with the first one alphabetically!

    2023-11-20 15:02:21 ·
  • If you're looking for a way to waste time, this is the list for you!

    2023-12-03 20:32:48 ·
  • Wow, what an exciting list. I'm literally rolling in my chair with laughter.

    2024-01-06 01:23:51 ·
  • How many websites can one person possibly read at once?

    2024-03-10 22:41:20 ·