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7 Alternatives to Editey: Other Online Text Editors for Easy Collaboration

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-22 21:19:46

Are you looking for websites like Editey to help you get your writing projects done? Look no further! This article will provide an overview of the top five websites similar to Editey, so you can find the perfect service to help you with your writing needs. From low-cost editing services to more comprehensive writing tools, you can find the perfect solution to suit your budget and needs. Keep reading to learn more about the top five similar websites like Editey.



Editey is an online text editing service that offers professional editing services for individuals and businesses. Our services range from basic copy editing to comprehensive editing and proofreading. We also provide specialized services such as SEO copywriting, website content writing and web page formatting.


  • Professional Editing Services
  • Specialized Services such as SEO Copywriting and Website Content Writing
  • Web Page Formatting
  • Collaborative Editing
  • Track Changes and Version History
  • Affordable Pricing

Editey Alternatives


Grammarly is an automated proofreader and grammar checker. It checks for more than 400 types of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, enhances vocabulary usage, and suggests citations.

Both tools offer automated proofreading and editing of written text.

Grammarly has more advanced editing features, such as detecting plagiarism and finding synonyms for words.

Is Grammarly a good alternative?


ProWritingAid is a web-based suite of writing tools designed to help improve your writing quality and accuracy. It offers in-depth analysis of grammar, structure, and style, as well as helpful suggestions to make your writing stronger.

Both tools offer automated proofreading and editing of written text.

ProWritingAid offers more detailed reports and more sophisticated analysis of writing, such as finding repeated words and phrases.

Is ProWritingAid a good alternative?

Hemingway App

Hemingway App is an easy-to-use writing tool that helps you improve your writing craft. It provides valuable feedback on your writing, so you can make your writing clearer, easier to understand, and more engaging.

Both tools offer automated proofreading and editing of written text.

Hemingway App focuses on helping users write in a simpler and easier to understand way.

Is Hemingway App a good alternative?


Autocrit is the world’s best editing software for fiction and non-fiction writers. It helps authors be more productive and efficient by automating the editing process. Autocrit is the only editing software that can detect and suggest changes to common writing issues like overused words, repeated phrases, and passive voice.

Both tools offer automated proofreading and editing of written text.

Autocrit has more comprehensive editing features, such as checking for repeating words and phrases, and comparing text against a style guide.

Is Autocrit a good alternative?


WordRake is an AI-powered editing software designed to help professionals quickly and easily improve the clarity and impact of their writing. It identifies complex and wordy sentences and offers alternate language or text recommendations to make your writing more concise and easier to understand.

Both tools offer automated proofreading and editing of written text.

WordRake focuses on helping users write concisely by eliminating unnecessary words and phrases.

Is WordRake a good alternative?


PaperRater is an online proofreading and grammar checker tool that helps students and professionals improve the quality of their writing. It provides automated feedback on writing style, grammar, plagiarism, and more.

Both tools offer automated proofreading and editing of written text.

PaperRater offers more comprehensive grammar and spelling checks, as well as automated grading for academic papers.

Is PaperRater a good alternative?


WhiteSmoke is a comprehensive writing solution that covers all aspects of the writing process. From editing and proofreading to copywriting and translation, WhiteSmoke has you covered. Our AI-powered technology helps you to fine-tune your grammar, spelling and punctuation, and enhances your vocabulary for improved writing.

Both tools offer automated proofreading and editing of written text.

WhiteSmoke offers more comprehensive editing features, such as checking for proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation.

Is WhiteSmoke a good alternative?

History of Editey

Editey is a web-based music collaboration platform that was founded in 2015. It allows musicians and producers to create and collaborate on music together, regardless of their physical location. The platform features a shared project space, real-time collaboration, chat, and a media library. It has since grown to become one of the leading music collaboration tools, with millions of users worldwide.

Editey Status

The Editey website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:18).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:18.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing Editey's website? .


  • I'm so glad this article exists so I can compare all these Editey alternatives!

    2023-03-16 13:31:07 ·
  • I'd rather just use Editey than any of these other sites. I'm a loyal user!

    2023-03-25 00:10:34 ·
  • Guess I better check out some of these sites and see what the fuss is about!

    2023-06-02 07:24:53 ·
  • So many sites, so little time!

    2023-06-30 09:14:42 ·
  • I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

    2023-07-06 09:59:52 ·
  • Wow, Editey must really be popular to have so many copycats!

    2024-04-12 07:51:58 ·
  • I'm sure there's some kind of legal dispute afoot here!

    2024-05-01 10:40:24 ·
  • I'm sure Editey must be making a killing off these other site's success!

    2024-06-28 13:37:34 ·