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5 Must-Have Alternatives to ClickMagick for Tracking Your Online Ads

By Gregor K. published about 2023-02-04 23:45:02

Are you looking for a website like ClickMagick that can help you track, analyze and optimize all your online marketing efforts? If so, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll discuss some of the best websites that are similar to ClickMagick, and how they can help you get the most out of your marketing campaigns. From analytics and tracking to automation and optimization, these websites can help you maximize your ROI and take your online business to the next level. So let's take a look at some of the best ClickMagick alternatives.



ClickMagick is an all-in-one web analytics platform that allows you to track, measure and optimize your marketing campaigns. It provides detailed data on your website’s traffic, conversions, sales and more. It also offers real-time analytics, tracking and optimization of your campaigns.


  • Automatically track, measure, and optimize all your marketing efforts
  • Comprehensive data on website traffic, conversions, sales, and more
  • Real-time analytics and tracking
  • Advanced automation tools and reporting
  • Split testing and A/B testing

ClickMagick Alternatives


LinkTrackr is a powerful and intuitive link tracking, affiliate marketing and analytics platform. It offers business owners, online marketers and affiliate marketers comprehensive tools to track, optimize, and monetize their online marketing campaigns.

Both ClickMagick and LinkTrackr offer tracking, page analytics and split testing capabilities.

LinkTrackr offers more features related to the automation and optimization of campaigns and tracking, while ClickMagick focuses more on tracking, analytics and split testing.

Is LinkTrackr a good alternative?


Voluum is a powerful marketing tracking software that allows users to track and analyze everything in their online campaigns in one easy-to-use platform. It provides marketers with the data needed to optimize campaigns, boost ROI, and make better decisions.

Both ClickMagick and Voluum offer comprehensive tracking, analytics and split testing.

Voluum is more geared towards affiliate and performance marketing, while ClickMagick offers a wider range of features for businesses of all sizes.

Is Voluum a good alternative?


LinkTrust is a performance-based affiliate tracking software that offers unparalleled tracking and reporting capabilities. It helps marketers to measure, track, and analyze their affiliate marketing efforts and campaigns in real-time.

Both ClickMagick and LinkTrust offer tracking, analytics and split testing capabilities.

LinkTrust is geared more towards affiliate marketing, while ClickMagick offers a wide range of features for any kind of online business.

Is LinkTrust a good alternative?


RedTrack is an all-in-one performance marketing tracking, analytics and optimization platform. It enables affiliates, media buyers, and agencies to quickly launch, track, analyze and optimize their campaigns across a wide range of digital marketing channels.

Both ClickMagick and RedTrack offer tracking, analytics and split testing.

RedTrack is geared more towards affiliate marketing, while ClickMagick offers a wide range of features for any kind of online business.

Is RedTrack a good alternative?

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg provides heatmap and visitor tracking tools to help you understand user behavior on your website. It provides visual insights that allow you to quickly identify what’s working and what’s not on your site by providing data-driven analysis.

Both ClickMagick and Crazy Egg offer tracking and analytics capabilities.

Crazy Egg is more focused on web page analysis and optimization, while ClickMagick offers a wider range of features for businesses of all sizes.

Is Crazy Egg a good alternative?

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand.

Both ClickMagick and Google Analytics offer tracking and analytics capabilities.

Google Analytics is more focused on web page analysis and optimization, while ClickMagick offers a wider range of features for businesses of all sizes.

Is Google Analytics a good alternative?

LinkedIn Campaign Manager

LinkedIn Campaign Manager is an easy-to-use advertising platform that allows you to reach your target audience on the world’s largest professional network.

Both ClickMagick and Linkedin Campaign Manager offer tracking and analytics capabilities.

Linkedin Campaign Manager is more focused on campaigns for the Linkedin platform, while ClickMagick offers a wider range of features for businesses of all sizes.

Is LinkedIn Campaign Manager a good alternative?

ClickMagick Head-To-Head

Welcome to our comparison of ClickMagick against other websites! In this analysis, we will be taking a look at the features, pricing, and overall reliability of ClickMagick compared to other popular sites. We'll dive into each website's capabilities, look at customer reviews and feedback, and ultimately determine which one is the best choice for you. By the end of this review, you'll know which website is right for your needs. So let's get started!

Google Analytics

ClickMagick and Google Analytics are both powerful tools used to analyze website performance and user engagement. Both sites allow businesses to monitor their website metrics in real-time, including pageviews, time spent on pages, bounce rate, and conversion rates. ClickMagick provides sophisticated tracking and testing features that go beyond what Google Analytics offers. It allows users to track clicks on links from various sources, such as email campaigns or ads, for more accurate reporting. ClickMagick also provides a wide variety of advanced automation features that can be used for split testing and optimization. Google Analytics is a great tool for analyzing user behavior on a website. It provides detailed reports about traffic sources, page views, session duration, and other important metrics. Additionally, it supports custom events and goals which can be set up to measure the performance of specific actions taken by users on the website. In conclusion, ClickMagick offers more advanced features than Google Analytics but if you are looking for a free solution then Google Analytics should be your first choice.


ClickMagick and Voluum are both tracking solutions for online marketers, providing insights into the performance of marketing campaigns. Both platforms allow users to track clicks and conversions, set up split tests, and create custom reports. ClickMagick is focused on simplifying the process of ad tracking, offering an intuitive interface with easy-to-use features such as a funnel builder and automated rotators. It also offers advanced features such as geo-targeting, click fraud protection, and A/B testing. Voluum is designed to give users more control over their campaigns, with features such as custom post-back URLs and multi-level tracking. It also allows users to optimize campaigns by providing detailed reports on impressions, clicks, and conversions. Additionally, Voluum has powerful automation capabilities that can be used to create dynamic campaigns based on user behavior.

History of ClickMagick

ClickMagick is an online tracking and link management service. It was founded in 2016, aiming to help businesses and entrepreneurs track their marketing campaigns and links. Since then, it has expanded its services to provide users with detailed insights into their campaigns and the ability to track and optimize their performance. The website also provides users with access to detailed analytics, split testing, and retargeting capabilities.

ClickMagick Status

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  • Looks like ClickMagick got its copycat rivals beat!

    2023-04-15 01:28:44 ·
  • ClickMagick must be doing something right to have so many copycats!

    2023-06-22 03:50:34 ·
  • Whoa, I didn't know there were so many "ClickMagick-wannabes"!

    2023-09-18 19:59:09 ·
  • So if I can't afford ClickMagick, I can just get one of its doppelgangers, right?

    2023-09-25 02:08:00 ·
  • They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so ClickMagick must feel pretty flattered right now!

    2023-12-12 02:34:27 ·
  • I'm surprised ClickMagick isn't suing all these look-alikes!

    2024-01-19 21:40:07 ·
  • Wow, it looks like ClickMagick has a lot of clones out there!

    2024-01-24 05:17:05 ·