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7 Alternatives to Blackboard for Online Learning Platforms

By Gregor K. published about 2023-02-07 00:37:58

Are you looking for an alternative to Blackboard for online learning? If you are, you are in luck! This article will provide a list of similar websites like Blackboard that are perfect for online learning and teaching. From platforms with a focus on assessment and feedback, to those with more interactive features, this list has something to offer for everyone's needs. Read on to find the perfect website for your needs!



Blackboard is an education technology company that provides a variety of learning solutions and services to educational institutions, including learning management systems, course content management, analytics, digital courseware and more.


  • Learning Management Systems
  • Course Content Management
  • Analytics
  • Digital Courseware
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Student Engagement Tools
  • Mobile Applications
  • Course Authoring Tools

Blackboard Alternatives


Canvas is a powerful and intuitive Learning Management System and Online Collaboration Platform, designed to make teaching and learning easier for all. Canvas provides an intuitive and comprehensive platform to help educators manage student learning, create content, and collaborate with colleagues.

Both Canvas and Blackboard are online learning management systems that provide a virtual learning environment for teachers and students.

Canvas is more user-friendly and has more features than Blackboard, including a more modern interface, better analytics, more customization options, and better mobile support.

Is Canvas a good alternative?


Moodle is a free, open-source learning management system (LMS) designed to help educators create effective online learning communities. It is used around the world by universities, schools, companies, and other organizations.

Both Moodle and Blackboard are online learning management systems that provide a virtual learning environment for teachers and students.

Moodle is an open source platform with an active online community that supports its development. It is also more customizable than Blackboard, and it has a more modern interface.

Is Moodle a good alternative?


Schoology is a comprehensive learning management system designed to help educators engage students, foster collaboration, and assess learning outcomes. With Schoology, educators can create and curate digital learning experiences, track academic progress, and foster collaboration and communication between students and teachers.

Both Schoology and Blackboard provide a virtual learning environment for teachers and students.

Schoology is more user-friendly and has more features than Blackboard, including a more modern interface, better analytics, more customization options, and better mobile support.

Is Schoology a good alternative?


Edmodo is an online learning platform that helps connect teachers, students, and parents in their paperless classrooms. It facilitates communication and allows for easy access to resources, assignments, and feedback from teachers and parents.

Both Edmodo and Blackboard provide a virtual learning environment for teachers and students.

Edmodo is more user-friendly and has more features than Blackboard, including a more modern interface, better analytics, more customization options, and better mobile support.

Is Edmodo a good alternative?


Brightspace is an easy-to-use, cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that is used by more than 1,000 educational organizations, corporate training departments and government agencies worldwide. It helps instructors, trainers and administrators create and deliver engaging learning experiences to students and employees.

Both Brightspace and Blackboard are online learning management systems that provide a virtual learning environment for teachers and students.

Brightspace is more user-friendly and has more features than Blackboard, including a more modern interface, better analytics, more customization options, and better mobile support.

Is Brightspace a good alternative?


EduBrite is a cloud-based unified learning and training platform that enables organizations to create, manage, and deliver interactive eLearning, classroom training and certification programs. With EduBrite, organizations can quickly create and deliver effective training programs, engage learners and measure their performance with detailed analytics.

Both EduBrite and Blackboard are online learning management systems that provide a virtual learning environment for teachers and students.

EduBrite has more features than Blackboard, including a more modern interface, better analytics, more customization options, and better mobile support.

Is EduBrite a good alternative?

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a secure online workspace for teachers, students, and parents to connect and collaborate. It is designed to help educators create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and communicate with their classes with ease.

Both Google Classroom and Blackboard are online learning management systems that provide a virtual learning environment for teachers and students.

Google Classroom is more user-friendly and has more features than Blackboard, including a more modern interface, better analytics, more customization options, and better mobile support.

Is Google Classroom a good alternative?


Website is a website design and hosting platform that is easy to use, with features like drag and drop tools and customizable templates that make it easy to get your site up and running in no time. With Website, users can create beautiful, professional-looking websites without any prior knowledge or technical skills.

Both Blackboard and Website provide an online platform for people to interact and share content.

Blackboard is a specific type of website designed primarily to facilitate teaching and learning, whereas Website is a more general term used to describe any collection of related webpages.

Is Website a good alternative?


All is an all-in-one home design platform that helps you discover, explore, and create the perfect space for your home. With a library of thousands of home design products, customization tools, and an intuitive 3D editor, All makes it easy to design the space of your dreams.

Both websites provide users with access to a variety of educational resources.

Blackboard is a web-based learning management system, while All is an online platform for creating and sharing educational content.

Is All a good alternative?

Discussion Board

Discussion Board is a place to come together to discuss ideas, share opinions, and learn from one another. With our forums, you can find the answers to all your questions, exchange advice and experiences with other members, and find out what's going on in the world.

Both Blackboard and Discussion Board are web-based applications used for creating virtual learning environments.

Blackboard is a more comprehensive platform that provides features like course management, content creation, communication tools, and assessment; whereas Discussion Board is solely dedicated to providing an online forum where students can have conversations with each other and the instructor.

Is Discussion Board a good alternative?


Jamboard is an interactive whiteboard from Google that lets you create and collaborate with your team from anywhere. It allows you to draw, write, share ideas and collaborate in real-time with others across devices.

Both websites are used by educators to share information with students.

Blackboard provides a more comprehensive learning experience while Jamboard is more focused on collaboration and engaging activities.

Is Jamboard a good alternative?


Green is an environmental organization focused on promoting sustainable and eco-friendly living. Through their online platform, they provide resources, advice, and tools to help people make positive changes in their lives and communities.

Both websites are online learning platforms used to facilitate remote instruction and learning.

Blackboard is a web-based course management system while Green is an interactive video platform.

Is Green a good alternative?

Blog is a website that allows users to create blogs and websites, share their ideas and opinions, and connect with other like-minded people around the world.

Both Blackboard and Blog offer a platform for users to post content online.

Blackboard is an educational tool used by many schools and universities, while Blogs are typically informal websites where individuals can share their ideas and opinions.

Is Blog a good alternative?


Miro is an online whiteboarding platform that enables teams to collaborate visually in real-time. It provides a secure, online space where teams can brainstorm ideas, share documents, and create visuals that help them communicate better.

Both Blackboard and Miro are online tools used for collaboration.

Blackboard is an educational platform used for coursework and teaching, while Miro is a whiteboarding and brainstorming platform.

Is Miro a good alternative?

Blackboard Head-To-Head

Blackboard is a web-based learning platform that has been widely used by educational institutions for decades. It provides users with a number of powerful tools and features to help them create, manage, and deliver online courses. In this head-to-head comparison of Blackboard with other websites, we will explore how it stacks up against its competitors in terms of user interface, feature set, and performance. We will also provide an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of each website and discuss which one best suits your needs.


Blackboard and Website are both web-based content management systems. Blackboard is a platform designed specifically for educational institutions to manage classroom activities, while Website is a more general web hosting solution. Blackboard has features such as course creation tools, assignment tracking, gradebook management, discussion forums, and virtual classrooms. It also has student tracking capabilities to monitor their progress in courses and the ability to customize course materials for individual students. Website offers website building tools, a drag-and-drop page editor, a wide selection of themes and templates for website design, support for multiple languages and currencies, and a range of analytics tools to track visitor behavior. Both Blackboard and Website offer user-friendly interfaces that allow users to quickly build websites with little technical knowledge required. However, Blackboard's focus on education makes it better suited for managing academic activities than Website.


Blackboard and All are two websites that offer similar services to users. Both sites provide users with content management, collaboration tools, and other features to help streamline their workflow. Blackboard is a more comprehensive platform, offering a range of tools including an online learning environment, virtual classroom, and customizable course materials. Blackboard also provides instructors with access to analytics and assessment tools that can be used to track student progress. All offers similar collaboration tools such as task lists, calendars, and file sharing but lacks the interactive capabilities of Blackboard’s online learning environment. All also has fewer customization options for course materials than Blackboard. In terms of security, both sites have implemented safeguards such as encryption and authentication protocols to protect user data.


Blackboard and Canvas are both Learning Management Systems (LMS) used by universities and educational institutions to create online courses. Blackboard has been in the market for a longer period of time, but is constantly being updated to remain competitive in the market. It offers tools for students, teachers, administrators and IT personnel such as content delivery, online grading, collaboration tools and more. Canvas is a newer LMS that offers many of the same features as Blackboard including content delivery, online grading, collaboration tools and more. Both platforms offer mobile-friendly interfaces and integration with third-party applications. For example, Blackboard supports integrations with Google Apps for Education while Canvas integrates with Zoom. In addition to these features, Blackboard also provides additional services such as analytics and cloud computing solutions while Canvas provides an API library so developers can extend its functionality. Ultimately, both Blackboard and Canvas can offer a comprehensive solution for creating online courses but the decision will depend on the specific needs of each user or institution.

Discussion Board

Blackboard and Discussion Board are two popular web-based platforms used to facilitate communication between teachers and students. Both allow users to create an interactive environment that allows for collaboration, discussion, and feedback. Blackboard is a comprehensive learning management system (LMS) designed specifically for educational institutions. It provides an intuitive interface that allows instructors to easily create classes, assign tasks and assessments, track student performance, and monitor discussions. Students can access course materials, submit assignments and receive feedback from instructors. The platform also includes advanced tools such as video conferencing, real-time collaboration tools, and analytics. Discussion Board is a free online forum where users can post questions, ideas or comments related to a specific topic or project. The platform features built-in searchable categories which make it easy to find the right thread or post. Users can also upload documents to share with other members of the discussion board. Additionally, Discussion Board allows users to post polls or surveys to get quick feedback from other members on a certain topic or issue.


Blackboard and Jamboard are both web-based applications that allow users to create, collaborate, and share content with others. Blackboard is primarily aimed at educational institutions, offering features such as course creation, assignment distribution and grading, lesson plan management, and discussion boards. Jamboard is a cloud-based application focused on teamwork and collaboration, allowing users to work together in real-time on projects from any location. It has features like whiteboarding tools for brainstorming ideas, the ability to upload images, PDFs and documents for further editing or review by team members, multimedia integration such as video conferencing or chat functions for remote collaboration, and the ability to share access with other users. Both applications have similar core functionalities but can be used in different ways depending on the user's needs; Blackboard is ideal for educational institutions while Jamboard is better suited for teams who need a collaborative platform with multimedia capabilities.

Google Classroom

Blackboard and Google Classroom are both popular learning management systems used by educators across the world. Both platforms offer tools to create, deliver and manage digital content, assessments, and activities in an online environment for students. Blackboard is a comprehensive learning platform with strong collaboration tools such as discussion boards, blogs, wikis, groups and journals that allow for asynchronous communication between teachers and students. It also offers advanced analytics to help track student progress. Additionally, Blackboard allows instructors to create dynamic course materials using various multimedia formats including audio, video, images, text and more. Google Classroom is a streamlined LMS which helps simplify the process of distributing assignments, collecting work from students and grading it quickly. It also includes features like announcements where teachers can communicate directly with their class and Collaboration Tools like Google Docs which allows multiple users to edit documents together in real-time. Google Classroom has fewer features than Blackboard but is much easier to learn and navigate.


Blackboard and Green are online learning management systems (LMS) that allow educators to create, manage, and deliver course content to students. Blackboard is geared towards larger universities and K-12 schools while Green is more focused on smaller classrooms, courses, and training organizations. Blackboard provides a wide range of features including student analytics, content and media integration, assessment tools, discussion boards, collaboration tools, integrated mobile applications, integration with other popular software services like Microsoft Office 365 and Google Apps for Education. It also includes specialized tools for accessibility compliance, language learning support, and supports multiple languages. Green provides similar features such as course creation and content distribution as well as a multi-media library with videos and audio files. It also offers interactive quizzes to test student knowledge with automatic grading capabilities. In addition to these features it has strong reporting options for tracking student progress along with an intuitive user interface making it easy for instructors to incorporate their own branding in the design of their courses.


Blackboard and Blog are two popular web-based applications that provide users with different types of online platforms. Blackboard is an education platform designed for teachers, students, and administrators to support learning, collaboration, and assessment. It includes features like course management tools, virtual classrooms, grade book and assignment tracking, analytics tools, third-party integration tools and more. Blog on the other hand is a content management system (CMS) that enables users to create blogs or websites quickly using built-in templates and easy-to-use editing tools. Blog provides users with features such as drag & drop page editor, integrated search engine optimization (SEO), media library for images and videos, unlimited blog posts & pages, secure hosting services and more. Both Blackboard and Blog offer user friendly interface with multiple customization options.


Blackboard and Moodle are both popular course management systems used to create and maintain online courses. Blackboard is designed for corporate, educational and government institutions, while Moodle is an open-source system that can be used by anyone. Blackboard has several features that make it easier for educators to manage their courses. It offers a range of tools, including a powerful gradebook, a content editor, and an integrated assessment system. Its interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Blackboard also includes comprehensive analytics capabilities which allow users to track student performance in real-time. Moodle is an open source platform that allows educators to create custom course websites quickly and easily. It provides powerful features such as forums, quizzes, blogs and surveys which can be used to facilitate collaboration between students and teachers. Additionally, Moodle also offers customizable themes so users can personalize the look of their website. One of the most unique features of Moodle is its ability to integrate with third party applications such as Microsoft Office 365 or Google Classroom.


Blackboard and Miro are two websites that offer digital collaboration tools for businesses, schools, and other organizations. Blackboard offers a suite of services that includes a learning management system, course authoring tools, e-portfolio management capabilities, and video conferencing features. It also has an integrated content library with access to thousands of educational resources. With the Blackboard mobile app, users can collaborate across multiple devices. Miro is an online collaboration platform designed for remote teams with features such as brainstorming boards, task tracking, project timelines, whiteboarding tools, and analytics dashboards. It is optimized for collaboration between people in different locations and helps teams stay organized with its drag-and-drop interface. Additionally, Miro’s chat feature makes it easy to communicate with team members in real time during meetings or brainstorming sessions. Both Blackboard and Miro provide secure platforms that enable users to work together efficiently on projects from anywhere around the world. However, while Blackboard focuses on providing comprehensive education solutions to institutions, Miro provides more comprehensive collaboration tools tailored specifically for business teams.


Blackboard and Mural are both online collaboration tools that facilitate remote learning and team collaboration. Blackboard is a comprehensive platform that includes course management, assignment submission, testing, and gradebook components; it also offers an extensive library of content modules, including videos, PDFs, images and audio files. Mural is a virtual whiteboarding platform for teams to collaborate in real-time on visual projects such as diagrams, flowcharts, wireframes and mind maps. With Mural users can quickly create a collaborative canvas with built-in templates as well as add sticky notes, images/videos and polls. Both Blackboard and Mural offer features for real-time chat/discussion boards, shareable links for easy access to documents or activities within the platform, file sharing capabilities and built-in user profiles with customizable settings. However, while Blackboard focuses on traditional classroom activities such as assignment submissions and grading tools, Mural enables creative collaboration with its library of visuals such as diagrams and wireframes.


Blackboard and OneNote are both online platforms that allow users to collaborate, share information, and store documents. Blackboard is a comprehensive learning management system that can be used by instructors to create virtual classrooms, manage course materials, grade assignments, and communicate with students. OneNote is a digital notebook designed to help users capture ideas, keep track of tasks, and organize information. Both tools are great for collaborating with others and organizing projects. Blackboard has more features tailored specifically for educational purposes such as creating assessments and grading assignments. OneNote provides an intuitive interface for taking notes and allows users to embed images, audio files, videos, documents, and other media into their notes. It also has collaboration features that allow multiple people to work on a single note at the same time.


Blackboard and Pine are both web-based course management systems that help instructors organize and deliver content to their students. Blackboard offers an array of features, such as discussion boards, email integration, course calendars, gradebooks, video lectures and assignments. Pine also offers these features, but it also has a built-in chat system for real-time communication between students and instructors. Blackboard also has a mobile app which allows users to access the platform on their mobile devices while they're on the go. Pine doesn't have this feature yet but is in the process of developing one. Both platforms offer customizable user profiles and collaboration tools such as wikis and blogs. Blackboard's user interface is more complicated than Pine's but it does offer many more features than the latter.


Blackboard and Wallpaper are websites used to provide services related to education and design, respectively. Blackboard is a learning management system (LMS) used by schools, universities, and businesses to create virtual classrooms, facilitate online assessments and assignments, track student progress, and share resources with students. Wallpaper is a website that provides access to stock photography, templates for design projects, tools for creating logos and other designs, as well as tutorials for various design formats. Blackboard's features include course creation tools for instructors; whiteboards for interacting with students in real time; discussion boards; file sharing capabilities; gradebook tracking; quizzes and assignments; analytics on student activity; and user access control. Wallpaper features include an extensive library of high-quality stock photos; DIY logo creator tool; textured background images for use in designs; the ability to create artwork from templates or upload source material for custom designs; tutorials on graphic design techniques such as color theory and typography.


Blackboard and Schoology are both web-based educational platforms that offer a range of features for instructors, students and administrators. Blackboard is very popular in higher education with more than 18 million users worldwide. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for assessment, collaboration, document sharing, integration with social media and mobile access. Schoology also offers similar features but with an emphasis on providing personalized learning experiences. It allows teachers to easily create courses and assessments, upload content from other sites and manage discussion boards. Additionally, it provides real-time analytics for tracking student progress as well as the ability to integrate with other applications such as Google Drive and Microsoft Office programs. Both platforms provide secure access to course materials, allow communication between students and faculty members, and support a variety of educational materials – including videos, images and documents.


Blackboard and Slate are both websites used to help people create online content and share it with others. Blackboard is a web-based learning management system designed to make it easier for teachers, students, and administrators to collaborate and communicate online. It offers tools such as discussion boards, grading tools, and course materials that can be organized in one place. Slate is a website builder platform that helps users create sites quickly without any coding or technical knowledge. It offers a drag-and-drop editor with hundreds of pre-made themes and widgets to customize the look of your site. Both websites offer features such as user accounts, blog posts, support for multimedia files, custom domains, and analytics tools to track user engagement. Blackboard also offers more robust features such as collaboration tools for group projects and assessments for testing student progress.


Blackboard and Thread are two popular websites that offer various services for educators, students, and organizations. Blackboard is a web-based educational platform used by schools and universities to create online courses and manage student learning. It provides instructors with tools to develop course content, create assessments, track student progress, communicate with students, and grade assignments. Thread is an online collaboration platform that helps instructors organize their course materials, engage with their students in real-time discussions, assign tasks or quizzes, assess student work, receive feedback from peers or mentors, and collaborate with colleagues. Blackboard offers a user-friendly interface for creating virtual classrooms that can be accessed on any device. It also includes features such as calendars to help teachers keep track of due dates and deadlines for assignments. Thread has an intuitive drag-and-drop design and allows users to quickly build custom courses without the need for coding knowledge. Additionally, it provides a forum where instructors can interact with classmates in real time to discuss topics related to the course material. Both platforms provide analytics tools so that instructors can monitor student engagement levels and review performance data.


Blackboard and Total are two popular websites used by businesses, educational institutions, and other organizations to create a digital learning environment. Blackboard is an all-in-one solution that offers course delivery, virtual classroom sessions, assessments, collaboration tools, and analytics. It also provides mobile versions of its products for iOS and Android users. On the other hand, Total provides a comprehensive suite of learning management systems (LMS) with features such as content authoring tools, tests & surveys, analytics & reports, e-commerce capabilities for online payments, and integration with other software applications like Zoom. Furthermore, Total's platform allows for custom branding and multilingual support. Both Blackboard and Total offer scalability to accommodate large volumes of users and data. They both have user-friendly interfaces that make it easy to navigate their websites. However, Blackboard has more features than Total when it comes to gamification elements such as badges and leaderboards while Total has more customization options through its content authoring tools.


Blackboard and Visio are both powerful tools used in the educational and business realms, respectively. Blackboard is a comprehensive learning management system (LMS) that allows educators to create, track, and administer online courses. It includes features such as online course creation, class announcements, gradebooks, student collaboration tools, virtual classrooms, discussion boards, quizzes and exams. Visio is a visual analytics platform that helps organizations analyze data and easily create visuals to help them make better decisions. It offers features like data mapping for insights into customer trends; real-time metrics; interactive visuals; forecasting capabilities; integration with other Microsoft products; and sophisticated modeling capabilities. Both Blackboard and Visio offer customizable dashboards for better user experience. However, while Blackboard is mostly aimed at the educational sector providing an efficient platform to facilitate teaching and learning process, Visio focuses more on the business world helping organizations gain valuable insights from their data.


Blackboard and Zoom are two website platforms that can be used for online learning, video conferencing, and collaboration. Blackboard is a comprehensive learning management system (LMS) that supports all aspects of online learning including course materials, quizzes, discussion boards, student tracking, and assessments. It also has tools for creating virtual classrooms and collaboration spaces. Zoom is a video conferencing platform that enables participants to join a meeting from anywhere with internet access. It allows for sharing documents and making presentations as well as recording meetings for later viewing. With Blackboard, instructors have the ability to create full-featured courses with interactive activities such as discussion boards, polls, assessments, etc., while Zoom provides the opportunity for live lectures with audio/video capabilities. Both platforms offer secure access through authentication systems and allow the host user to control who can join a session or course. Additionally, both Blackboard and Zoom provide customer support resources such as tutorials and FAQs.

History of Blackboard

Blackboard is an online learning platform that was first developed in 1997. It was produced as a result of combining two educational software companies, both of which were previously owned by the same parent company. Since then, it has grown to become a widely used educational platform, providing a variety of educational services and content to institutions and individuals around the world.

Blackboard Status

The Blackboard website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:08).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:08.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing Blackboard's website? .
Check Blackboard's Twitter for recent updates.


  • H S

    Who needs Blackboard when you've got all these options??!

    2023-05-09 11:18:31 ·
  • Is this list a way to distract me from my assignments?

    2023-07-03 02:48:32 ·
  • Is there a website that won't make me do my homework???

    2023-08-05 15:11:09 ·
  • No need to worry about Blackboard anymore - just go on a different website and pretend it's not there!

    2023-10-08 06:42:23 ·
  • I've heard of some of these, but there's still plenty of room for trial and error!

    2023-12-05 04:18:37 ·
  • Blackboard who?

    2023-12-26 14:47:17 ·
  • So many options - time to procrastinate!

    2024-04-10 21:23:33 ·
  • Seems like a lot of work just to avoid Blackboard!

    2024-06-19 18:26:12 ·
  • Finally, a way to get around those pesky course websites!

    2024-07-15 21:11:59 ·