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7 Sites Like Alma for Online Learning Resources

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-28 08:54:18

Are you looking for a website similar to Alma that can help you connect with other professionals and find new opportunities? If so, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll provide a comprehensive list of websites like Alma that can help you network, build relationships, and find jobs. From mentorship platforms to job sites, we've got you covered with a wide range of options. Read on to discover the best websites like Alma and find out which one is right for you.

Alma is an innovative mobile app designed to help people manage their mental health and well-being. It offers personalized and evidence-based guidance to help users stay motivated and on-track with their mental health goals.


  • Personalized Mental Health Guidance: Alma provides personalized and evidence-based guidance to help users stay motivated and on-track with their mental health goals.
  • Track Mental Health Progress: Users can track their progress and gain insights into their mental health and progress over time.
  • Secure Confidentiality of Data: All data is securely stored and encrypted, ensuring privacy and confidentiality.
  • Community Support: Users can connect with a supportive community of peers, mentors, and experts to get advice and support.

Alma Alternatives


Moodle is a free, open-source learning management system (LMS) designed to help educators create effective online learning communities. It is used around the world by universities, schools, companies, and other organizations.

Both Alma and Moodle offer course management and student engagement features, such as discussion boards and quiz creation tools.

Moodle is an open-source platform, while Alma is a cloud-based platform.

Is Moodle a good alternative?


Canvas is a powerful and intuitive Learning Management System and Online Collaboration Platform, designed to make teaching and learning easier for all. Canvas provides an intuitive and comprehensive platform to help educators manage student learning, create content, and collaborate with colleagues.

Both platforms offer customizable course content, communication tools and grading systems.

Canvas is a cloud-based platform, while Alma is an on-premise solution.

Is Canvas a good alternative?


eFront is an enterprise-grade learning and talent management software designed to help businesses and organizations improve collaboration, communication and productivity. It offers an array of features and tools to support employee performance and engagement, including course creation, tracking, reporting, mobile learning, and more.

Both Alma and eFront offer online course creation and delivery, assessment tools, and reporting and analytics.

eFront is an on-premise platform, while Alma is a cloud-based platform.

Is eFront a good alternative?


Blackboard is an education technology company that provides a variety of learning solutions and services to educational institutions, including learning management systems, course content management, analytics, digital courseware and more.

Both Alma and Blackboard offer course delivery tools, such as discussion boards and grade book systems.

Blackboard is a cloud-based solution, while Alma is an on-premise solution.

Is Blackboard a good alternative?

D2L Brightspace

D2L Brightspace is an online learning, teaching and collaboration platform for higher education institutions, K-12 schools and other organizations looking to improve their learning management and analytics capabilities. The platform offers a comprehensive suite of features and tools to help educators create engaging and personalized learning experiences for their students.

Both Alma and D2L Brightspace offer course delivery tools, such as discussion boards and grade book systems.

D2L Brightspace is a cloud-based solution, while Alma is an on-premise solution.

Is D2L Brightspace a good alternative?


Schoology is a comprehensive learning management system designed to help educators engage students, foster collaboration, and assess learning outcomes. With Schoology, educators can create and curate digital learning experiences, track academic progress, and foster collaboration and communication between students and teachers.

Both platforms offer course management and student engagement features, such as discussion boards and quiz creation tools.

Schoology is a cloud-based platform, while Alma is an on-premise solution.

Is Schoology a good alternative?


Edmodo is an online learning platform that helps connect teachers, students, and parents in their paperless classrooms. It facilitates communication and allows for easy access to resources, assignments, and feedback from teachers and parents.

Both platforms offer course management and student engagement features, such as discussion boards and quiz creation tools.

Edmodo is a cloud-based platform, while Alma is an on-premise solution.

Is Edmodo a good alternative?


BetterHelp is an online counseling platform that connects people with licensed professional counselors and therapists. With BetterHelp, users can connect with a counselor in a safe and private online environment, and can receive help with their mental health, relationships, family, stress, and more.

Both websites provide online counseling services.

Alma specializes in providing couples counseling, while BetterHelp offers individual counseling.

Is BetterHelp a good alternative?


Snow is the ultimate ski and snowboard app that makes tracking your ski and snowboard activities easy, fun, and intuitive. Snow offers detailed analysis of your runs, including speed, distance, vertical drop, and altitude, as well as live tracking of your runs and other skiers and riders on the mountain.

Both websites offer online learning management tools for educational institutions.

Alma offers an integrated platform with tools and services that allow educators to plan, organize and deliver courses; whereas Snow is a cloud-based platform for delivering online courses.

Is Snow a good alternative?


EGO is the UK’s leading home automation brand, providing simple and intuitive home automation solutions for all your lifestyle needs. Our products are designed to make your home smarter, and our solutions are tailored to your individual lifestyle and requirements.

Both Alma and EGO are online educational tools that provide resources to support student learning.

While Alma is focused on helping K-12 schools manage their instruction, EGO is focused on helping universities deliver remote learning experiences.

Is EGO a good alternative?


Klarna is a global payment solutions provider that works with merchants to provide customers with the smoothest online shopping experience. With Klarna, shoppers can pay for their purchases over time, with no interest and no fees.

Both Alma and Klarna provide online financial services.

Alma focuses on enabling customers to pay their bills, while Klarna offers payment options at checkout for online shoppers.

Is Klarna a good alternative?


Ubuntu is a free and open source operating system based on the Linux kernel. It is designed for both home and business users, offering a full range of applications including productivity, office, media and entertainment software.

Both Alma and Ubuntu are open source software.

Alma is a student information management system, while Ubuntu is an operating system.

Is Ubuntu a good alternative?


Talkspace is an online therapy platform that allows individuals to access mental health counseling through a secure and convenient online platform. Talkspace provides video, text, and audio sessions with licensed therapists.

Both Alma and Talkspace offer online mental health services.

Alma focuses on providing psychotherapy services, while Talkspace provides access to licensed therapists for text, audio, and video communication.

Is Talkspace a good alternative?

Alma Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of Alma, the world’s leading student engagement platform, with other popular student websites! We will compare Alma with a variety of sites and evaluate each one based on features, cost, usability, and customer support. Our goal is to provide you with an overview of the different options available so that you can make an informed decision about which website best fits your needs.


Alma and BetterHelp are two online therapy platforms that provide mental health support for individuals. Both platforms offer a secure, confidential environment for users to access personalized care from licensed professionals. Alma offers its users a choice between single sessions with an individual therapist or joining ongoing group therapy sessions. Users can schedule appointments with their therapist based on their own availability and can communicate through messaging, video, or phone calls. Additionally, Alma also provides access to self-care resources, such as articles and podcasts. BetterHelp offers both short term and long term therapy services from certified professionals through direct messaging, audio/video calls, or live chat. Users can choose to communicate with their therapist in real-time or opt for scheduled appointments at the same time each week. They also have access to a library of learning materials and self-help tools designed to help them manage their emotional well-being.


Alma and Snow are both school management software solutions designed to help streamline the administrative processes of educational institutions. Alma provides a comprehensive suite of tools for managing student data, assessment planning and reporting, curriculum mapping, and more. It offers an intuitive user interface and can be used on any device. Snow focuses on communication between teachers, staff, parents, and students. It has features such as alerts, announcements, and automated notifications to keep everyone informed in real-time. Both solutions provide online portals for easy access from anywhere with an internet connection. Alma also offers powerful analytics to track progress over time while Snow provides a personalized learning platform for both students and teachers.


Alma and EGO are both website creation tools that provide users with the tools necessary to create custom, professional-looking websites with minimal effort. Alma differs from EGO in that it offers a larger selection of design templates and customization options. It also provides advanced SEO features, such as automated meta tags, to help your site appear higher in search engine rankings. Additionally, Alma offers a built-in blog platform and allows users to connect their sites to Google Analytics for detailed tracking and reporting. In comparison, EGO does not offer as many customization options or SEO features, although it does have a wide selection of more modern themes and page designs. However, one advantage EGO has over Alma is its intuitive drag-and-drop builder which makes creating pages easy even for novice website builders. Both Alma and EGO offer some free plans as well as premium subscription services so that users can find the plan that best fits their needs.


Alma and Klarna are both ecommerce solutions that offer a range of tools to help businesses manage the online shopping experience. Alma is designed for merchants selling physical goods, while Klarna is designed to work with digital goods. Alma provides features such as an integrated payment gateway, product management system, order tracking, shipping and returns management, fraud prevention tools, and analytics. It allows merchants to create a custom checkout page to optimize conversions and offers built-in customer support services. Klarna offers many of the same features as Alma but focuses more on digital goods. It includes a secure checkout page with anti-fraud measures, automated invoicing and payments collection, access to international buyers, real-time inventory tracking, automated marketing campaigns, and integration with third-party applications. Both Alma and Klarna provide a comprehensive suite of tools that can help businesses streamline their online operations. The key difference between them is the type of goods they specialize in – physical versus digital – so it’s important to choose the right solution depending on what type of business you operate.


Alma and Ubuntu are both cloud-based software solutions designed to help educational institutions manage their operations. Alma is designed specifically for K-12 schools, while Ubuntu is designed for higher education institutions. Both offer powerful features that allow users to manage student information; however, they differ in how they approach data management. Alma focuses on creating an intuitive user experience that simplifies the data entry process and allows users to quickly find the information they need. Alma's platform also provides automated reporting capabilities and analytics tools that enable administrators to easily monitor student performance over time. In addition, Alma's mobile app allows faculty and staff to access their data from any device, anywhere. Ubuntu also offers a comprehensive suite of data management capabilities but its focus is on providing advanced customizability through its open source platform. Users can create custom modules based on their needs, or modify existing modules in order to maximize efficiency. Additionally, Ubuntu integrates with various third-party applications, allowing for greater flexibility when it comes to managing student information. Overall, each software solution has its own strengths and weaknesses that make it suitable for specific types of educational institutions.


Alma and Talkspace are two online therapy websites that help people find mental health services. Alma is a web-based platform that connects users with certified therapists from around the world. It offers a range of services such as text and video chats, in addition to allowing users to access their therapist’s calendar for scheduling appointments and access various resources such as meditation recordings. Talkspace is an app-based platform that provides unlimited messaging with licensed therapists, plus access to webinars, articles, and exercises. Both platforms allow users to search for counselors based on location, specialty, language spoken, gender identity and more. Alma offers a personalized experience by allowing its users to view their therapist’s profile before commencing treatment while Talkspace allows its users to choose from several different pre-selected packages based on their needs. Both sites provide users with qualified professionals who offer evidence-based advice and guidance for their concerns.

History of Alma

Alma is a website that was established in the early 2010s, offering a range of products and services to its users. Initially, the website was designed to be a platform for connecting alumni and former students to their respective universities and colleges, but over the years it has grown to include a range of other features. These include forums, events, directory listings, job postings, and more. Today, Alma is used by millions of people worldwide and continues to be a valuable resource for connecting alumni and former students.

Alma Status

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  • I'm sure my Alma experience will be 'alma-zing'!

    2023-02-10 22:07:43 ·
  • I didn't even know Alma was a thing! Guess I'm late to the party!

    2023-05-19 04:06:28 ·
  • Time to explore the other 'Alma-ternatives' now!

    2023-07-14 02:04:55 ·
  • Looks like I have a few new sites to explore now! Thanks for the list!

    2023-07-15 01:26:37 ·
  • Ah, so there are alternatives to Alma if I ever need them. Interesting!

    2023-10-16 08:52:55 ·
  • Wow, that's a lot of websites like Alma! Guess I'm spoiled for choice now!

    2023-11-13 21:57:07 ·
  • I'm sure these sites will all provide an 'alma-glorious' experience!

    2024-02-01 14:57:23 ·
  • Looks like I don't have to stick to just Alma now - thank goodness!

    2024-06-06 17:27:17 ·