10 Alternative Websites to PubChem for Accessing Chemical Compound Information
By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-10 02:21:35
Are you looking for similar websites to PubChem? PubChem is a great online resource for chemical information and analysis, but sometimes you may need to access other sources of information. To help you find the right websites for your research needs, we've compiled a list of the top 8 similar websites to PubChem. From databases of chemical compounds and reactions to resources for medical and health information, this list has some of the best alternatives to PubChem out there.
PubChem is a free chemistry database that provides information about the structure, properties, and biological activities of millions of compounds, substances, and reactions. It is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), part of the US National Library of Medicine.
- Comprehensive database of chemical compounds
- Searchable by chemical structure, name, or identifier
- Downloadable in multiple formats
- Chemical structure visualization
- Analytical tools for compound comparison and analysis
PubChem Alternatives
Provides access to freely available chemical compound and bioactivity data from major public databases
ChEMBL is a manually curated database and PubChem is a public database
KEGG Compound
Provides access to chemical compound data
KEGG Compound is focused on biological compounds and PubChem is a public database
Ligand Expo
Provides access to chemical compound data
Ligand Expo is focused on small molecules and PubChem is a public database
Provides access to chemical compound data
DrugBank is focused on drugs and PubChem is a public database
Provides access to bioactivity data
CHEMBL BioAssay is manually curated and PubChem is a public database
Provides access to biological pathways and processes
Reactome is focused on pathways and PubChem is a public database
Protein Data Bank
Provides access to chemical compound data
PDB is focused on protein structures and PubChem is a public database
Both PubChem and ChemSpider are websites that provide substances information for chemists.
PubChem is run by the United States National Library of Medicine, while ChemSpider is an online chemical database owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
PubChem Head-To-Head
Welcome to the head-to-head comparison of PubChem and other websites. PubChem is a public resource for chemistry data that provides access to more than 10 million different chemicals, as well as bioactivity, toxicity, and pharmacology data. In this article, we will compare PubChem with other similar websites to explore each one's strengths and weaknesses in providing access to chemical information. We will also discuss how these sites can be used together to provide researchers with the best possible resources for their work.
PubChem and ChemSpider are both web resources for searching chemical information. PubChem is a free database provided by the National Institute of Health (NIH), while ChemSpider is a commercial database with subscription-based access. PubChem contains over 1 billion entries from several different sources, such as patents, journals and websites. Users can search for compounds by name, structure or identifier. It also provides links to external sources for additional compound information and data. ChemSpider is a larger database than PubChem, containing over 44 million compounds from more than 300 scientific sources. It provides detailed information on chemical properties and links to external databases such as PubMed and Reaxys. In addition, it has an online forum where researchers can discuss various topics related to chemistry. Both databases allow users to download data in multiple formats, including CSV, SDF and MOL files. They also provide APIs so that their databases can be integrated into other applications. However, PubChem does not provide the same level of detailed information as ChemSpider does.
History of PubChem
PubChem is a website created in 2004 by the National Institute of Health (NIH) to provide scientists, researchers, and the public with access to an open database of chemical structures and bioactivity information. The database is freely accessible and provides a comprehensive record of all publicly available chemical compounds and their associated biological activities. PubChem is also home to a range of interactive tools designed to help scientists analyze and interpret the data. The website is continually updated with new information and is used by researchers and the public worldwide.
PubChem Status
The PubChem website on online and reachable (last checked on 2025-01-20 01:01:03).
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PubChem is a free chemistry database that provides information about the structure, properties, and biological activities of millions of compounds, substances, and reactions. It is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), part of the US National Library of Medicine.
- Comprehensive database of chemical compounds
- Searchable by chemical structure, name, or identifier
- Downloadable in multiple formats
- Chemical structure visualization
- Analytical tools for compound comparison and analysis