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The Best Alternatives to Pivot: A List of Similar Websites

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-11 23:30:37

Are you a fan of the popular website Pivot? If so, you're in luck! We've compiled a list of the top similar websites that offer the same great features as Pivot. From online discussion forums to video-sharing sites, this list has it all. So if you're looking for a new way to share your thoughts, opinions, and ideas, look no further! Here are the top similar websites to Pivot.

Pivot is a career development platform that helps job seekers find the perfect job, get the right support and maximize their chances of success. It helps users identify the best job opportunities, create personalized job search strategies, and develop the skills and experiences employers are looking for.


  • Comprehensive job search resources
  • Personalized job search strategies
  • Career development tools and resources
  • Networking and mentorship opportunities
  • Professional development courses

Pivot Alternatives


Tableau is a business intelligence and analytics software that enables users to explore, visualize, and analyze data quickly and easily. It helps organizations to quickly uncover insights and make faster, data-driven decisions.

Provides powerful data exploration and visualisation capabilities.

Tableau is a desktop application whereas Pivot is a web-based service.

Is Tableau a good alternative?


Looker is a modern, powerful data analytics platform that enables organizations to explore, analyze and act on their data to drive meaningful business outcomes. Looker provides data-driven insights and actions with intuitive, purpose-built tools that make it easy to explore and analyze data.

Both offer modern data analytics and reporting solutions.

Looker provides data modelling capabilities that are not available in Pivot.

Is Looker a good alternative?


Sisense is a business intelligence and analytics platform that helps companies access, analyze, visualize, and share data. With Sisense, businesses can make data-driven decisions to optimize processes and maximize their bottom line.

Both offer powerful data visualisation capabilities.

Sisense offers advanced data modelling and predictive analytics capabilities not available in Pivot.

Is Sisense a good alternative?

Power BI

Power BI is Microsoft’s business intelligence software designed to help organizations unlock insights to make better decisions. It enables users to access data from a wide range of sources, transform and analyze it, and then create interactive visuals, stories and reports to share with others.

Both offer self-service data analytics and reporting capabilities.

Power BI is a Microsoft product and offers a more polished interface compared to Pivot.

Is Power BI a good alternative?


QlikView is a business intelligence and analytics platform that helps organizations access, analyze and share data across the organization. With its visual analytics capabilities and powerful data modeling features, QlikView helps users explore, discover, and share insights from their data.

Both provide an interactive data exploration environment.

QlikView is a desktop application whereas Pivot is a web-based service.

Is QlikView a good alternative?

Domino Data Lab

Domino Data Lab is an enterprise data science platform that provides a secure and scalable environment for data science teams to collaborate and accelerate their workflows. It enables organizations to quickly build and deploy machine learning models.

Both offer data science and machine learning capabilities.

Domino Data Lab offers advanced data science and machine learning capabilities not available in Pivot.

Is Domino Data Lab a good alternative?

KNIME (Konstanz Information Miner)

KNIME is an open source data analytics, reporting and integration platform that provides users with a comprehensive range of tools to quickly and easily create sophisticated data-driven applications. It supports data integration, data blending, data transformation, predictive analytics, and machine learning.

Both provide an interactive data exploration environment.

Knime is a desktop application whereas Pivot is a web-based service.

Is KNIME (Konstanz Information Miner) a good alternative?


Anchor is an all-in-one platform for podcasting. It streamlines the podcasting process, from recording and distribution, to monetization and analytics.

Both websites focus on helping users easily create, manage and share their own unique content.

Pivot is an online magazine-style platform while Anchor is a podcasting platform.

Is Anchor a good alternative?


Target is an iconic discount retailer offering a broad range of products, from clothing and electronics to home essentials and groceries. With a wide variety of items at low prices, Target has become one of the leading department stores in the United States.

Both Pivot and Target offer online shopping solutions.

Pivot specializes in selling home decor, furniture and fixtures whereas Target sells a wide range of products including apparel, electronics, toys, groceries and more.

Is Target a good alternative?


Reverso is a comprehensive online language resource that provides free translation and conjugation services in more than 100 languages. It is a powerful tool for everyone who needs to translate words, phrases and texts, as well as for learners of foreign languages.

Both websites offer translation services.

Pivot specializes in legal translations while Reverso specializes in general translations.

Is Reverso a good alternative?


EVO is an online outdoor gear retailer that carries a variety of outdoor products from apparel, footwear, and accessories to bikes, snowboards, and skis. We strive to inspire and enable the evolution of the outdoor experience by connecting people with the gear and experiences they need to enjoy the outdoors.

Both Pivot and EVO are online video streaming services.

Pivot offers users a library of original content, while EVO focuses on providing access to live television channels.

Is EVO a good alternative?

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is the world’s most popular spreadsheet program. It enables users to quickly and easily create, format, and analyze complex data. With Excel, you can sort and filter data, create formulas and functions, create charts and graphs, and more.

Both websites are used to create, store, and analyze data.

Pivot is a tool designed to support collaborative decision-making while Microsoft Excel is mainly used for individual users.

Is Microsoft Excel a good alternative?


Mockingbird is an online tool that helps you quickly create, link together, preview and share clickable wireframes of your website or application.

Both Pivot and Mockingbird are online tools used to create and test prototypes of websites.

Pivot focuses more on the usability of websites while Mockingbird is designed with a focus on collaboration between users.

Is Mockingbird a good alternative?

Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a free, web-based spreadsheet application that lets you create and format spreadsheets and work with other people.

Both Pivot and Google Sheets are web-based data analysis and visualization tools.

While Pivot is specialized for survey data, Google Sheets is a more general spreadsheet application.

Is Google Sheets a good alternative?

Pivot Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of Pivot with other websites! Pivot is a leading online platform for finding information about the latest trends and news in technology, business, health, entertainment and more. We'll be comparing Pivot against a selection of other popular websites to see how it stacks up. Our comparison will focus on features such as content coverage, user interface, pricing and customer support. So let's jump right in and compare Pivot with its competitors!


Pivot and Anchor are two websites designed to help businesses manage their products, resources and personnel. Pivot provides an online platform which enables companies to monitor their inventory, manage their personnel and create reports in real-time. It also allows users to assign tasks to specific employees and track progress with an automated work flow system. Anchor is a cloud-based software solution that helps businesses streamline operations by managing resources, customers, suppliers and projects. It also provides analytics tools such as project dashboards, customer segmentation reports and resource utilization charts. Both platforms offer user-friendly interface design, mobile access capabilities, secure data storage and the ability to automate processes. Additionally, both websites provide customizable templates for creating invoices, payrolls, budgets and more. Ultimately, Pivot offers a comprehensive suite of tools tailored for businesses who need easy-to-use product management features while Anchor provides more detailed analytics features for those who need more advanced tracking capabilities.


Pivot and Target are both websites that offer a wide variety of products to their customers. Pivot features curated collections of clothing, accessories, and home décor from independent designers around the world, while Target offers an extensive selection of clothes, electronics, furniture, toys, and more. Both sites have easy-to-use interfaces that make shopping simple and enjoyable. On Pivot, customers can shop by featured collections or explore by browsing individual items added weekly. Target provides a virtual store where customers can filter categories and refine their search results with helpful sorting tools. Both sites feature various payment methods for convenient checkout including credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more. Additionally, both Pivot and Target have dedicated customer support teams available to assist shoppers with any questions or issues they may encounter.


Pivot and Reverso are both online translation services that can help users access foreign language content. While Pivot specializes in marketing translations, Reverso offers language-learning tools as well. Pivot provides an easy-to-use platform with an intuitive dashboard allowing users to track their progress. It offers customizable features such as the ability to set project deadlines and quality control checks, and is ideal for those who need accurate translations quickly. Reverso, on the other hand, focuses more on language education than on marketing translations. Its features include a dictionary, grammar lessons, and pronunciation guides, making it a great choice for individuals looking to learn a new language or improve their existing skills. Additionally, Reverso has a larger selection of languages than Pivot does. Both Pivot and Reverso offer their services at competitive rates, so it ultimately comes down to what kind of service you are looking for - for translation services specifically related to marketing, Pivot is the better option; however, if you are looking for comprehensive language learning tools and resources, then Reverso is your best bet.


Pivot and EVO are both cloud-based project management solutions for teams. Pivot offers a visual timeline, task organization, and personalized dashboards that make managing projects easier. It also provides real-time collaboration tools such as chat, file sharing, and more. EVO provides powerful project planning and execution with advanced features such as resource allocation, Gantt charts, and more. It also has built-in communication tools including task comments, in-app chats, multi-language support, and more. Both solutions offer time tracking features to help teams monitor progress on tasks and projects. Both platforms also offer mobile apps for iOS and Android devices for real-time access to projects from any location.

Microsoft Excel

Pivot and Microsoft Excel are two of the most popular spreadsheet programs available. Both offer a wide range of features for users to organize, analyze, and present their data in an easy-to-understand format. Pivot has a user-friendly interface that allows users to quickly create interactive dashboards with dynamic visuals. It also offers customizable templates that allow users to easily modify the look and feel of the dashboard. Additionally, Pivot’s analytics engine provides powerful insights into your data and helps you identify trends quickly. Microsoft Excel is an industry standard for manipulating and organizing data and provides powerful functions for analyzing data. It also offers a wide range of chart types and formatting options so you can present your data in visually appealing ways. Excel also allows users to share their workbooks with other colleagues, which makes collaboration easier. In conclusion, both Pivot and Microsoft Excel offer robust features that make it easy to manage, analyze, and present your data in an organized fashion. However, each program has its own unique advantages so it is important to consider what specific features or capabilities you need before making a decision on which one is right for you.


Pivot and Mockingbird are both online wireframing tools used to create interactive prototypes. Pivot is designed for rapid prototyping and has a drag-and-drop feature that allows users to quickly drag elements onto their prototype. It also provides a library of components and templates for easy use. In addition, Pivot supports collaboration with other team members on projects. Mockingbird, on the other hand, features a simple interface and is intended for more detailed prototyping. It includes an extensive library of components, icons, and widgets as well as support for responsive design. Additionally, Mockingbird offers the ability to share links with others or embed the prototype in a website or blog post. Both tools provide an efficient way to create prototypes but offer different features depending on the user's needs.

Google Sheets

Pivot and Google Sheets are two of the most popular online spreadsheet applications, each offering a range of features that make them suitable for a variety of tasks. Both Pivot and Google Sheets allow users to create spreadsheets, analyze data, and collaborate with others. However, there are some key differences between the two platforms. Pivot is designed for more complex data analysis than Google Sheets. It has powerful features like pivot tables and machine learning capabilities which can help users uncover insights from their data quickly and easily. Additionally, it has sophisticated templates for creating charts and graphs to visualize data in an engaging way. In contrast, Google Sheets focuses more on simpler tasks like budgeting or tracking expenses. It offers basic features such as formulas, sorting, filtering and collaboration options suited for everyday use. It also allows users to access their spreadsheets from anywhere using its cloud-based platform. Overall, both Pivot and Google Sheets offer useful tools for creating spreadsheets and visualizing data. Whether you need a more advanced tool to analyze complex datasets or a simple platform to manage everyday tasks; one of these applications should be able to meet your needs.


Pivot and Revolve are two online shopping sites that offer a variety of fashion items. Both sites feature a range of clothing, shoes, accessories and beauty products from popular brands. Pivot has an easy-to-navigate interface with categories like New Arrivals, Wardrobe Staples and Trending Now. It also offers personal styling services for those looking for assistance in finding the perfect pieces for their style. Revolve has a more comprehensive selection than Pivot, offering over 500 brands to choose from. It offers a unique “Shop by Designer” option which allows users to search for items from their favorite designers. Revolve also includes special promotions such as discounts and giveaways, as well as its own magazine featuring editorial content about current trends in fashion and beauty. While both websites have different features, they both offer great choices for anyone looking to update their wardrobe.


Pivot and Shift are both websites that offer virtual office services to entrepreneurs and small businesses. Pivot is designed for businesses that want to expand their presence in a specific geographic area, while Shift is geared toward businesses with an online presence. With Pivot, users can create virtual offices in any city of their choice with a physical address, as well as benefit from mail forwarding, meeting rooms, telephone answering service, and access to co-working spaces. It also provides discounts on office supplies and furniture. Shift, on the other hand, provides support in registering business names, setting up websites and payment processing systems such as PayPal or Stripe. It also includes access to online helpdesks and customer support teams to assist users with their business needs. Both services provide professional advice from experienced business consultants. Overall, Pivot is ideal for traditional brick-and-mortar businesses that want to establish a physical presence in a particular area whereas Shift is better suited for digital entrepreneurs who need assistance setting up an online business.


Pivot and Spin are two websites that offer different features to help users plan their content marketing strategies. Pivot offers a unique set of research tools that allow users to use data to gain insights into the interests of their target audiences. Through its integration with social media platforms, Pivot enables users to create customized campaigns that track the success of their efforts in real-time. On the other hand, Spin provides an AI-driven platform that uses contextual targeting algorithms to automatically match content with user interests and behaviors. Additionally, Spin gives users access to a library of images and videos for easy creation of engaging visuals for their campaigns.

History of Pivot

Pivot is an online platform that has been around since 2007 and was created to be a place to help entrepreneurs, small business owners, and start-ups to promote their businesses and gain exposure. It provides a platform for business owners to showcase their products, services, and ideas. It also offers resources to help businesses grow and develop. Pivot has become increasingly popular over the years, and now has a large user base from around the world.

Pivot Status

The Pivot website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:42).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:42.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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  • I'm guessing there's a website like Pivot for *everything* out there.

    2023-07-24 15:34:25 ·
  • Is it just me or does this list seem to be never-ending?

    2023-07-29 07:31:59 ·
  • Wow, these websites have everything! I'm so confused about which one to choose!

    2023-10-17 01:19:47 ·
  • So many websites, so little time!

    2023-11-08 05:54:51 ·
  • I don't know if I should be impressed or overwhelmed by this list of websites like Pivot.

    2024-01-17 16:37:14 ·
  • I'm sure this list will keep me occupied for days!

    2024-01-19 10:08:27 ·
  • This list is better than a treasure chest full of gold!

    2024-05-30 18:48:22 ·