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5 Alternatives to PhotoShelter for Storing and Sharing Photos Online

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-25 02:14:05

Are you looking for similar websites to PhotoShelter for your photography needs? Look no further! This article presents a comprehensive list of the top alternative websites like PhotoShelter, with their features and benefits, so you can pick the one that best suits your needs. Whether you’re a professional photographer or a hobbyist, you’ll find the perfect website for you here. Read on to learn more!

PhotoShelter is the leader in photography websites and tools, offering the most powerful portfolio hosting, image protection, and sales solutions available. Photographers use PhotoShelter to showcase, store, and sell their work online, and to manage their digital and print sales.


  • Powerful portfolio building tools
  • Secure image hosting and storage
  • Website customization and SEO
  • Sales and marketing tools
  • Integrations with Adobe Lightroom, Dropbox, and more
  • Print ordering, fulfillment, and delivery services

PhotoShelter Alternatives


Zenfolio is a complete solution for photographers to manage and share their photos effortlessly. It provides an easy-to-use platform for creating professional-looking online portfolios and for showcasing your work in a secure and attractive environment.

Zenfolio is a photography portfolio website with a built-in storefront and integrated marketing tools to help photographers showcase and sell their work.

Zenfolio offers a range of pricing plans, whereas PhotoShelter does not. Zenfolio also has a more user-friendly interface, whereas PhotoShelter has more advanced features.

Is Zenfolio a good alternative?


Shutterfly is an online service for creating personalized photo books, cards, stationery, and gifts. It also offers professional printing services for photos, posters, and other items.

Shutterfly is an online photo sharing and printing service that allows users to store, print, and share their photos.

Shutterfly does not offer a portfolio website or marketing tools like PhotoShelter does. Shutterfly also charges for prints and does not offer unlimited storage like PhotoShelter does.

Is Shutterfly a good alternative?


SmugMug is an all-in-one photo management and hosting service that allows you to store, share, and sell photos online. With SmugMug, you can quickly and easily create beautiful photo websites, secure client galleries, and sell prints and digital downloads.

SmugMug is an online photo sharing and printing service with a built-in storefront and integrated marketing tools.

SmugMug offers more customization options than PhotoShelter, but it also has a more complex user interface. SmugMug also offers tiered pricing plans, whereas PhotoShelter has a flat fee.

Is SmugMug a good alternative?


Fotomoto makes it easy to sell your photos and prints online. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can quickly get your photos to customers around the world, and start making money from your work.

Fotomoto is an online photo printing and selling service with customizable templates for creating portfolios.

Fotomoto does not offer a website builder or marketing tools like PhotoShelter does. Fotomoto is also geared towards selling prints, whereas PhotoShelter is more of a storage and sharing service.

Is Fotomoto a good alternative?

Photoshelter Lite

Photoshelter Lite is the simplest way to create a photography website. It’s an easy-to-use website builder that helps you create a beautiful, professional-looking online portfolio in minutes.

Photoshelter Lite is a stripped-down version of the Photoshelter service, offering basic storage and sharing features.

Photoshelter Lite does not offer the same portfolio website or marketing tools as the full Photoshelter service. It also has more limited storage space and is ad-supported.

Is Photoshelter Lite a good alternative?


Squarespace is a website builder designed to help you create professional websites quickly and easily. It offers powerful tools, drag and drop design, and built-in hosting, giving you everything you need to build a website without any coding or design experience.

Squarespace is a website builder with tools for creating portfolios and selling prints.

Squarespace does not offer the same level of storage or marketing tools as PhotoShelter, but it does offer more customization options and is cheaper than PhotoShelter.

Is Squarespace a good alternative?


500px is a global community of photographers that enables users to discover, share, and purchase inspiring photography from around the world.

500px is an online photography community with a built-in store for selling prints.

500px does not offer the same level of storage or marketing tools as PhotoShelter, but it does have more social features and is cheaper than PhotoShelter.

Is 500px a good alternative?


Pixieset is a professional photography website builder that helps photographers create beautiful, custom websites in a few clicks. It features an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, customizable themes, and secure client galleries.

Both websites provide photo storage and sharing services.

PhotoShelter offers e-commerce capabilities for photographers, while Pixieset does not.

Is Pixieset a good alternative?


Shootproof is an online platform that helps photographers manage and share photos with their clients. It provides an easy way to upload, organize, and share images with clients, as well as a suite of tools to help photographers with their business.

Both PhotoShelter and Shootproof offer secure cloud storage for photographers to store, back up, and share their photos.

PhotoShelter offers its users custom web design tools and e-commerce capabilities, while Shootproof is more focused on image sharing and proofing.

Is Shootproof a good alternative?

PhotoShelter Head-To-Head

PhotoShelter is a popular online platform for photographers to store, manage, and share their images. While there are many online platforms available to photographers today, it can be difficult to determine which one is best for your needs. In this head-to-head comparison, we will compare PhotoShelter with other websites so you can make an informed decision about which platform meets your requirements. We will look at features such as pricing plans, storage capacity, ease of use, customer support and more. By the end of this comparison you will have a better understanding of what PhotoShelter has to offer and how it compares with other websites.


PhotoShelter and Pixieset are two popular photography websites that offer features to display, store, and share photos. PhotoShelter was built specifically for professional photographers, while Pixieset is designed for all types of photographers. PhotoShelter offers a range of features such as unlimited photo storage, portfolio-building tools, automated marketing tools, SEO optimization, customizable portoflio websites, watermarking options, client proofing galleries and eCommerce capabilities. It also allows users to control their image rights with an expansive suite of digital asset management tools. Pixieset provides drag-and-drop galleries that allow photographers to quickly create beautiful portfolios. It includes collaborative password protected galleries for wedding clients to view images and provide feedback on them. It also allows photographers to create custom website URLs so they can showcase their work easily online. Additionally, the service comes with social media integrations which makes it easier for users to share their pictures more widely.


PhotoShelter and SmugMug are two popular photo hosting websites. Both offer secure, cloud-based storage for photos and videos as well as a variety of features tailored to the needs of photographers. The PhotoShelter platform provides users with advanced search options, customizable galleries, video streaming capabilities, and custom branded websites. It also offers powerful integrations with Adobe Lightroom, which allow for automated backups to the cloud and streamlined workflow. Furthermore, PhotoShelter offers marketing tools such as email campaigns and customer relationship management tools that provide insights into customer behavior. SmugMug is an attractive option for photographers looking to showcase their work in a unique way. The platform allows users to create custom themes and layouts, turn visitors into customers with ecommerce integration, embed images into blogs and websites, secure images with client passwords or watermarks, use Lightroom plugins for easy uploads and sharing on social media platforms. Additionally, SmugMug’s dashboard makes it easy to track traffic analytics of your website’s visitors. Both PhotoShelter and SmugMug provide similar services but cater more to different types of photographers depending on their individual needs.


PhotoShelter and Squarespace are both platforms designed to help individuals host and manage their online presence. PhotoShelter is tailored to photographers, providing them with a suite of tools to showcase, store, and sell their work. Squarespace is a more general platform that allows users to create beautiful websites, online stores, and blogs. PhotoShelter provides a range of customizable portfolio designs for photographers to present their images in an elegant way. It also features an integrated e-commerce system for selling prints or digital downloads of images. Additionally, the platform offers analytics tools to help photographers track the performance of their portfolios over time. Squarespace provides its users with templates for creating websites that look modern and professional on any device. It also includes integrations with popular third party services such as Google Analytics and MailChimp so that users can easily track website performance and communicate with visitors respectively. Additionally, Squarespace includes powerful e-commerce capabilities for creating online stores quickly and easily.


PhotoShelter and Shootproof are both web-based services that enable photographers to store, edit, share, and sell their images. PhotoShelter offers a library of customizable website templates, as well as tools for editing, watermarking, and organizing your images. It also features an integrated shopping cart so you can easily sell prints and digital downloads directly to customers. Shootproof provides similar features but is more focused on collaboration with clients. You can create personalized galleries for each customer, review and approve proofs online before delivery, and even allow clients to purchase prints from within the gallery. Both websites offer cloud storage for keeping all your photos in one secure place. They also provide analytics so you can track visitor engagement with your work, allowing you to better tailor content to suit their interests.


PhotoShelter and Zenfolio are both websites that allow photographers to showcase their work. Both offer a wide range of features from galleries, portfolios, and slideshows to customizable email templates, marketing tools, and client proofing. PhotoShelter offers secure online storage with unlimited uploads and downloads while Zenfolio has an integrated shopping cart system for selling prints. PhotoShelter also allows photographers to create custom pricing lists for clients while Zenfolio offers integration with multiple third-party services such as Google Analytics. Both websites offer analytics so that photographers can track the performance of their portfolio and the ability to watermark images for protection against copyright infringement.

History of PhotoShelter

PhotoShelter is a website that was founded in 2005 to provide photographers with a secure, comprehensive platform to store and showcase their photographs. It originally started as a small web-hosting company, but quickly grew to offer a wide range of services, including image management, eCommerce solutions, and marketing solutions. Today, PhotoShelter is trusted by millions of photographers around the world and is a leading provider of online photography solutions.

PhotoShelter Status

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  • I'm trying to figure out which one to choose, but they all look the same to me!

    2023-03-18 03:00:48 ·
  • So many choices, so little time!

    2023-04-24 04:18:42 ·
  • I'm so glad I don't have to search for these websites anymore!

    2023-07-01 13:33:52 ·
  • Well, at least I know where to go if I ever need to store my pictures of cats!

    2023-08-02 19:08:51 ·
  • Now I just have to figure out which one I like the least!

    2023-10-02 09:23:26 ·
  • This list is a lifesaver for all of us who are constantly taking too many photos!

    2024-01-15 11:16:38 ·
  • Now I just have to decide which one is the most aesthetically pleasing!

    2024-01-21 00:27:17 ·