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7 Alternatives to iAuditor for Digital Inspections and Audits

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-17 01:50:12

Are you looking for a list of websites similar to iAuditor? iAuditor is a popular mobile app used for safety inspections and audits, but there are a number of other websites and apps that provide similar services. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best websites like iAuditor, so you can find the perfect app for your needs.

iAuditor is an app that helps businesses and organizations to automate their safety and compliance auditing processes. It provides tools for creating audit templates, collecting data, and reporting results.


  • Create audit templates on the app or in the cloud
  • Automate audit scheduling and notifications
  • Collect and store data on the app or in the cloud
  • Easily generate detailed reports

iAuditor Alternatives


SafetyCulture is a digital safety solutions provider that helps organizations manage health and safety in the workplace. We specialize in providing solutions for digital checklists, auditing, and reporting across a range of industries. With our products and services, organizations can ensure that safety is top of mind for all employees, contractors, and visitors.

Provides a mobile app to audit and inspect safety and compliance, offers cloud-based storage, and offers customisable templates.

More extensive analytics and reporting capabilities, more detailed dashboard, and more customisable templates.

Is SafetyCulture a good alternative?


InspectAll is an all-in-one mobile inspection and auditing software that helps organizations streamline their operations and ensure compliance. With InspectAll, organizations can easily create and manage inspections in the field, track assets and resources, and quickly analyze and report data.

Provides a mobile app to audit and inspect safety and compliance, offers cloud-based storage, and offers customisable templates.

More comprehensive automated scheduling, more detailed dashboard, and more customisable templates for different industries.

Is InspectAll a good alternative?


Jolt is a cloud-based business automation platform designed to streamline manual tasks and keep teams moving. With Jolt, users can create automated workflows that can capture data, move tasks between teams, trigger alerts and automate processes to make teams more efficient.

Provides a mobile app to audit and inspect safety and compliance, offers cloud-based storage, and offers customisable templates.

More comprehensive scheduling, more detailed dashboard, and more customisable automated notifications.

Is Jolt a good alternative?


iCompli is a document automation software that helps small to mid-sized businesses to streamline their document processes. It provides a secure platform to store and manage documents, automate document workflows, and ensure the accuracy and consistency of data across the organization.

Provides a mobile app to audit and inspect safety and compliance, offers cloud-based storage, and offers customisable templates.

More detailed analytics and reporting, more customisable templates for different industries, and more customisable automated notifications.

Is iCompli a good alternative?

Process Street

Process Street is an easy-to-use workflow automation platform that helps teams streamline and automate their workflows, making them more efficient and productive. With Process Street, teams can create repeatable, automated processes that can be deployed across their organization.

Provides a mobile app to audit and inspect safety and compliance, offers cloud-based storage, and offers customisable templates.

More comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, more detailed dashboards, and more customisable automated notifications.

Is Process Street a good alternative?


Discontinued Regulatory Compliance
ZenGRC is an automated Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) software platform designed to help organizations manage and monitor their GRC programs. It provides an easy-to-use, intuitive interface to create and manage GRC programs, and also offers a range of reporting, analytics and tracking capabilities.

Provides a mobile app to audit and inspect safety and compliance, offers cloud-based storage, and offers customisable templates.

More comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, more detailed dashboards, and more customisable automated notifications.

Is ZenGRC a good alternative?


InspectPoint is an industry-leading compliance and security platform that helps organizations maintain the highest level of safety and security in their facilities. With InspectPoint, organizations can easily track and manage their security, compliance, training, and other facility-related requirements.

Provides a mobile app to audit and inspect safety and compliance, offers cloud-based storage, and offers customisable templates.

More comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, more detailed dashboards, and more customisable automated notifications.

Is InspectPoint a good alternative?


JotForm is a free online form builder that allows you to quickly create online forms and surveys. It provides an easy-to-use drag-and-drop form editor and offers a wide range of customizations to suit different needs.

Both websites allow users to create custom forms easily.

iAuditor is used for conducting safety audits and inspections, whereas JotForm is used for creating web-based forms.

Is JotForm a good alternative?

iAuditor Head-To-Head

iAuditor is a powerful, cloud-based tool for managing safety inspections, audits and checklists. It’s easy to use, but how does it compare to other websites? In this article, we’ll be doing a head-to-head comparison of iAuditor with other major competitors in the industry. We’ll take a look at features like user interface, customization options, pricing plans and more to help you decide which one is right for you. Let’s get started!


iAuditor and JotForm are both web-based applications designed to help streamline businesses and increase efficiency. Both offer a variety of features that can be used for different purposes. iAuditor is best suited for performing audits, inspections, and risk assessments, as well as tracking corrective actions. It allows users to create their own audit templates or use the pre-made ones provided by the company. The application also provides the ability to capture photos, videos, and audio recordings within an audit report. Additionally, there are options to allow multiple users to collaborate on a single audit and generate reports in various formats such as Excel or PDF documents. JotForm is a form-building tool that allows users to easily create forms online without any coding knowledge required. It offers several types of form fields such as text boxes, checkboxes, signatures, file uploads and more. Users can also customize their forms by adding logos and images. Additionally, JotForm has integration with other services including Dropbox, Google Drive and PayPal which makes it easy to collect payments via forms or store data securely in the cloud. It also provides analytics tools so users can view form performance statistics in real-time.

History of iAuditor

iAuditor is an online inspection software platform that has been around since 2011. It was created to help businesses of all sizes to easily and efficiently inspect, audit and report their safety, compliance and operations activities. The software quickly gained traction and is now used by millions of users across the world in a variety of industries, including construction, manufacturing, healthcare and hospitality.

iAuditor Status

The iAuditor website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:27).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:27.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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  • Two iAuditors are better than one!

    2023-09-29 18:30:02 ·
  • I'm sure I could find a use for each one of these clones!

    2023-10-12 23:13:12 ·
  • This list is like the 'Clone Wars' of websites!

    2023-12-17 18:14:14 ·
  • K B

    Looks like iAuditor is really popular these days!

    2024-02-10 23:44:06 ·
  • I guess this article proves that imitation is the highest form of success!

    2024-03-29 00:40:33 ·
  • I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

    2024-03-29 20:17:29 ·