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Exploring Alternatives: A List of Similar Websites to Finder

By Gregor K. published about 2023-02-07 04:05:59

Are you looking for a Finder alternative? It can be difficult to find a website that offers the same features as Finder. Fortunately, there are many websites that provide similar services. In this article, we’ll look at a list of some of the best websites like Finder that offer a variety of features. From search engines to file sharing tools, these websites provide users with a great selection of options. Whether you’re looking for a new way to search for information or a better way to share files, this list of websites like Finder will have something for you.

Finder is an independent comparison platform and information service that aims to provide you with the tools you need to make better decisions. It's possible to compare products and services from a variety of providers, all in one place.


  • Credit card comparison
  • Home loan comparison
  • Travel insurance comparison
  • Bank account comparison
  • Financial product comparison
  • Investment comparison
  • Savings account comparison

Finder Alternatives


Google is a search engine that indexes webpages, images, videos, and other content on the internet. It enables users to quickly and easily find information on the web.

Both websites are search engines that help users find information on the internet.

Google focuses more on providing relevant search results for queries, whereas Finder specializes in finding specific types of content such as file types, media, and other resources.

Is Google a good alternative?


Bing is a web search engine from Microsoft. It has been available since 2009 and is the second largest search engine in the world behind Google. Bing is designed to help users find what they need quickly and easily.

Both websites are search engines that help users find information on the internet.

Bing is Microsoft's search engine and it presents its results in a slightly different way than Finder.

Is Bing a good alternative?


Yahoo is a web portal and search engine, providing a variety of content and services, including news, finance, sports, entertainment, lifestyle, travel, and more.

Both websites are search engines that help users find information on the internet.

Yahoo! offers a variety of services in addition to the search engine, such as email, news, and more, whereas Finder specializes in finding specific types of content such as file types, media, and other resources.

Is Yahoo a good alternative?


DuckDuckGo is a search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results.

Both websites are search engines that help users find information on the internet.

DuckDuckGo offers a different approach to search by providing more privacy and focusing on finding relevant search results without tracking the user.

Is DuckDuckGo a good alternative?

Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is a powerful computational knowledge engine and search engine. It gathers and computes data from a variety of sources, including the web, academic publications, and other sources.

Both websites are search engines that help users find information on the internet.

Wolfram Alpha specializes in providing answers to factual queries, such as calculations and conversions, rather than specific types of content like Finder does.

Is Wolfram Alpha a good alternative?


Baidu is the leading search engine in China and the second most used search engine worldwide. It provides a range of services, including web search, maps, music, video, and more. Baidu has become an important part of Chinese life, providing millions of users with access to a wide range of information.

Both websites are search engines that help users find information on the internet.

Baidu is a Chinese search engine and it prioritizes Chinese websites and content, whereas Finder provides more of a global view of content.

Is Baidu a good alternative?


Yandex is a search engine that helps users find exactly what they are looking for. It offers a wide range of search options including web, images, videos, news and much more. It also provides a convenient way to access other Yandex services such as Yandex Maps, Yandex Music, Yandex Mail, Yandex Money, and more.

Both websites are search engines that help users find information on the internet.

Yandex is a Russian search engine and it uses advanced algorithms to provide relevant search results, whereas Finder specializes in finding specific types of content such as file types, media, and other resources.

Is Yandex a good alternative?


Airbnb is a travel and accommodation website that allows people to book homestays, apartments and other unique accommodations, as well as experiences. Airbnb provides an alternative to traditional hotel stays by offering unique places to stay, with access to local communities and experiences around the world.

Both Finder and Airbnb offer services that enable users to search for items or services quickly and conveniently.

Finder is used for searching for products and services, while Airbnb is a platform for booking short-term rental accommodation.

Is Airbnb a good alternative?


Display is the world’s first real-time collaboration platform for designers. Our mission is to make the creative process more efficient and effective by enabling designers to work together in real-time from anywhere in the world.

Both websites offer users the ability to search for information.

Finder allows users to find files, while Display provides users with a platform to present their work.

Is Display a good alternative?


ClearScore is a free credit score and report service that provides you with personalised insights into your finances. It helps you to understand your credit score and report, and how it affects your financial future. It also provides you with helpful tips and advice to help you make better financial decisions.

Both Finder and ClearScore are websites designed to help people manage their finances.

Finder helps users compare financial products such as credit cards and loans, while ClearScore focuses on providing information about credit scores and reports.

Is ClearScore a good alternative?


Chatbot is a leading provider of artificial intelligence-powered chatbot solutions for businesses. Our chatbot platform helps companies create engaging customer experiences, automate customer service processes, and streamline customer support operations. Our AI-powered chatbot technology allows businesses to create customer-centric conversations, automate repetitive tasks, and provide personalized customer support.

Both Finder and Chatbot websites help users to find information quickly.

Finder is a search engine that helps users locate websites, while Chatbot is an AI-powered customer service platform that assists customers with inquiries.

Is Chatbot a good alternative?


Drifter is an outdoor gear and apparel company that provides stylish, functional, and technical clothing and accessories for those who live a life of adventure. Our products are designed to help you go further and explore more, while also looking great.

Both Finder and Drifter are websites that provide users with a search engine to find information.

Finder is a search engine used to locate people, places, and things, while Drifter is a search engine used to find online content such as videos and images.

Is Drifter a good alternative?


Dubizzle is an online marketplace for buying and selling used cars and other vehicles in the United Arab Emirates. With millions of daily visitors, it’s the go-to website for finding and buying vehicles in the region.

Both Finder and Dubizzle are online classifieds websites for users to browse and post items for sale.

Finder primarily focuses on goods from popular stores, while Dubizzle is focused on classifieds in the Middle East.

Is Dubizzle a good alternative?


Website is a website design and hosting platform that is easy to use, with features like drag and drop tools and customizable templates that make it easy to get your site up and running in no time. With Website, users can create beautiful, professional-looking websites without any prior knowledge or technical skills.

Both Finder and Website are online tools designed to help people find information.

Finder is a search engine, while Website is a platform that allows users to create and host their own websites.

Is Website a good alternative?

Finder Head-To-Head

Welcome to our review of Finder, a comparison website that helps you find the best deals on products and services. We’ll be comparing Finder with other similar websites, looking at features such as user experience, search functionality, cost effectiveness and range of products or services. So let's get started and explore how Finder stacks up against its competitors.


Finder and Airbnb are both websites that offer services to help people find what they need. Finder is a search engine for products, services, and information. It helps users find the right product or service at the best price. The website provides reviews, comparisons, and research tools to help users make informed decisions. Airbnb is an online marketplace that allows hosts to rent out their homes or other types of short-term accommodation to guests. Users can search for available listings in any location around the world and book their stay online. Guests can read reviews from past visitors and message hosts directly with questions prior to booking. Both websites offer a user-friendly experience, but Finder is focused on helping users make purchasing decisions while Airbnb focuses on helping people find short-term accommodation rentals.


Finder and Display are both websites that allow users to search for information, products, and services. However, they offer different features and solutions. Finder is a website designed specifically for consumers looking to find deals on products or services. It provides detailed information on pricing, availability, and ratings from other users. In addition, it has a comprehensive search engine that allows users to search by keyword or category. Display is a website designed more for businesses looking to advertise their products or services. It offers an easy-to-use platform that provides detailed analytics about the performance of advertisements and campaigns. Additionally, it provides access to various marketing tools such as email campaigns and lead generation tools. Both websites provide effective solutions for finding products or services online but the main difference lies in their intended purpose; Finder is tailored towards helping individuals find deals while Display is geared towards helping businesses advertise their products or services.


Finder and ClearScore are both websites that provide financial services to their customers. Finder helps users compare credit cards, savings accounts, mortgages, and investments by providing comprehensive research and comprehensive reviews on each option. In addition, it provides helpful tools such as budget planners and calculators to help users make more informed decisions. ClearScore offers similar features to Finder but with an emphasis on credit reporting. It provides detailed reports of credit scores along with information about how to improve them. It also has a feature that allows users to check their credit score for free in just 60 seconds. Both websites offer useful services for people looking for a better understanding of their finances but ClearScore focuses more on monitoring and managing credit ratings than Finder does.


Finder and Chatbot are two popular website search tools with different features. Finder is a powerful web crawler that allows users to quickly locate any website on the internet. It supports an extensive range of filtering options, allowing users to refine their searches and find exactly what they need. Moreover, Finder offers additional features like backlinks support, keyword analysis, and advanced search algorithms. On the other hand, Chatbot is a more conversational-style search tool that utilizes natural language processing to understand user queries and quickly provide accurate responses. This can be useful for businesses that want to increase customer engagement via chatbot services or provide answers to frequently asked questions. Additionally, Chatbot offers integration with other software platforms and the ability to customize its interface based on user needs.


Finder and Drifter are both websites that provide users with the ability to search for products and services. Finder has a wide range of categories, including electronics, home goods, apparel, books, travel, food & drinks, and more. It features a comprehensive search engine with multiple filters to help you easily find what you need. It also offers product reviews and ratings to help you make informed decisions when shopping. Drifter is similar in that it provides users with access to an extensive range of categories but differs in that it also allows customers to create custom lists of items they would like to purchase or save for later. Additionally, Drifter provides personalized recommendations based on user preferences and product ratings from other customers. Both Finder and Drifter offer an easy-to-use interface with helpful search tools and comparison features so users can quickly find the best product or service at the right price.


Finder and Dubizzle are both websites that provide users with the ability to search for products and services in their respective areas. Finder is an online marketplace designed for people who want to buy, sell, or rent items. It allows users to easily find products in their area at competitive prices. Dubizzle is a classifieds website which offers users the ability to post classified ads for free, as well as browse ads from other users. Both websites make it easy for users to search by product category, location, and price range. Additionally, they offer helpful filters such as price comparison and reviews in order to help narrow down searches. However, Finder offers an additional feature called “Spotlight” which highlights certain listings based on user preferences. On the other hand, Dubizzle provides additional features such as seller ratings, item condition indicators, and an “Offers” section which allows buyers to make deals with sellers directly. Ultimately, both websites are great options when it comes to searching for products or services in your area.


Finder and Website are both website-building tools that allow users to create a visually appealing, professional web presence. Finder focuses on ease of use with drag-and-drop design elements, allowing novice and experienced users alike to quickly build a website without needing to learn complex coding. Website offers more customizability with options for HTML and CSS editing, giving users the ability to fine tune their websites for maximum performance and style. Both services offer intuitive user interfaces, mobile compatibility, and the ability to connect with social media networks. Additionally, both Finder and Website offer customer support for questions or technical issues related to building websites.


Finder and Flightradar24 are both websites that provide users with information about their areas of interest. Finder offers a wide range of search options for finding the best prices on products, services, and more from a variety of merchants. It also provides helpful ratings and reviews to help users make informed decisions. Flightradar24 is a website that tracks aircrafts around the world in real time. It provides an interactive map showing the location of flights along with detailed information such as flight numbers, route, equipment type, speed, altitude, and more. Users can also view photos taken by other users or search for specific flights. Both sites offer features that allow users to customize their experience to fit their needs.


Finder and FlightAware are two websites that provide travelers with useful information to help them plan their trips. FlightAware provides flight tracking and status, while Finder focuses on finding the best deals for flights, hotels, rental cars, cruises, and more. Both sites have a search engine to quickly find what you're looking for, but FlightAware also offers an interactive map to track your flights in real-time. FlightAware can also provide detailed information about airports and airlines, as well as offer alerts for delays or cancellations. Finder has a personalized travel assistant to help you find the best deals based on your preferences and budget. The site also offers rewards programs and exclusive discounts from select partners. Additionally, Finder's comparison tool helps travelers compare prices across several airlines to get the best deal for their trip.


Finder and FlightRadar are two websites that offer services to those seeking information on flights. Finder is a search engine that helps users find the best deals on flights by comparing fares from multiple airlines. FlightRadar is an online flight tracking tool that provides real-time data on aircrafts in the sky. Finder offers comprehensive search options, allowing users to filter results by destination, date, cabin class, number of stops, and more. It also allows users to set up alerts for price drops or new offers. FlightRadar provides detailed information about each flight, including its origin and destination airports, flight number, route map, altitude, speed and estimated time of arrival. Users can view all flights in a given region or zoom in to see individual flights. They can also track aircraft activity over their own location using augmented reality mode. Both websites give users access to valuable information about flights but in different ways.


Finder and Frisk are two online websites that offer a range of services to their users. Both websites allow users to search for products, compare prices, and find the best deals on items. Finder provides more detailed product information than Frisk, offering precise descriptions and reviews from trusted sources in an easy-to-read format. It also has a wide selection of categories and filters to narrow down searches. Frisk, on the other hand, offers a streamlined approach with fewer product details but quick access to discounts on popular items. It also includes ratings from customers for each product page, as well as customer support options for queries.

Google Analytics

Finder and Google Analytics are two powerful online tools to help you find the best options for your needs. Both websites offer a variety of features tailored to user needs. Finder is a search engine that helps users quickly find relevant information on products, services, and more. It has an easy-to-use interface where you can enter your parameters and get results in seconds. Finder also offers reviews from real people about different products and services. Google Analytics is a web analytics service that provides detailed insights into website performance. It has sophisticated reporting capabilities which allow you to track visitor behavior, measure conversions, analyze content engagement, and more. Google Analytics also allows you to monitor multiple websites at once so you can compare data across them. In conclusion, both Finder and Google Analytics offer unique features tailored towards user needs, but they differ in terms of the types of data they provide and the way it's presented. While Finder helps users find the right product or service quickly, Google Analytics provides detailed insights into website performance.


Finder and Garmin are both websites that provide users with the ability to find and download information related to their products. While they offer similar services, there are also a few key differences between them. Finder is an online platform that allows users to search for products from a variety of manufacturers, including Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, and more. The platform provides detailed product information and specifications, as well as customer reviews. Users can also compare prices between various retailers for a given product, allowing them to make an informed purchase decision. Garmin is an online shop that specializes in selling GPS navigation systems and outdoor equipment such as fitness tracking devices, action cameras, drones and more. The website offers detailed product descriptions and ratings from past customers, along with comparison tools so users can easily decide which device is best for them. Garmin also offers its own range of apps that can be downloaded directly from their website. Ultimately both Finder and Garmin are great resources for consumers looking to research potential purchases before making any decisions. They both offer helpful features such as product descriptions and comparison tools, but their main focus is slightly different; Finder focuses on electronics while Garmin specializes in outdoor gear like GPS navigation systems and fitness trackers.


Finder and iTunes are two different applications that can be used to manage files on a Mac computer. Finder is the built-in file manager for Mac computers. It is designed to help users locate, organize, and search for files on their system. iTunes is an app from Apple that helps users manage music and videos on their computer. Both applications have similar features, such as the ability to browse and organize files, create playlists, and share content with other devices or people. However, Finder has more robust options when it comes to file organization, allowing users to create folders within folders and sort by file type or color label. On the other hand, iTunes has more advanced searching capabilities and allows users to access content from the iTunes Store. Ultimately, both Finder and iTunes provide powerful tools for managing files on a Mac computer; the choice of which application to use depends largely on individual needs and preferences.


Finder and Kickback are both websites that aim to help users find the best deals on products, services, and experiences. Finder provides an easy-to-navigate search engine that searches through a variety of stores and categories to compare prices and features. It also provides detailed product reviews and ratings so users can make informed decisions. Kickback is a rewards program that allows customers to earn cash back when they shop at certain retailers, as well as receive exclusive discounts and offers. Both websites offer convenient tools for helping customers save money, but Finder offers more in terms of price comparison and product reviews.


Finder and Monitor are two websites that provide software and services for businesses to manage their data. Finder is a cloud-based software platform that allows users to analyze the data from their systems and turn it into actionable insights. It also offers workflow automation tools, reporting capabilities, and data integration capabilities. Monitor is a service designed to allow users to monitor their business processes in real time, enabling them to make informed decisions quickly. It offers visual analytics, predictive analytics, trend analysis, alerting features and an integrated dashboard. Both sites offer customizable features tailored to meet the specific needs of each user's organization. However, Finder focuses more on analyzing structured and unstructured data while Monitor specializes in monitoring business performance in real-time. Both sites have user-friendly interfaces and offer a variety of support options including tutorials and customer service.

Marine Traffic

Finder and Marine Traffic are two websites that provide users with detailed information about vessels and their associated activities. Both websites offer a variety of features such as vessel tracking, port data, and weather monitoring. Finder allows users to track the movement of vessels by providing real-time updates on the location, speed, course heading, and other relevant data. Additionally, Finder displays a directory of port terminals around the world which can be searched by geographical area or port name. The website also provides access to historical weather data for any given area and temperature estimates for upcoming days. Marine Traffic has similar features as Finder; however it focuses more on vessel-specific information such as call sign, type of vessel, cargo carried, flag state, crew list and estimated time of arrival/departure from ports. In addition to tracking individual ships' movements in real-time, Marine Traffic also offers a global AIS network that allows users to keep track of all vessels in a certain region at once. Furthermore, it includes an oceanic coverage map that provides insight into the density of traffic in different sea areas.


Finder and NCSA are both websites that provide services for individuals looking for college or university programs. Finder offers a comprehensive search engine that allows users to easily compare different colleges and universities by key criteria, such as tuition cost, location, size, and more. NCSA provides a personalized platform which helps athletes to find the best college athletic program match based on their own goals and academic achievements. In addition to searching for schools, Finder also offers resources such as review articles, forums, and advice columns. NCSA helps athletes connect with college coaches through its recruiting profile system, which includes video profiles, real-time messaging services, and more. Both websites offer helpful tools to make the college search process easier for students and athletes alike.


Finder and Seek are both job search websites that help people find career opportunities. Both websites offer a variety of features that make the job search process easier. Finder has a large database of open positions, with over 10 million jobs listed worldwide. It provides users with access to up-to-date job postings, as well as personalized recommendations based on their profile, location, and interests. Additionally, Finder allows users to save their favorite jobs and makes it easy to apply directly from the platform. Seek also has a large database of jobs, with over 1 million openings in Australia alone. It offers an easy-to-use interface and advanced filtering options that allow users to quickly find relevant postings for their desired field or location. Seek also includes a resume builder tool and provides detailed career advice in the form of articles and videos. Both Finder and Seek offer comprehensive tools for finding employment opportunities, but each website has its own unique features that may appeal more to some users than others.


Finder and Udemy are both websites designed to help users find solutions to their needs. Finder is a comparison website that helps users compare products and services, such as banking, insurance, and technology. It uses data-driven insights to help users make informed decisions. Udemy is an online learning platform that provides educational resources for students and professionals alike. Both websites have search functions that allow users to quickly narrow down their choices. While Finder’s search function focuses on helping users compare products and services side-by-side, Udemy’s search function allows users to find courses based on topics they are interested in. Additionally, both sites offer filters that can be used to refine results further. On Finder, these filters include pricing information and user reviews, while on Udemy the filters allow for selecting course duration, language, and instructor profile information. Furthermore, both websites provide helpful resources such as FAQs and user guides for those who need assistance navigating the platforms.

History of Finder

Finder is a website that was launched in 2008. It was created with the goal of helping people find what they need online quickly and easily. It started out as a search engine, but quickly grew to include a variety of tools, such as product comparisons and price comparisons. Over the years, the website has become one of the most popular search engines on the internet, providing users with the most up-to-date and comprehensive search results.

Finder Status

The Finder website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:20).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:20.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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  • Do these websites provide the same amount of 'finding' power as Finder?

    2023-05-18 13:25:20 ·
  • I'm so impressed with this list, I'm going to call it the 'Finder Master List'!

    2023-07-24 01:40:01 ·
  • I'm sure Finder is shaking in its boots now that these websites exist!

    2023-10-08 07:48:17 ·
  • Finally, I can find what I'm looking for without using Finder!

    2023-11-11 17:23:37 ·
  • Thanks for the list of Finder alternatives, I was lost without it!

    2024-01-13 11:13:25 ·
  • Why settle for a Finder when you can have a 'Finderer'?

    2024-02-22 21:55:44 ·
  • These websites should be called 'Finders Keepers'!

    2024-05-20 21:55:32 ·