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7 Alternatives to FACEIT: The Best Similar Gaming Platforms

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-31 19:51:07

Are you looking for something similar to FACEIT? With the growing trend of online gaming, there are now dozens of websites that offer a similar experience. Here is a list of the top websites like FACEIT that provide online gaming tournaments and ladders. From the classic shooter Counter-Strike to the more modern Fortnite, these websites have something for everyone. So, if you’re looking for an alternative to FACEIT, look no further. Here are the best websites like FACEIT.

FACEIT is an online platform for competitive gaming and esports tournaments. It offers players a competitive environment to play their favorite games, as well as the chance to win prizes and earn points.


  • Competitive tournaments and ladders for popular games
  • Tournament hosting and organization tools
  • Live match streaming
  • In-game rewards and leaderboards

FACEIT Alternatives


ESEA is an esports platform that offers professional leagues and tournaments for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Overwatch, and Rocket League. Compete in our monthly ladders or join one of our professional tournaments and compete for cash prizes.

Both platforms are used for competitive gaming and offer matchmaking services, leaderboards, and tournaments.

FACEIT has more game titles than ESEA, and FACEIT offers more rewards for winning matches.

Is ESEA a good alternative?


GamerzArena is a competitive gaming platform that provides a place for gamers to engage in competitive eSports tournaments and win real money. With multiple games and platforms, GamerzArena is the ultimate destination for eSports fans.

Both platforms are used for competitive gaming and offer matchmaking services, leaderboards, and tournaments.

FACEIT has more game titles than GamerzArena, and FACEIT offers more rewards for winning matches.

Is GamerzArena a good alternative?


CEVO is a professional esports platform and tournament provider. It offers a comprehensive suite of options for amateur and professional gamers, teams, and tournament organizers. CEVO also provides software for event management, live streaming, match broadcasting, and content distribution.

Both platforms are used for competitive gaming and offer matchmaking services, leaderboards, and tournaments.

FACEIT has more game titles than CEVO, and FACEIT offers more rewards for winning matches.

Is CEVO a good alternative?


GameBattles is an esports platform for competitive gaming where players from around the world can compete in tournaments and ladders for popular video game titles.

Both platforms are used for competitive gaming and offer matchmaking services, leaderboards, and tournaments.

FACEIT has more game titles than GameBattles, and FACEIT offers more rewards for winning matches.

Is GameBattles a good alternative?


ChallengeMe is a social networking platform that lets you find and accept challenges from friends. With ChallengeMe, you can find and accept challenges from other users and even set up your own unique challenges for your friends. You can stay motivated and connected by creating and completing challenges with friends and competing for rewards.

Both platforms are used for competitive gaming and offer matchmaking services, leaderboards, and tournaments.

FACEIT has more game titles than ChallengeMe, and FACEIT offers more rewards for winning matches.

Is ChallengeMe a good alternative?


Vie is a retirement platform that aims to provide people with a safe and secure way to prepare for their retirement years. The platform provides users with a suite of products and services that can help them manage their money, save for the future, and plan for the life they want to live in retirement.

Both platforms are used for competitive gaming and offer matchmaking services, leaderboards, and tournaments.

FACEIT has more game titles than Vie, and FACEIT offers more rewards for winning matches.

Is Vie a good alternative?

UMG Gaming

UMG Gaming is a platform that connects players and gamers from all around the world to compete in online tournaments and events. With UMG Gaming, users can play, win and grow their skills in the world of competitive gaming.

Both platforms are used for competitive gaming and offer matchmaking services, leaderboards, and tournaments.

FACEIT has more game titles than UMG Gaming, and FACEIT offers more rewards for winning matches.

Is UMG Gaming a good alternative?


Steam is a digital distribution platform for PC and Mac video games developed by Valve Corporation. It offers digital rights management, multiplayer gaming, video streaming, and social networking services.

Both FACEIT and Steam are online gaming platforms.

FACEIT is an esports platform that offers tournaments and ladders for competitive gamers, whereas Steam focuses primarily on digital game distribution, online gaming communities, and in-game item trading.

Is Steam a good alternative?


ESL is a comprehensive online language learning platform that offers interactive courses, resources, and tools to help learners improve their English skills. ESL provides free and paid courses with a focus on grammar, vocabulary, listening and speaking, reading, writing, and conversation.

Both websites offer online gaming tournaments for players to compete in.

FACEIT focuses on providing a platform for tournament hosting and ranking, while ESL provides additional services such as media production, live event support, and more.

Is ESL a good alternative?


Free is an online shopping website that offers thousands of free products from hundreds of brands around the world. From fashion to home goods, from electronics to beauty products, Free has it all.

Both websites offer online gaming services.

FACEIT is a subscription based website while Free is free to use.

Is Free a good alternative?

FACEIT Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of FACEIT with other websites. In this article, we’ll be exploring the features and benefits that FACEIT has to offer compared to its competitors, as well as its drawbacks. We’ll also be looking at how FACEIT compares in terms of value for money, customer service, and game selection. With this information, you can decide if FACEIT is the right platform for you or if another website might be more suitable for your gaming needs. Let's get started!


FACEIT and Steam are two popular gaming platforms that provide gamers with many different features. FACEIT is an online competitive gaming platform specifically designed for esports, while Steam is a digital distribution platform that provides both games and services. FACEIT allows players to create or join tournaments, lobbies and leagues, as well as track their individual rankings in the FACEIT Pro League. It also offers a social element through its own chat system and the ability to connect with friends from other networks, such as Discord and Skype. Moreover, FACEIT provides users with detailed statistics about their past performances in order to help them improve their game. Steam has many features for gamers as well. It offers game downloads, access to the Steam community, a wide variety of user-generated content such as mods and maps, and an extensive selection of downloadable content. In addition, it offers achievements to encourage players to explore different aspects of games they play. Finally, it has its own marketplace for buying and selling in-game items and virtual goods. In conclusion, both FACEIT and Steam offer great features for gamers who want to play on either platform. Depending on your needs you can choose one or the other depending on what suits you best.


FACEIT and ESEA are two popular websites for competitive gaming. Both offer solutions from matchmaking to tournaments and leagues, as well as a variety of game types and features. FACEIT is focused on providing an easy-to-use platform that can host any type of game. It allows players to create their own tournaments, join in existing tournaments, or play against others in matchmaking queues. It includes various tools such as leaderboards, ladders, and rankings to track player performance. FACEIT also offers custom Game Servers with anti-cheat protection and team communication tools like voice chat. ESEA is a more advanced platform with its own ranking system, tournament structure, and ladder system. It also provides custom game servers with its proprietary ESEA Anti-Cheat software that guards against cheating in the platform. Additionally, the platform provides stat tracking tools to help players improve their skills and compete at higher levels of play. ESEA also offers exclusive promotions like sponsored tournaments and special events for top players.


FACEIT and ESL are two of the leading platforms for competitive gaming. FACEIT is a platform specifically designed for esports, featuring an automated tournament system and matchmaking system to help players find suitable opponents. It also includes a dedicated spectator mode with professional-grade broadcast features, allowing viewers to follow tournaments from around the world. ESL is a global tournament platform that hosts competitions for all types of gamers across all platforms, including PC, console, and mobile. On ESL, users can create their own tournaments with custom rulesets, or join existing ones ranging from small local events to international championships. Both platforms offer ladders and leagues to track rankings and standings in various games. FACEIT also provides coaching services by experienced professionals while ESL has its own content team that produces regular articles and videos on the latest gaming news and strategies.


FACEIT and Free are both software platforms that offer a variety of web development services, such as hosting, domain registration, website building, and more. FACEIT offers an easy-to-use drag-and-drop website builder while Free provides a wide selection of templates to choose from. FACEIT also offers custom domains, SEO optimization tools, and analytics. It allows users to add plugins to their websites quickly and easily. On the other hand, Free provides more control over coding through HTML or CSS editing features. Both platforms offer hosting options for growing websites but FACEIT focuses on scalability for larger projects while Free’s plans are better suited for smaller sites with limited needs. Additionally, FACEIT offers a free trial period where users can test the platform before committing to it long term. Free does not have this feature but does provide discounts for long term commitments.

History of FACEIT

FACEIT is an online gaming platform created in London in 2012. It is designed to provide an improved competitive experience for players, with a wide range of tournaments, leagues, ladders and other features. It has grown to become one of the largest competitive gaming platforms in the world, with millions of players taking part in competitions every day.


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  • Oh man, this is like a treasure trove of gaming websites - I'm so excited!

    2023-04-12 00:50:45 ·
  • Wow, so many places to play online - looks like I'll never be bored again!

    2023-06-08 13:53:34 ·
  • Guess I'll have to try out all these websites to see which one I like the best - let's face it, I'm a website hopper!

    2023-08-11 20:10:48 ·
  • I'm sure I'll get confused at least once while trying to remember which site I'm on!

    2024-04-27 14:12:43 ·
  • Let the games begin - I'm about to be a website hopping master!

    2024-05-11 16:31:08 ·