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15 Alternatives to Elite Daily to Find Inspiring and Engaging Content

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-10 14:07:01

Are you a fan of Elite Daily and looking for similar websites to check out? Look no further! In this article, we'll take a look at a list of websites similar to Elite Daily that are sure to keep you entertained and informed. From lifestyle and news to entertainment and self-care, these websites have something for everyone and can provide a refreshing change of pace. So without further ado, let's dive into the list!

Elite Daily


Elite Daily is an American online news platform and digital media brand geared towards millennials. The site covers topics such as life, culture, entertainment, sports and more.


  • Breaking news and opinion pieces
  • Daily content and stories
  • Video and audio content
  • Interactive quizzes and polls

Elite Daily Alternatives

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is an online magazine and a creative writing platform, dedicated to exploring the human experience. We provide a space for expression, conversation, and introspection, helping our readers to become better versions of themselves.

Thought Catalog also provides daily content written by a diverse range of voices, including articles about lifestyle, culture, relationships and mental health.

Thought Catalog focuses more on stories, personal essays, and advice than Elite Daily

Is Thought Catalog a good alternative?


Odyssey is an online platform that encourages users to explore the world in a fun and adventurous way. Through the platform, users can find travel guides, tips, and advice on how to make the most out of their traveling experiences.

The Odyssey also provides daily content written by diverse range of voices, including articles about lifestyle, culture, relationships and mental health.

The Odyssey focuses more on college and university news and opinions than Elite Daily

Is Odyssey a good alternative?


Medium is a platform for reading and writing stories on various topics, ranging from current events to personal experiences. The platform is designed to make it easy for anyone to share their stories with the world.

Medium also provides daily content written by diverse range of voices, including articles about lifestyle, culture, relationships and mental health.

Medium is more focused on original content than Elite Daily, and does not have a strong focus on celebrity news

Is Medium a good alternative?


Buzzfeed is an online media platform that covers news and entertainment topics, including movies, video games, politics, lifestyle, and more. It also features original content from its staff writers, as well as videos and quizzes.

BuzzFeed also provides daily content written by diverse range of voices, including articles about lifestyle, culture, relationships and mental health.

BuzzFeed has a stronger focus on lists and quizzes than Elite Daily and has a more lighthearted tone

Is Buzzfeed a good alternative?


HuffPost is the leading source of news and commentary for the most diverse and connected generation ever. With its award-winning combination of original and curated content, HuffPost delivers a vibrant mix of breaking news, entertainment, lifestyle, and opinion from around the world.

HuffPost also provides daily content written by diverse range of voices, including articles about lifestyle, culture, relationships and mental health.

HuffPost has a stronger focus on politics and current events than Elite Daily

Is HuffPost a good alternative?

The Daily Dot

The Daily Dot is an online news source that covers a wide range of topics from politics and tech to entertainment and lifestyle. It features an array of stories from both national and international sources and brings readers fresh, relevant news every day.

The Daily Dot also provides daily content written by diverse range of voices, including articles about lifestyle, culture, relationships and mental health.

The Daily Dot has a stronger focus on tech and gaming news than Elite Daily

Is The Daily Dot a good alternative?


Refinery29 is a digital media and entertainment company that delivers nonstop inspiration to live a more creative and stylish life. Its mission is to be a catalyst for women to feel, see, and claim their power by providing optimistic and diverse creativity, storytelling, and points of view.

Refinery29 also provides daily content written by diverse range of voices, including articles about lifestyle, culture, relationships and mental health.

Refinery29 has a stronger focus on fashion and beauty than Elite Daily

Is Refinery29 a good alternative?

History of Elite Daily

Elite Daily is a website that provides lifestyle advice, guidance, and news to millennials. It was founded in 2013 as a digital media and entertainment company, and has since grown to become one of the largest digital media companies in the United States. The website is known for its original content and viral videos that have been viewed over 2 billion times. It is also one of the most visited sites among millennials, with over 20 million unique visitors each month.

Elite Daily Status

The Elite Daily website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:18).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:18.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing Elite Daily's website? .


  • Thank goodness I don't have to read Elite Daily anymore!

    2023-02-02 19:51:01 ·
  • I'm just glad there's something else out there for when I'm bored!

    2023-02-06 22:25:58 ·
  • Finally, an alternative to the monotony of Elite Daily!

    2023-06-04 19:21:11 ·
  • Wow, I'm so relieved that I don't have to read Elite Daily anymore!

    2024-06-06 00:01:45 ·
  • I'm sure some people will be happy to never read Elite Daily again!

    2024-07-23 22:42:55 ·