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7 Alternatives to CodeCombat for Learning Computer Programming

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-30 23:11:01

Are you looking for a similar website like CodeCombat? Whether you're a beginner programmer looking for an easy way to learn coding principles or an experienced coder searching for a challenging platform to sharpen your skills, there are plenty of great alternatives to CodeCombat. In this article, we'll explore some of the best sites like CodeCombat, each with their own unique features and coding challenges. So, let's get started!



CodeCombat is an educational online game that teaches students how to code in a fun, engaging way. Through the game, students learn coding concepts such as variables, functions, and classes, while also developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills.


  • Engaging and interactive game-based learning environment
  • Supports multiple programming languages: JavaScript, Python, and CoffeeScript
  • Comprehensive tutorials and challenges to teach coding fundamentals
  • Features a variety of levels and missions to keep students engaged

CodeCombat Alternatives


RoboCode is a mobile-friendly coding platform that teaches kids how to code with interactive software and games. It covers a wide range of coding languages and provides an easy-to-use, engaging platform that helps kids become creators of the future.

RoboCode is a game-like programming environment where the goal is to program a robot to battle against other robots in an arena. It is similar to CodeCombat in that it uses a game-like approach to learning programming.

RoboCode is a single-player game, while CodeCombat is a multi-player game. Additionally, CodeCombat allows users to create their own levels, while RoboCode only provides the levels that come with the game.

Is RoboCode a good alternative?


Codingame is an online platform to learn coding and compete with other coders. It provides tutorials and challenges to help you learn coding and practice your coding skills.

CodinGame is an online coding platform that allows users to solve challenges in a game-like environment. It is similar to CodeCombat in that it uses a game-like approach to learning programming.

CodinGame focuses more on problem-solving and coding challenges, while CodeCombat focuses more on teaching users how to program. Additionally, CodeCombat has a more comprehensive multiplayer system than CodinGame.

Is Codingame a good alternative?


Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.

Scratch is a graphical programming language that is designed to teach programming through block-based coding challenges. It is similar to CodeCombat in that it uses a game-like approach to learning programming.

Scratch is focused more on teaching users how to code, while CodeCombat focuses more on providing challenges. Additionally, CodeCombat has a more comprehensive multiplayer system than Scratch.

Is Scratch a good alternative?


Codecademy is an online learning platform for coding. It offers interactive courses and projects in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and more, from beginner to advanced levels.

Codecademy is an online coding platform that provides interactive lessons to teach programming. It is similar to CodeCombat in that it uses a game-like approach to learning programming.

Codecademy focuses more on teaching users how to program, while CodeCombat focuses more on providing challenges. Additionally, CodeCombat has a more comprehensive multiplayer system than Codecademy.

Is Codecademy a good alternative?


Kodu is a visual programming language for creating Xbox 360 games. It is designed to allow children of all ages to begin creating their own games with a few simple clicks and keystrokes, and for more experienced game developers to explore the capabilities of Xbox 360.

Kodu is a game-programming environment that is designed to teach programming through block-based coding challenges. It is similar to CodeCombat in that it uses a game-like approach to learning programming.

Kodu is focused more on teaching users how to code, while CodeCombat focuses more on providing challenges. Additionally, CodeCombat has a more comprehensive multiplayer system than Kodu.

Is Kodu a good alternative?


Lightbot is a web-based coding game that teaches the basics of programming through puzzle-solving. Players write code to move a robot character around the gameboard, turning lights on and off in order to reach the end goal.

Lightbot is a game-like programming environment that is designed to teach programming through puzzles. It is similar to CodeCombat in that it uses a game-like approach to learning programming.

Lightbot is focused more on teaching users how to code, while CodeCombat focuses more on providing challenges. Additionally, CodeCombat has a more comprehensive multiplayer system than Lightbot.

Is Lightbot a good alternative?


Codewars is an online platform for coding and programming learners of all levels. The platform offers a variety of exercises, challenges, and tutorials to help users improve their coding skills. With a supportive community of coders from around the world, users can also take part in virtual competitions and collaborate with others to solve complex coding problems.

Both websites offer users the ability to practice coding skills by competing against others.

CodeCombat is a browser-based game while Codewars is a series of coding challenges.

Is Codewars a good alternative?

CodeCombat Head-To-Head

CodeCombat is an online video game that teaches coding fundamentals to young learners in a fun and engaging way. It stands out from other educational websites because of its interactive and collaborative features that allow players to solve puzzles and build their own games with coding. In this article, we’ll be comparing CodeCombat with other similar websites and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each platform. We’ll also look at who each platform is best suited for, so you can make an informed decision about which one to use.


CodeCombat and Codingame are both websites that offer a fun and educational way to learn coding. CodeCombat is a game-based learning platform that teaches users JavaScript, Python, and Lua programming languages through code-driven levels. It also offers an editor which allows users to build custom levels and share them with other players. Codingame provides an interactive platform where users can sharpen their coding skills by solving puzzles, playing games, and playing in tournaments. While both platforms are great for beginners, CodeCombat is more focused on teaching coding fundamentals while Codingame is more geared toward experienced coders who want to challenge themselves with complex problem-solving activities. Both platforms provide helpful resources such as tutorials and forums for discussing topics related to coding. Ultimately, both websites offer excellent ways for individuals of all levels to learn programming languages in an enjoyable way.


CodeCombat and Codewars are two popular coding websites for learning and practicing coding. Both websites provide a variety of ways to learn coding skills through interactive challenges, tutorials, and other activities. CodeCombat offers an online course-based system to teach coding skills. The courses are designed to be fun and engaging, with levels that gradually increase in difficulty. Players can also create their own custom levels to challenge themselves or others. CodeCombat also has a multiplayer mode, allowing players to compete against friends or strangers from around the world. Codewars is a gamified platform that focuses on practice rather than instruction. It features many different programming challenges called “kata” which are designed for users with varying skill levels. Each kata contains detailed instructions, sample solutions, and feedback from other coders who have solved the same problem. Users can earn points for completing kata and level up as they progress through the various difficulty levels. In addition, Codewars allows users to create their own custom kata if they want additional challenges beyond what is available on the website. Ultimately, both CodeCombat and Codewars offer unique experiences for coding enthusiasts looking to hone their skills in different ways.

History of CodeCombat

CodeCombat is an educational video game that teaches programming through playing. It was launched in 2013 and since then has been teaching computer science skills to students of all ages. CodeCombat has been used all over the world, from the United States, to Europe, to Asia, and beyond. It has also been used in classrooms and for online learning.

CodeCombat Status

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  • I'm glad I found this article - now I don't have to search the web for hours!

    2023-03-13 08:16:30 ·
  • I'm just here for the lols - so many funny websites like CodeCombat!

    2024-02-05 21:06:21 ·
  • Wow, so many websites like CodeCombat - looks like I'm going to be busy for hours!

    2024-02-06 16:09:33 ·
  • Very helpful article - now I have no excuse not to learn how to code!

    2024-04-09 20:08:30 ·
  • I can't believe there are this many websites like CodeCombat - I'm so excited!

    2024-06-18 23:31:37 ·
  • This article is "code-finitely" the best thing I've read all day!

    2024-07-20 23:48:43 ·