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Check Out These Interactive Fiction Alternatives to Choice of Games

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-26 09:56:22

Are you looking for an alternative to the popular interactive fiction game, "Choice of Games"? If so, look no further! We have compiled a list of websites that offer similar experiences to "Choice of Games". Here, you will find a number of games that offer a unique and engaging experience, from role-playing games to interactive novels and more. So, check out our list of similar websites like "Choice of Games" and get ready for a fun and exciting adventure!

Choice of Games


Choice of Games creates interactive story games, where you can control the story. Explore a variety of story genres, from science fiction to fantasy, romance, and more. Enjoy the freedom to play on your own terms, or join with friends and other players to explore the expansive multiverse.


  • Interactive story games
  • Variety of story genres
  • Freedom to play on your own terms
  • Join with friends and other players
  • Expansive multiverse

Choice of Games Alternatives


ChoiceScript is a simple programming language for writing multiple-choice games (MCGs) like Choice of Games. It is designed to be easy to pick-up and write, allowing authors to focus on writing their story. It has been used to create hundreds of games, including award-winning titles like Choice of Robots, Choice of the Dragon and Choice of Kung Fu.

Both websites offer interactive story-based games.

ChoiceScript is a single-developer website, while Choice of Games is a multi-developer platform.

Is ChoiceScript a good alternative?


Inkle is a story writing and interactive storytelling platform that helps authors create interactive stories with branching narratives and choices. It offers an effective and fun way to write stories, and is used by thousands of authors and game developers around the world.

Both websites offer interactive story-based games.

Inkle is a single-developer website, while Choice of Games is a multi-developer platform.

Is Inkle a good alternative?


Twine is a professional website builder focused on creating portfolio websites for creative professionals. With Twine, users can create modern, responsive portfolio websites quickly and easily, with no coding required. With intuitive tools, users can customize the look, feel and content of their websites, integrating with existing services and platforms.

Both websites offer interactive story-based games.

Twine is an open-source platform, while Choice of Games is a commercial platform.

Is Twine a good alternative?

Fallen London

Fallen London is a browser-based video game from Failbetter Studios that combines elements of traditional role-playing games with interactive fiction. Players navigate through a complex world inspired by Victorian London, full of strange creatures, criminal masterminds, and mysterious portals.

Both websites offer interactive story-based games.

Fallen London is a browser-based game, while Choice of Games is an app-based platform.

Is Fallen London a good alternative?

Hosted Games

Hosted Games is the world's leading provider of private server games, offering the best gaming experience to players around the world. With over 500 games and more than 500,000 active players, Hosted Games is the ideal platform for gamers of all levels.

Both websites offer interactive story-based games.

Hosted Games is a multi-developer platform, while Choice of Games is a single-developer platform.

Is Hosted Games a good alternative?

Choice of Broadsides

Choice of Broadsides is a text-based, interactive pirate game developed by Choice of Games. Players assume the role of a pirate, choose their own story adventures, and make decisions that determine the outcome of the game. Players can choose from a selection of storylines, from a classic Caribbean pirate adventure to a far-flung, supernatural tale.

Both websites offer interactive story-based games.

Choice of Broadsides is a single-developer platform, while Choice of Games is a multi-developer platform.

Is Choice of Broadsides a good alternative?

Choice of the Dragon

Choice of the Dragon is an epic text-based role-playing game, where your choices control the story. You are a dragon, the most powerful creature in the world. Your prowess in battle is legendary, but are you clever and strong enough to survive in a world of unscrupulous humans?

Both websites offer interactive story-based games.

Choice of the Dragon is a single-developer platform, while Choice of Games is a multi-developer platform.

Is Choice of the Dragon a good alternative?

History of Choice of Games

Choice of Games is an interactive fiction website that has been in operation since 2009. It was founded with the goal of allowing readers to play and customize their own interactive stories in a variety of genres, including science fiction, fantasy, mystery and romance. The website has since grown to become one of the leading sources of interactive fiction, offering hundreds of titles, many of which have been praised by critics and gamers alike.

Choice of Games Status

The Choice of Games website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:12).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:12.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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  • I'm in such a dilemma - so many websites like Choice of Games, so little time!

    2023-02-08 10:10:48 ·
  • So many choices, so little time! I'm so confused!

    2023-02-23 07:59:01 ·
  • Wow, looks like I can get my game fix from all these different websites... but which one do I pick?!

    2023-05-15 06:16:14 ·
  • Hmm, so many websites like Choice of Games... I'm not sure how I'm supposed to decide which one to play!

    2023-06-09 17:08:12 ·
  • I'm glad I don't have to choose between Choice of Games and all these other websites - that would have been too much of a decision for me to handle!

    2023-07-01 01:59:36 ·
  • I'm going to have to make a list of pros and cons to decide which website like Choice of Games is the best for me!

    2023-08-31 04:37:50 ·
  • I'm going to have to choose carefully - I don't want to miss out on any of these awesome websites!

    2023-10-12 05:18:10 ·
  • Looks like I'm going to have to put my detective hat on and do some sleuthing to find the best website like Choice of Games!

    2024-02-24 04:18:07 ·