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7 Alternatives to Cambly: Finding Quality English Conversation Practice Online

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-27 22:59:34

Are you looking for online tutoring websites similar to Cambly? If so, you've come to the right place! Here is a comprehensive list of websites that provide similar services as Cambly, including options for language-learning, tutoring, and more. With a range of prices, features, and levels of instruction, there is an option for everyone. Read on to discover the best Cambly alternatives and find the one that meets your needs.

Cambly is an online language learning platform. With Cambly, you can learn English with native speakers via live video chat. They offer 1-on-1 online tutoring with experienced teachers, who help you practice and improve your English conversation skills.


  • Live 1-on-1 video chat with experienced native English teachers
  • Instant feedback and personalized corrections
  • Flexible hours and affordable prices
  • Learn English with real conversations

Cambly Alternatives


italki is an online language learning platform for connecting language learners with native or fluent speakers for 1-on-1 lessons.

Italki offers language tutoring and language exchange services

Italki does not offer 1-on-1 video chat services like Cambly does

Is italki a good alternative?


Lingoda is an online language school that provides language courses in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. With Lingoda's online language classes, you'll learn from professional native teachers in the comfort of your own home.

Lingoda offers language courses and tutoring services

Lingoda does not offer 1-on-1 video chat services like Cambly does

Is Lingoda a good alternative?


Verbling is an online language learning platform that offers live, interactive video classes with top language teachers from around the world. The platform uses a unique approach to language learning that focuses on one-on-one practice with native-speaking language teachers. With Verbling, language learners can set their own learning goals, practice their speaking skills, and improve their pronunciation and grammar.

Verbling offers language lessons and tutoring services

Verbling does not offer 1-on-1 video chat services like Cambly does

Is Verbling a good alternative?


Preply is an online tutoring platform providing high-quality tutoring services to students of all ages and levels. The platform connects students with experienced teachers from around the world, enabling them to learn any language, subject or skill quickly and effectively.

Preply offers tutoring services in many different languages

Preply does not offer 1-on-1 video chat services like Cambly does

Is Preply a good alternative?


GoSpeak is an open source language learning platform that provides a set of tools and features designed to help you learn any language quickly and efficiently. It features an intuitive learning dashboard, voice recognition, speech recording, flashcards, and more.

GoSpeak offers language tutoring services

GoSpeak does not offer 1-on-1 video chat services like Cambly does

Is GoSpeak a good alternative?

Tutoring Services

Tutoring Services is dedicated to providing quality tutoring for students of all ages and educational needs. We provide personalized tutoring plans, and our team of experienced tutors is ready to help you reach your educational goals.

Tutoring Services offers language tutoring services

Tutoring Services does not offer 1-on-1 video chat services like Cambly does

Is Tutoring Services a good alternative?

Mango Languages

Mango Languages is a language learning resource that provides an intuitive and interactive way to learn a new language. It offers live tutoring, self-guided learning, and an award-winning mobile app.

Mango Languages offers language courses and tutoring services

Mango Languages does not offer 1-on-1 video chat services like Cambly does

Is Mango Languages a good alternative?


busuu is the world's largest language learning community, with over 90 million users. As part of their language learning platform, busuu offers courses in 12 different languages, with more than 1,000 interactive lessons and exercises.

Both Cambly and Busuu offer language learning services for users.

Cambly focuses on providing one-on-one tutoring sessions, while Busuu has a more comprehensive approach to teaching by offering courses, exercises and quizzes.

Is busuu a good alternative?


Duolingo is a free language-learning platform that uses gamified lessons and adaptive technology to help users learn and practice a foreign language.

Both Cambly and Duolingo are language learning websites.

Cambly provides one-on-one tutoring with native speakers while Duolingo offers self-paced language courses through interactive lessons.

Is Duolingo a good alternative?


engoo is an online English learning platform that provides one-on-one lessons with qualified native English teachers. With engoo, you can improve your English conversation, reading, writing, and listening skills with the help of experienced and certified native English teachers.

Both websites provide language learning services.

Cambly focuses on one-on-one conversations between tutors and students, while engoo offers a range of online lessons and activities.

Is engoo a good alternative?

Native Camp

Native Camp is an online language-learning platform that connects students with native English-speaking teachers from around the world. The platform provides an immersive learning experience with one-on-one and small group lessons taught by experienced, certified teachers.

Both Cambly and Native Camp offer online language learning services.

Cambly mainly focuses on one-on-one conversations with native English speakers, while Native Camp offers group classes as well as private lessons.

Is Native Camp a good alternative?


PalFish is a fun and interactive language learning app that connects English learners with native English teachers. With PalFish, students can learn English through engaging conversations with real-life teachers, allowing them to practice their English and improve their language skills.

Both websites offer online language tutoring services.

Cambly is an app-based service, while PalFish provides lessons through their own website or mobile app.

Is PalFish a good alternative?


US is a news and information website managed by the United States government. The site offers up-to-date news and information about America’s government, foreign affairs, defense, and other topics related to the United States.

Both Cambly and US provide online language learning services.

Cambly is focused on one-on-one tutoring sessions, while US provides a variety of course options with different levels of customization.

Is US a good alternative?


VIPKid is an online English education platform that connects Chinese children aged 4-12 with native English speakers from North America for one-on-one, real-time online classes. The platform provides the opportunity for children to learn English from the comfort of their own home, using an interactive and engaging technology-based learning system.

Both websites offer online teaching services.

Cambly focuses on English conversation practice for adults, while VIPKID specializes in teaching children English.

Is VIPKID a good alternative?

Cambly Head-To-Head

Welcome to the head-to-head comparison of Cambly with other websites! Here, we will explore how Cambly's services stack up against similar products on the market today. We will look at each website's features, cost, user reviews, and more. At the end of this comparison, you should have a better understanding of which website is best for your needs. So let’s get started!


Cambly and Busuu are both online language learning websites, offering courses to teach users how to speak a foreign language. Both sites provide instruction from native speakers with the ability to customize lessons based on individual needs. Cambly offers one-on-one video chat sessions with qualified tutors that are available 24/7. Users can access Cambly’s library of content, which includes conversations, grammar exercises and pronunciation drills. Additionally, there is a ‘Games’ section to help increase vocabulary and practice verb conjugation. Busuu has structured courses for 11 languages including Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portuguese as well as other less commonly taught languages such as Turkish and Arabic. Like Cambly, Busuu also provides conversation practice but also incorporates writing exercises and audio recordings designed to improve pronunciation. The site also has an adaptive learning algorithm that customizes user’s lessons based on their answers to the quizzes they take during the course. Overall, both Cambly and Busuu offer users comprehensive language learning experiences with real-time instruction from native speakers as well as personalized content tailored to their individual needs.


Cambly and Duolingo are two popular language-learning websites. Both offer a variety of courses and resources to help users learn a new language. Cambly offers one-on-one tutoring with native speakers, providing an immersive experience that helps users master the language quickly and effectively. The tutors are available 24/7, so users can access their services anytime they need extra help. Users can also take part in pronunciation practice sessions and conversation classes to improve their speaking ability. Duolingo also provides an effective way for users to learn a new language. It offers interactive lessons with audio clips, written exercises, and real-life conversations. Additionally, it has a strong focus on developing reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills through its courses and resources. Duolingo also uses gamification elements like leaderboards and achievements to motivate users to stay engaged with the platform. Overall, both Cambly and Duolingo offer unique features that make them great choices for learning a new language online.


Cambly and engoo are both online language learning websites. They have different features that make them suitable for different types of learners. Cambly is designed for those who want to improve their conversational skills quickly by interacting with native speakers in real-time. Learners can schedule one-on-one video chats with tutors from all over the world, and they can choose the topics and activities that interest them most. Cambly also offers learning materials to supplement the lessons. Engoo is designed for those who want to learn a language systematically. It provides structured courses made up of videos, quizzes, and activities that cover all language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Learners can practice their conversation skills with tutors in real-time as well, but the focus is on building a solid foundation of knowledge first. Engoo also has interactive forums where learners can discuss topics related to their studies with other students from around the world.


Cambly and italki are both websites that offer language learning services, with a range of options to help learners find the best fit for their needs. Cambly provides learners with access to native English speakers through video chat, while italki offers more traditional language lessons with qualified teachers. With Cambly, learners can book sessions at any time of day or night and have the option to select different levels of conversational topics. On italki, learners can choose from a variety of professional teachers who specialize in different areas, such as grammar and pronunciation. Both websites also offer a range of other useful resources such as language-learning apps, blogs and forums. Cambly also provides audio recordings featuring spoken conversations between real people from around the world, allowing learners to hear conversational English in action. Meanwhile, on italki, learners can join virtual language exchange groups where they can connect with others who share a common interest in learning a new language. Overall, both Cambly & italki provide valuable services for those seeking to learn a new language. Depending on their individual needs and preferences, users may find one service more suitable than the other.


Cambly and Lingoda are two online language tutoring platforms designed to help users learn a new language. Both websites offer one-on-one lesson plans with native speakers, however their approaches differ significantly. Cambly allows users to connect with tutors on demand, meaning that users can schedule live video sessions at any time. The platform also provides access to pre-recorded lessons, giving students the chance to learn at their own pace. Lingoda focuses more on structured, goal-orientated lessons. Users have access to different packages of lessons which range from 10 minute classes up to full 90 minute sessions. The platform includes interactive courses as well as the option for private one-on-one tuition with experienced teachers and native speakers. Both Cambly and Lingoda offer an array of features tailored to various learning styles, allowing users to select the option that best suits their needs and goals.

Native Camp

Cambly and Native Camp are both websites that offer language learning services. Cambly is a platform that connects you with native English speakers from around the world for one-on-one video chat sessions. Native Camp is an online school where you can have live lessons with real teachers. Both services provide language learning activities to help users improve their language skills, such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. However, there are some differences between the two. Cambly focuses on conversational English practice and does not provide formal grammar instruction or coursework; instead, it provides an interactive environment for its users to engage in conversation with certified tutors. Native Camp offers courses taught by certified teachers in a variety of languages including English, Spanish, French and Japanese. They also have dedicated lesson plans and homework assignments to help students practice their language skills outside of class time. In terms of user experience, both services provide an easy-to-use platform with audio/video capabilities and other interactive tools to support the learning process. However, Cambly's focus on conversation makes it more suitable for beginner students who want to gain basic conversation skills quickly; whereas Native Camp's more structured approach may be better suited for intermediate or advanced learners looking to pursue language studies at a higher level.


Cambly and Preply are both online tutoring websites that allow users to connect with tutors from around the world. With Cambly, users can book one-on-one sessions with native English speakers who have been interviewed and pre-vetted by Cambly staff. Each session is completely flexible, so you can talk about anything that interests you. With Preply, users can search for tutors by language, topic and level of expertise. All tutors on the platform have passed a rigorous selection process and hold at least one degree or teaching qualification. In addition to one-on-one sessions, Preply offers lessons in small groups as well as test prep for exams like IELTS or TOEFL. Both platforms offer an array of features such as instant messaging, audio/video calling capabilities and interactive whiteboard tools to enhance the learning experience.


Cambly and PalFish are both online English tutoring websites with native English-speaking teachers. Both offer one-on-one sessions with certified ESL tutors. Cambly offers live video chat and voice calling, while PalFish offers only video chat. Cambly also has a broader range of lesson types, including educational lessons such as Business English, Exam Preparation, and Accent Training; PalFish focuses primarily on conversational English. In terms of speaking practice, Cambly allows users to have free conversations but doesn’t offer structured lessons; PalFish does offer structured lessons that include topics to discuss and activities to complete. Finally, Cambly offers the ability for users to pick their own tutor from a list of available teachers; PalFish assigns teachers at random from its pool of qualified tutors.


Both Cambly and US Without are online language learning platforms. Cambly focuses on live one-on-one conversation with native tutors, while US Without offers a wide range of self-paced online courses. When it comes to the structure of lessons, Cambly emphasizes informal conversations with native speakers as its main feature. These conversations can be done in real time using video or audio calls, making them suitable for learners who need help with pronunciation and practice speaking in a foreign language. On the other hand, US Without has a structured approach that follows an academic standard, which allows learners to move through different levels of language competence. In terms of content available for students, both websites provide access to thousands of resources such as grammar lessons, articles, and audio files. However, Cambly also offers interactive quizzes and games that help students track their progress and stay motivated during their learning journey. Overall, each platform provides unique features that could be beneficial for different types of language learners. For those looking for an organized way to learn a language from scratch or improve their existing skillset, US Without might be a better fit. Meanwhile, Cambly is ideal for those who want to gain confidence in speaking by conversing with native speakers in real time.


Cambly and VIPKID are two popular online English tutoring websites. Both offer one-on-one English lessons with qualified native English speaking tutors, as well as a range of other features. Cambly is known for its conversational approach to language learning, allowing students to explore topics through casual talks with their tutor. It offers flexible scheduling, no long-term contracts, and the option for students to try out different tutors at any time. Cambly also provides additional resources in the form of daily conversation points and topic suggestions. VIPKID is geared towards teaching students through a structured curriculum and goals, helping them achieve mastery in a specific language level or subject. Students work with their assigned tutor to learn material from textbooks and activities, complete homework assignments, review past lesson materials and practice speaking skills. VIPKID also offers one-on-one real-time feedback sessions with certified teachers during each class. Overall, both Cambly and VIPKID offer quality English instruction tailored to different needs but the main difference is that Cambly focuses on cultivating conversational fluency while VIPKID emphasizes mastery in a particular level or subject area.


Cambly and Verbling are both websites that offer online language tutoring services. While Cambly focuses on providing access to native English speakers for conversational practice, Verbling offers a variety of language courses designed by experienced teachers. Cambly allows users to connect and chat with tutors in real time, without having to book ahead. Users can search for tutors based on their nationality or accent and also select the length of their session. Verbling, on the other hand, offers structured lessons with experienced language teachers from around the world, where students can interact with teachers via video chat or text-based sessions. Students can choose from a variety of classes that are tailored to their learning needs, whether they are looking for a conversation course or an intensive grammar session. In terms of user experience, Cambly’s interface is quite simple and easy to use while Verbling has more features such as group classes and schedule customization. Both websites offer audio and video calling options as well as progress tracking tools so users can keep track of their learning progress.

History of Cambly

Cambly is an online tutoring website that was founded in 2012. The website connects students from all over the world with experienced tutors from all different walks of life. The goal of the website was to create a platform that was easy to use and accessible to anyone who wanted to learn a foreign language or improve their English skills. Since its launch, Cambly has become one of the most popular online tutoring websites in the world, with millions of users every month.

Cambly Status

The Cambly website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:10).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:10.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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  • Looks like I'm going to have to try out all these sites to make sure they're as good as Cambly!

    2023-03-06 19:19:19 ·
  • I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by all these choices.

    2023-05-06 19:13:36 ·
  • I didn't realize there were so many options out there. Guess I'd better get to work!

    2023-11-15 08:32:48 ·
  • I guess I'll have to try out all these sites and see which one works best for me.

    2023-12-25 16:50:56 ·
  • I'm sure I'll find the perfect one for me... eventually!

    2024-01-15 08:02:59 ·
  • Maybe I should just stick with Cambly. It's worked out pretty well so far.

    2024-02-02 21:54:30 ·
  • Well, that's a lot of homework for me to do!

    2024-06-26 07:00:37 ·