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7 Alternatives to BrowserStack for Cross-Browser Testing

By Gregor K. published about 2023-02-04 03:43:57

If you're looking for a great alternative to BrowserStack for website testing, you're in luck! We've compiled a list of similar websites that offer similar features and benefits as BrowserStack. From free and open-source options to paid services, there's something for everyone. We'll look at the features and pricing of each option so you can find the best fit for your needs. So let's get started and explore the best BrowserStack alternatives available today!

BrowserStack is a cloud-based cross-browser testing tool that enables developers and QA teams to test websites and applications across different browsers and devices.


  • Automate testing on 2000+ browsers and devices
  • Debug JavaScript errors
  • Live testing on local or internal servers
  • Automatically generate screenshots

BrowserStack Alternatives


TestingBot is a cloud-based platform that provides automated browser testing. Our mission is to make automated testing easy and accessible to everyone. Our platform is designed to help companies save time and money by automation testing, and to provide developers with a user-friendly and reliable platform to run their tests on.

Both BrowserStack and TestingBot offer cloud-based testing services and support a wide range of browsers and devices.

TestingBot does not offer a mobile app testing service, unlike BrowserStack, and TestingBot is more focused on providing automated testing solutions than manual testing solutions.

Is TestingBot a good alternative?


LambdaTest is a cloud-based cross browser testing platform that offers automated and live testing of web applications on over 2000+ real browsers and operating systems. It helps developers and testers to test the responsiveness, functionality, and visual appeal of their websites or web applications across all major browsers and operating systems.

Both BrowserStack and LambdaTest offer cloud-based testing services and support a wide range of browsers and devices.

LambdaTest does not offer mobile app testing services, unlike BrowserStack, and LambdaTest offers a wider range of integrations than BrowserStack.

Is LambdaTest a good alternative?

Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs is an automated software testing platform designed to make it easy for businesses to test their web and mobile applications with minimal effort. With an intuitive user interface and advanced features like multiple browser support, real-time analytics, and automated builds, Sauce Labs helps businesses save time and money.

Both BrowserStack and Sauce Labs offer cloud-based testing services and support a wide range of browsers and devices.

Sauce Labs does not offer mobile app testing services, unlike BrowserStack, and Sauce Labs is more focused on providing automated testing solutions than manual testing solutions.

Is Sauce Labs a good alternative?


CrossBrowserTesting is a cloud-based platform that helps developers and testers ensure their websites and applications work properly in modern browsers. Through automated and manual testing, CrossBrowserTesting helps developers and testers to identify browser compatibility issues and quickly resolve them.

Both BrowserStack and CrossBrowserTesting offer cloud-based testing services and support a wide range of browsers and devices.

CrossBrowserTesting does not offer mobile app testing services, unlike BrowserStack, and CrossBrowserTesting offers a wider range of integrations than BrowserStack.

Is CrossBrowserTesting a good alternative?


SauceCon is the world’s first and only conference dedicated to the art and science of sauce making. We strive to bring together experts in the field, passionate amateurs, and curious newcomers to explore the science and craft of making sauces.

Both BrowserStack and SauceCon offer cloud-based testing services and support a wide range of browsers and devices.

SauceCon does not offer mobile app testing services, unlike BrowserStack, and SauceCon is more focused on providing automated testing solutions than manual testing solutions.

Is SauceCon a good alternative?


Perfecto Mobile is an automated testing platform for web and mobile applications. It allows developers and testers to automate their test processes and get greater insight into the quality of their applications.

Both BrowserStack and Perfecto offer cloud-based testing services and support a wide range of browsers and devices.

Perfecto does not offer mobile app testing services, unlike BrowserStack, and Perfecto is more focused on providing automated testing solutions than manual testing solutions.

Is Perfecto a good alternative?


Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms. It is designed to simplify and streamline the process of testing mobile applications.

Both BrowserStack and Appium offer cloud-based testing services and support a wide range of browsers and devices.

Appium does not offer a mobile app testing service, unlike BrowserStack, and Appium is more focused on providing automated testing solutions than manual testing solutions.

Is Appium a good alternative?


Emulator is the ultimate online gaming platform, allowing you to play any video game, anytime, anywhere. With a library of thousands of titles, across many platforms, you can enjoy the latest releases and greatest classics.

Both BrowserStack and Emulator are tools designed to test web applications.

BrowserStack is a cloud-based web and mobile testing platform, while Emulator is a software that mimics the behavior of other operating systems on a computer.

Is Emulator a good alternative?

BrowserStack Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of BrowserStack and other websites! BrowserStack is a cloud web and mobile testing platform that allows developers to test their websites and applications on different browsers, operating systems, and devices. We will compare BrowserStack’s features with those of other platforms to help you decide which one best meets your needs. We’ll look at the cost, compatibility, ease of use, customer service, and more. So let’s dive in!


BrowserStack and Emulator are both cloud-based web development tools that allow developers to test their applications across multiple web browsers, operating systems and devices. BrowserStack offers a variety of options for testing, such as automated and manual testing, live testing on real devices, as well as local testing. It also supports mobile app testing on both Android and iOS devices. Additionally, BrowserStack integrates with popular development platforms such as Visual Studio, Jenkins and CircleCI. Emulator provides an extensive set of features for developers to test the compatibility of their websites or apps across various browsers and operating systems. It allows for easy configuration of settings such as resolution and device orientation. Developers can also choose from a wide range of real devices from different Manufacturers to test their sites on. Additionally, it supports automated regression tests with its custom scripting functionality.


BrowserStack and LambdaTest are both popular cloud-based cross-browser testing services. BrowserStack allows users to test web applications on real browsers and devices, while LambdaTest enables users to perform automated and manual cross browser testing on more than 2000 browsers, operating systems, and devices. BrowserStack provides a local testing feature that allows developers to test their apps for bugs on their local machines, while LambdaTest offers a smart visual UI comparison tool that shows any visual differences across different browsers. Additionally, BrowserStack’s Live feature gives users the ability to debug issues in real time with a remote inspector that includes features like screenshots and recordings. When it comes to automation testing, BrowserStack utilizes Selenium Automation Suite to run tests concurrently on thousands of browser versions and platforms. LambdaTest also offers automation testing capabilities by supporting the leading open source frameworks such as Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, JUnit, etc., allowing users to automate their test scripts across multiple browsers at once. For debugging purposes, LambdaTest has an interactive console that can be used for troubleshooting any bugs found during the testing process. Overall, both BrowserStack and LambdaTest offer comprehensive cross-browser testing solutions for developers and QA professionals alike. While each service offers its own unique set of features, it ultimately comes down to personal preference when deciding which platform is best for your needs.

History of BrowserStack

BrowserStack is a cloud-based platform that allows users to test websites and applications across multiple browsers and operating systems. It was created in 2011 as a solution to the problem of browser compatibility testing. The platform is used by major companies and organizations, such as Microsoft, Uber, and the US Department of Defense, to ensure their websites and applications are compatible with different browsers and operating systems. BrowserStack has consistently evolved to provide more features and better testing capabilities to its users.

BrowserStack Status

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  • Who needs BrowserStack when you can find these other alternatives?

    2023-04-14 20:52:15 ·
  • So long BrowserStack, it's been real!

    2023-10-06 13:07:44 ·
  • The BrowserStack exodus has begun!

    2023-11-16 16:17:58 ·
  • Who needs BrowserStack when you have these awesome alternatives?

    2024-02-22 21:15:46 ·
  • Goodbye BrowserStack, hello new websites!

    2024-04-14 17:13:50 ·
  • Who knew there were so many websites that could do the same thing as BrowserStack?

    2024-05-02 12:37:48 ·
  • Whew, now all of my BrowserStack woes are gone!

    2024-06-05 14:54:06 ·
  • I'm sure BrowserStack isn't too happy about all of these competitors!

    2024-06-20 01:40:11 ·
  • If you're looking for an alternative to BrowserStack, then this list is the Stack of all Stacks!

    2024-07-02 07:44:14 ·