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7 Alternatives to AppTweak for Optimizing App Store Performance

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-29 01:15:02

Are you looking for an alternative to AppTweak? You’re in luck! There are plenty of excellent websites like AppTweak that offer similar features and advantages. From tools that help you to track your app store performance to ones that give you advice on how to optimize your app marketing campaigns, this list has got you covered. Read on to discover the best AppTweak alternatives and find the one that suits your needs.



AppTweak is an App Store Optimization (ASO) platform that helps app developers and publishers to improve their app visibility and traffic. Through its data-driven insights, AppTweak provides actionable recommendations to increase app visibility, downloads, and revenue.


  • Automated App Store Optimization (ASO)
  • Identify new keywords and improve existing ones
  • Monitor your competitors and their performance
  • Analyze reviews, ratings and keywords
  • Track app performance over time

AppTweak Alternatives

Sensor Tower

Sensor Tower is the leading platform for mobile app intelligence and market data. The platform provides actionable insights that enable app publishers, developers, and marketers to make smarter business decisions and optimize their mobile app strategy.

Provides app store optimization, keyword tracking, and competitor analysis tools.

More focus on marketing analytics instead of app store optimization.

Is Sensor Tower a good alternative?

App Annie

App Annie is a business solution that provides app store optimization, app analytics and market intelligence to help you understand the performance of your apps and the competitive landscape.

Provides app store optimization and competitor analysis tools.

More focus on market intelligence and analytics instead of app store optimization.

Is App Annie a good alternative?


Appfigures provides app store intelligence and analytics services, allowing app developers and business owners to track their app performance and make better business decisions.

Provides app store optimization, keyword tracking, and competitor analysis tools.

More focus on app store analytics instead of app store optimization.

Is Appfigures a good alternative?

App Radar

App Radar is a mobile app development tool that helps you optimize your app store visibility and boost organic growth. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and resources to improve your app store optimization and visibility.

Provides app store optimization, keyword tracking, and competitor analysis tools.

More focus on A/B testing, store listing optimization, and app store insights instead of app store optimization.

Is App Radar a good alternative?

Mobile Action

Mobile Action is an App Store Optimization & App Intelligence Platform that provides app store analytics and insights to help mobile marketers make data-driven decisions. Our platform enables app developers, brands, and publishers to track performance, analyze competitors, and optimize their app store presence to get more downloads and engagement.

Provides app store optimization, keyword tracking, and competitor analysis tools.

More focus on mobile advertising instead of app store optimization.

Is Mobile Action a good alternative?


AppCodes is an app store optimization automation platform that makes it easy to optimize and promote your app. Our platform helps you find the most effective keywords and track your competitor’s performance in real time.

Provides keyword tracking and competitor analysis tools.

No app store optimization tools.

Is AppCodes a good alternative?

AppTweak Head-To-Head

Welcome to this head-to-head comparison of AppTweak and other websites. AppTweak is a powerful app store optimization and analytics platform that helps app developers drive more downloads and engagement for their apps. In this article, we will compare AppTweak with some of the top competitors in the ASO market to help you decide which one is the best for your needs. We will be looking at features, pricing, customer support and more to determine which website offers the most value.

Sensor Tower

AppTweak and Sensor Tower are both powerful mobile app optimization and intelligence tools. AppTweak provides data and insights to help developers increase their app's visibility, while Sensor Tower offers comprehensive market intelligence to track your competitors. AppTweak provides detailed keyword rankings, search trends, market share insights, competitor analysis, and more. It also offers features such as the ASO Score which evaluates an app's performance based on its usage metrics, downloads, ratings & reviews. Additionally, AppTweak features automated optimization tools to optimize titles, subtitles and descriptions for every locale and custom recommendations tailored to each developer's specific needs. Sensor Tower's platform provides insights into all aspects of the mobile app industry including downloads & revenue estimates across countries & categories; organic & paid user acquisition breakdowns; market trends; competitive intelligence & analysis; advertising campaigns tracking; and much more. It also offers access to a library of customizable reports including country-level download estimates for Apple App Store and Google Play Store apps. Additionally Sensor Tower enables developers to discover new partners for collaborations that can accelerate user growth or monetization opportunities.

History of AppTweak

AppTweak is a website founded in 2013 that provides app optimization tools for developers and marketers. The website provides users with data analytics, keyword research, and app store optimization services that help developers and marketers to better understand their users and make informed decisions about their product. AppTweak also provides detailed app store intelligence that helps developers understand the competition and increase their visibility in the app store.

AppTweak Status

The AppTweak website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:05).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:05.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing AppTweak's website? .
Check AppTweak's Twitter for recent updates.


  • Wow, I didn't realize AppTweak had so much competition!

    2023-04-23 04:48:01 ·
  • Looks like AppTweak has some serious competition.

    2023-06-23 15:01:31 ·
  • This is a great list for anyone who wants to AppTweak on the cheap.

    2023-07-01 03:36:06 ·
  • Ah, I see AppTweak's secret is out!

    2023-07-11 06:39:31 ·
  • This is like the AppTweak discount bin!

    2024-01-14 05:05:01 ·
  • It's like a buffet of AppTweak alternatives!

    2024-06-06 06:48:15 ·