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5 Alternatives to Etherscan for Exploring Ethereum Blockchain Transactions

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-31 23:32:37

If you're looking for alternatives to the popular blockchain explorer Etherscan, then you're in luck. We've compiled a list of the top similar websites like Etherscan, so you can find the perfect fit for tracking your crypto transactions. From detailed analytics to advanced tools and features, these websites offer a range of options to make exploring your blockchain easier. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, you'll find something that meets your needs. Let's take a look at these Etherscan alternatives.



Etherscan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for Ethereum, a decentralized smart contracts platform. It enables users to view and explore the Ethereum blockchain, track transactions, and check account balances.


  • View Ethereum blockchain data
  • Track transactions
  • Check account balances
  • Monitor network activity
  • Analyze network trends
  • View smart contract information
  • Integrate with other Ethereum services

Etherscan Alternatives


BlockchainExplorer is a web-based platform that provides a comprehensive view of the Bitcoin blockchain, allowing users to search and explore blockchain transactions, addresses and blocks.

Both websites provide blockchain data and analytics

BlockchainExplorer does not provide as much detailed information about transactions and contracts as Etherscan does

Is BlockchainExplorer a good alternative?


Blockchair is a powerful search and analytics engine designed to explore the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains. It provides users with an easy-to-use interface to explore transactions, blocks, outputs and addresses.

Both websites provide blockchain data and analytics

Blockchair does not provide as much detailed information about transactions and contracts as Etherscan does

Is Blockchair a good alternative?


Etherchain is an open source Ethereum blockchain explorer and analytics platform that allows users to explore, analyze, and monitor their Ethereum blockchain data.

Both websites provide blockchain data and analytics

Etherchain does not provide as much detailed information about transactions and contracts as Etherscan does

Is Etherchain a good alternative?

EtherWorld Explorer

EtherWorld Explorer is an in-depth look into the Ethereum Blockchain. It provides a detailed view of all transactions, blocks, and accounts. It is a great tool for developers, investors, and enthusiasts to get a better understanding of the Ethereum network.

Both websites provide blockchain data and analytics

EtherWorld Explorer does not provide as much detailed information about transactions and contracts as Etherscan does

Is EtherWorld Explorer a good alternative?


BSCScan is a blockchain explorer for Binance Smart Chain (BSC), a smart contract platform running parallel to the Binance Chain blockchain. BSCScan allows users to explore and search the BSC blockchain for transactions, addresses, tokens, prices, and other activities taking place on BSC.

Both Etherscan and BSCScan are blockchain-based websites that provide users with information about transactions on their respective networks.

Etherscan is a website for the Ethereum network, while BSCScan is a website for the Binance Smart Chain network.

Is BSCScan a good alternative?


MetaMask is a secure, open-source cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to easily store, send, and receive Ethereum and ERC20 tokens. It also lets users securely interact with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain.

Both Etherscan and MetaMask are Ethereum blockchain-related websites.

Etherscan is a block explorer for Ethereum transactions, while MetaMask is a web browser wallet for securely storing and managing cryptocurrency.

Is MetaMask a good alternative?

Etherscan Head-To-Head

When it comes to blockchain exploration, Etherscan is one of the most popular websites. Etherscan provides detailed information about Ethereum network, including block and transaction details, account balances, and more. But what makes Etherscan stand out from other sites? In this article, we will compare Etherscan against two other popular blockchain exploration websites: and We will discuss each website’s features, advantages, and disadvantages to give you a better understanding of which one is best for your needs.


Etherscan and BSCScan are both websites that provide users with comprehensive blockchains for cryptocurrencies. Etherscan is a blockchain explorer and analytics platform for Ethereum, while BSCScan is a similar platform for Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Both sites feature charts, graphs, and data visualizations to help users track their transactions, as well as detailed information about transactions and tokens. Additionally, both platforms offer tools such as token search and address search to help users explore the contents of a blockchain. Lastly, both websites provide API access to developers looking to build apps using the respective blockchains. The main difference between Etherscan and BSCScan lies in the specific cryptocurrency they support: Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain respectively.


Etherscan and MetaMask are both websites used for Ethereum transactions. Etherscan is a blockchain explorer that enables users to view and search Ethereum transactions, addresses, tokens, prices, and other data. It also provides analytics tools to track and analyze the Ethereum network. MetaMask is a decentralized application (dApp) browser and wallet that allows users to securely access Ethereum-based dApps without running an Ethereum node. MetaMask also provides a secure way to store, send, receive, and exchange cryptocurrencies on the Ethereum network without having to trust a third party or exchange. Both Etherscan and MetaMask provide secure ways of interacting with the Ethereum network, although they have different functions. Etherscan provides transparency by allowing users to track and verify their transactions on the blockchain while MetaMask provides a user-friendly browser for accessing dApps.

History of Etherscan

Etherscan is a blockchain explorer and analytics platform for Ethereum and its associated networks. It was first launched in 2015 as a blockchain search engine and has since evolved to become a comprehensive blockchain data platform. It offers various tools to explore, analyze, and interact with the Ethereum blockchain and its associated networks, allowing users to transact, monitor, and explore the blockchain.

Etherscan Status

The Etherscan website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:19).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:19.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing Etherscan's website? .
Check Etherscan's Twitter for recent updates.


  • Etherscan? I thought it was called Ethereallyscan!

    2023-03-20 12:09:38 ·
  • Maybe I should just stick with the original Etherscan, it sounds like it's the best one!

    2023-03-30 13:48:04 ·
  • Thanks for the list, I didn't know there were so many sites like Etherscan!

    2023-06-19 06:06:54 ·
  • I'm going to have to bookmark this list for future reference. Thanks for the help!

    2023-06-24 22:21:42 ·
  • Didn't realize there were so many clones of Etherscan!

    2023-08-04 16:28:46 ·
  • Who knew there were so many websites like Etherscan? The world is a strange place!

    2023-11-03 23:20:29 ·
  • I'm surprised that Etherscan isn't the only website out there with this information!

    2023-12-25 10:30:06 ·
  • I'm pretty sure I saw a website called Etherscanner, but maybe I'm just imagining things...

    2024-07-07 02:06:17 ·