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7 Alternatives to Decentraland: A Guide to Decentralized Virtual Worlds

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-12 10:24:51

Are you looking for a virtual world similar to Decentraland? Well, you’re in luck. There are a variety of websites that offer similar experiences to Decentraland. This list includes virtual worlds, gaming platforms, and even virtual currency sites. Whether you’re looking for a place to explore, build, or trade, this list of similar websites like Decentraland has something for everyone. Keep reading to find out more about the best Decentraland alternatives.



Decentraland is a virtual reality platform powered by the Ethereum blockchain. It enables users to create, experience, and monetize content and applications in a 3D interactive world. It features a 3D map, with parcels of LAND that users can buy and develop.


  • Create, explore and monetize interactive 3D content
  • Buy and develop land parcels
  • Build and experience immersive applications and games

Decentraland Alternatives


Cryptovoxels is a virtual world built on the Ethereum blockchain where users can buy, sell, and interact with virtual spaces, collectibles, and games. It is a 3D platform that allows users to explore, create, and collaborate in a shared digital universe with no centralized control.

Both are virtual worlds built on blockchain technology.

Cryptovoxels is a more sandbox-style world, while Decentraland is more focused on experiences and interactive applications.

Is Cryptovoxels a good alternative?

Somnium Space

Somnium Space is a fully immersive and interactive virtual world. It offers users the opportunity to explore and create a space of their own in a completely open and unrestricted way. The platform allows users to make their own choices about what to do and how to interact with the environment, and to customize their experience to make it as unique as possible.

Both are virtual worlds built on blockchain technology.

Somnium Space is focused on open-ended content creation, while Decentraland is more focused on experiences and interactive applications.

Is Somnium Space a good alternative?

The Sandbox

The Sandbox is a user-friendly voxel-based platform where players can create, play, and share their own 3D-worlds. With intuitive tools and easy-to-use features, users can quickly build complete 3D environments that they can explore, share, and monetize.

Both are virtual worlds built on blockchain technology.

The Sandbox is a game-focused platform, while Decentraland is more focused on experiences and interactive applications.

Is The Sandbox a good alternative?

Neon District

Neon District is a decentralized role-playing game set in a cyberpunk universe. Players explore a vast, dystopian world and battle in strategic turn-based combat against a range of enemies.

Both are virtual worlds built on blockchain technology.

Neon District is focused on gaming and collectible items, while Decentraland is more focused on experiences and interactive applications.

Is Neon District a good alternative?

Decentral Games

Decentral Games is a decentralized gaming platform that allows players to earn real money by playing fun, blockchain-based games. The platform uses blockchain technology to provide a secure and transparent gaming experience, allowing players to easily access their rewards and keep track of their winnings.

Both are virtual worlds built on blockchain technology.

Decentral Games focuses on gaming and gambling, while Decentraland is more focused on experiences and interactive applications.

Is Decentral Games a good alternative?

Virtue Poker

Virtue Poker is an online poker platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. With Virtue Poker, you can play online poker securely and trustlessly using cryptocurrency.

Both are virtual worlds built on blockchain technology.

Virtue Poker is focused on online poker, while Decentraland is more focused on experiences and interactive applications.

Is Virtue Poker a good alternative?


The OASIS is an online portal that provides meaningful activities, tools and resources to cultivate mental wellness. It is designed to be a safe and supportive space for people to explore how to better cope with stress and foster better mental health.

Both are virtual worlds built on blockchain technology.

The OASIS is focused on decentralized streaming, while Decentraland is more focused on experiences and interactive applications.

Is The OASIS a good alternative?


Bitcoin is the world’s most popular and valuable digital currency. Bitcoin is a decentralized network that allows users to securely transfer and store value without the need for a bank or other third-party intermediary. Bitcoin’s blockchain technology provides users with a secure, public, and transparent digital ledger that records all transactions.

Both Decentraland and Bitcoin are based on the blockchain technology.

Decentraland is a virtual reality platform that allows users to create, experience, and monetize content and applications, while Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates independently of any government or central bank.

Is Bitcoin a good alternative?


Sandbox is a cloud-based creative community where users can come together to create, collaborate, and play in a safe online environment. With Sandbox, you can quickly and easily build your own 3D worlds, create characters, and share your creations with an ever-growing community of creative people from around the world.

Both websites are virtual platforms based on blockchain technology.

Decentraland focuses on creating decentralized virtual worlds, while Sandbox allows users to create and monetize their own gaming experiences.

Is Sandbox a good alternative?


Gala is an online gaming website offering a wide variety of games and entertainment. Play bingo, casino, slots and more with rewards, bonuses and promotions.

Both Decentraland and Gala are virtual worlds that are built on blockchain technology.

Decentraland focuses on building a decentralized virtual reality platform, while Gala emphasizes gaming experiences.

Is Gala a good alternative?

Second Life

Second Life is a 3D virtual world where users can socialize, connect and create using free voice and text chat.

Both websites allow users to create and explore virtual worlds.

Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world while Second Life is a 3D social platform.

Is Second Life a good alternative?


Minecraft is a sandbox video game developed by Mojang Studios. In the game, players can build with a variety of different blocks in a 3D procedurally generated world, requiring creativity from players. Other activities in the game include exploration, resource gathering, crafting, and combat.

Both Decentraland and Minecraft provide users with a virtual, 3D gaming environment.

Decentraland is powered by the Ethereum blockchain, while Minecraft is powered by Java.

Is Minecraft a good alternative?


OpenSea is the largest decentralized marketplace for rare digital items and collectibles, such as CryptoKitties, Decentraland, CryptoPunks, and more. Buy, sell, and discover rare digital items and assets with ease.

Both Decentraland and OpenSea are websites that help individuals buy, sell, and trade digital assets on the blockchain.

Decentraland is focused on buying and selling virtual reality world assets while OpenSea specializes in non-fungible tokens.

Is OpenSea a good alternative?


Polygon is a premier website that covers the latest news, reviews, and features on gaming, entertainment, and technology. It provides in-depth coverage of the latest trends and events in the worlds of gaming and technology, offering readers up-to-date news, reviews, interviews and features.

Both Decentraland and Polygon are blockchain-based virtual worlds.

While Decentraland is a 3D world where users create and explore, Polygon is a 2D multiplayer game.

Is Polygon a good alternative?

Decentraland Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of Decentraland with other websites. Decentraland is a virtual world platform, built on the Ethereum blockchain, that allows users to create, experience and monetize their own content and applications. With its unique decentralized property system, Decentraland is able to offer users a variety of advantages that other websites simply cannot match. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at how Decentraland stacks up against the competition in terms of features, usability and potential for success. We’ll also discuss what makes Decentraland different from other virtual worlds and why it has become such a popular choice among digital asset enthusiasts.


Decentraland and Bitcoin are both decentralized networks built on blockchain technology. Decentraland is a virtual world where users can create, experience, and monetize content and applications. Bitcoin is a digital currency that enables peer-to-peer transactions without any intermediaries. Decentraland allows users to explore an immersive 3D environment and build their own virtual worlds with customisable experiences. It also has features such as the Marketplace where users can buy and sell land parcels, the LAND Browser which gives users access to public areas created by other users, and the Builder which allows users to create their own experiences in Decentraland. Bitcoin is an open source digital payment system that functions similarly to traditional currencies but without a central bank or administrator. Transactions on the Bitcoin network are verified by miners who are rewarded with new coins for their efforts. Bitcoin also has features such as Lightning Network which facilitates instantaneous payments with low fees and SegWit which increases the block size limit allowing more transactions per second.


Decentraland and Sandbox are two virtual reality experiences, allowing users to create and explore interactive 3D worlds. Both platforms are powered by blockchain technology and feature a user-generated content system. Decentraland is a virtual world that allows users to purchase land and build whatever they like on it. The platform features an in-game marketplace where players can buy and sell digital assets, such as game items, in exchange for cryptocurrency. Players have the option of creating their own games or taking part in existing ones. Decentraland also has multiple social features, including avatars for players to customize and chat with other players. Sandbox is a gaming platform that allows players to create their own virtual worlds using voxels (3D pixels). Players can design their own characters, build structures, plant crops, mine resources, craft items, and even develop unique games within the sandbox environment. Sandbox also includes a user-friendly coding language that allows developers to create custom scripts that control how characters interact with the world around them. Additionally, the platform has built-in economic incentives such as rewards for playing certain games and rewards for completing tasks within the platform.


Decentraland and Gala are two popular virtual world platforms. Both offer a variety of features that enable users to explore, create, and interact with one another in a 3D environment. Decentraland is an open source platform that allows users to purchase land, build on it, and monetize their creations. It also offers a range of tools for creating interactive experiences such as games, avatar customization options, and the ability to share your work with others. The platform has its own digital currency (MANA) which can be used to buy land or items within the game. Gala is a closed-source platform that provides users with the opportunity to explore a fully immersive 3D world populated by avatars, animals and creatures from other realms. It also includes features such as mini-games, puzzles & quests as well as social features like chat rooms and events. Users can use the in-game currency (GALA Coin) to purchase items, build plots of land or customize their avatar. Overall both Decentraland and Gala provide unique experiences for their users but differ in terms of underlying technology and features offered.

Second Life

Decentraland and Second Life are both virtual worlds, but they offer very different experiences. Decentraland is a fully decentralized virtual world powered by Ethereum blockchain technology, while Second Life is a centralized virtual world owned and operated by Linden Lab. In Decentraland, users can purchase land parcels and develop them into whatever they desire or interact with the content that others have created. On the other hand, in Second Life users have their own personal avatar to explore and participate in activities such as playing games, meeting people from around the world, hosting events, buying items from each other's stores, creating content and much more. Decentraland allows for real ownership of digital assets on the blockchain which can be bought or sold for its native MANA token or Ether. In contrast, Second Life has its own currency called L$ (Linden Dollars) which is used to purchase goods within the game. Decentraland offers full control over your avatar’s identity and gaming experience while Second Life provides an array of social activities like roleplaying games, events and gatherings that you can join with your avatar.


Decentraland and Minecraft are both online virtual world games that allow users to explore, build, and customize their own 3D environments. Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world where users can buy land, create their own virtual experiences, and monetize them. In contrast, Minecraft is an open-world sandbox game where users can build structures out of blocks and explore the randomly generated world. Decentraland offers a greater degree of ownership for its users compared to Minecraft as it allows them to purchase plots of land that they can then customize and monetize in various ways. In addition, Decentraland features a variety of social activities such as in-game events and tournaments that players can participate in. In contrast, the focus of Minecraft is more on exploration and creativity rather than building businesses or participating in events. Players have an almost unlimited array of blocks and tools at their disposal allowing them to shape the environment however they choose. Additionally, there are no real stakes involved in playing Minecraft since it does not feature a currency system or any monetary rewards for completing tasks/achievements.


Decentraland and OpenSea are both blockchain-based virtual worlds that allow users to purchase virtual items, but they have different features. Decentraland is a decentralized virtual world built on the Ethereum network, where users own digital plots of land that can be used to create experiences like games and applications. OpenSea is a marketplace for trading non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, which represent digital items like artwork and collectibles. Both services offer users the ability to purchase digital items using cryptocurrency, but Decentraland also offers free exploration and creation of experiences, while OpenSea focuses solely on allowing users to buy and sell NFTs. Additionally, Decentraland allows users to build their own creations within the world itself, while OpenSea functions as an external marketplace where users can find various NFTs to purchase and trade.


Decentraland and Polygon are both virtual worlds that exist on the blockchain and allow users to create, experience, and monetize their own content. Both platforms enable users to purchase land, build virtual assets and experiences, interact with one another in a 3D environment, and monetize their creations. Decentraland is a fully-immersive 3D world created using the Ethereum blockchain where users can own land in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or use tools such as the Decentraland Marketplace to trade them. Users can also create interactive experiences such as games or social hubs for other people to explore. In contrast, Polygon is a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum that provides developers with access to an easy-to-use platform for creating gaming dapps and NFTs in a low cost environment. It enables developers to deploy smart contracts quickly on its Layer 2 sidechains while also providing support for asset creation and management, user authentication, messaging systems, payment systems, game logic and more. The main difference between Decentraland and Polygon lies in the type of applications they support; Decentraland is focused on building immersive 3D experiences whereas Polygon is more focused on gaming applications.


Decentraland and Roblox are both virtual world platforms that offer users the ability to create and explore digital environments. Both sites allow users to customize their avatars and interact with other players in a variety of ways. However, there are some key differences between the two platforms. Decentraland is built on blockchain technology, meaning it is powered by cryptocurrency transactions. This allows users to have more control over their assets in the virtual world, including land ownership, trading of non-fungible assets, and development of user-created content. Roblox offers a wider range of activities than Decentraland, such as playing games created by other users or building structures for others to explore. It also has an expansive library of pre-made game elements that can be used in custom game builds. Additionally, Roblox includes social features like group chats and friend requests that help foster community interaction outside of game play. In summary, Decentraland provides users with greater control over their digital assets while Roblox offers more activities and social features within its virtual environment.

History of Decentraland

Decentraland is a virtual world platform that was created in 2015. It is built on the Ethereum blockchain and allows users to create, experience, and monetize content and applications. It features a virtual world where users can create and explore a variety of virtual scenes, interact with others, and purchase virtual land. The platform was designed to be an open, shared 3D space where users can own their creations, data, and identity.

Decentraland Status

The Decentraland website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-07-26 01:00:16).

Last checked 2024-07-26 01:00:16.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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  • I'm sure Decentraland isn't too worried about the competition.

    2023-03-30 04:01:26 ·
  • The Decentraland craze is real!

    2023-09-07 18:43:51 ·
  • You can have your pick of Decentraland clones!

    2023-11-01 14:57:14 ·
  • Who knew there were so many imitators out there?

    2023-12-30 17:31:33 ·
  • No need to reinvent the wheel, right?

    2024-04-10 01:45:33 ·
  • Way to be original, everyone!

    2024-04-10 03:28:50 ·
  • The more the merrier, I guess!

    2024-06-20 06:21:26 ·
  • Wow, there's a lot of copycat Decentraland out there!

    2024-07-25 04:41:56 ·