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Top Alternatives to Adsterra for Digital Advertising

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-24 06:18:14

Are you looking for similar websites like Adsterra? If so, you have come to the right place! In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive list of websites that are similar to Adsterra in terms of features, services, and capabilities. From self-serve advertising networks to full-service ad networks, this list of alternatives to Adsterra has something for everyone. Read on to find out more about the websites that are similar to Adsterra and which one might be the best fit for you.

Adsterra is a performance marketing network that provides publishers with access to a wide range of global advertising campaigns in various verticals. Adsterra offers advertisers access to a huge range of traffic sources, including display, mobile, pop-ups, and redirects.


  • High-performing global campaigns
  • 100% fill rate
  • Transparent analytics
  • Real-time reporting
  • Wide range of payment methods

Adsterra Alternatives is the leading contextual advertising platform that allows publishers to monetize their content by displaying ads tailored to their audience. With its advanced targeting technology, ensures high-quality ads and increased revenue for publishers.

Offers a wide range of ad formats, including banner, pop-up, and interstitial ads, as well as mobile and video ads.

Offers contextual ads based on the content of the publisher’s webpage, as opposed to Adsterra’s more general targeting.

Is a good alternative?


Adcash is a global digital advertising network, offering advanced features and targeting capabilities to help publishers and advertisers maximize the potential of their campaigns. Adcash delivers high quality traffic across all digital channels, with a focus on cost effective and efficient results.

Offers a variety of ad formats, including banner, interstitial, and pop-up ads.

Adcash offers a greater range of targeting options, including geo-targeting and device-specific targeting.

Is Adcash a good alternative?

Propeller Ads

Propeller Ads is an online advertising platform designed to meet the needs of both publishers and advertisers. They offer a wide range of solutions for both desktop and mobile platforms, enabling businesses to reach their targeted audiences with the right message, at the right time.

Offers a wide range of ad formats, including banner, pop-up, and interstitial ads, as well as mobile and video ads.

Propeller Ads offers a greater variety of payment options, including PayPal, wire transfer, and Webmoney.

Is Propeller Ads a good alternative?
| is a digital advertising solution that helps brands reach their target audiences at scale by utilizing various display and native ad formats.

Offers a variety of ad formats, including banner, interstitial, and pop-up ads. offers a greater range of targeting options, including demographic, geographic, and contextual targeting.

Is a good alternative?


PopAds is an online advertising network that specializes in popunder ads. It is a popular ad network that offers high quality, targeted advertising to its customers. PopAds provides a wide range of advertising options to its customers, such as pay-per-click, cost-per-impression, and cost-per-action campaigns.

Offers a wide range of ad formats, including pop-up and interstitial ads.

PopAds specializes in pop-up ads, while Adsterra offers a wider range of ad formats.

Is PopAds a good alternative?


AdBlade is a Native Advertising Platform that helps brands to reach their target audiences with native ad campaigns. The platform helps brands to create custom native ad campaigns that can be targeted to the right audiences based on demographics, interests, online behavior and more.

Offers a variety of ad formats, including banner, interstitial, and pop-up ads.

AdBlade offers a greater range of targeting options, including demographic, geographic, and contextual targeting.

Is AdBlade a good alternative?


Chitika is an online advertising platform that helps businesses and website owners generate revenue with targeted ads. Chitika offers advertisers and publishers the ability to reach their target audience with cost-effective and user-friendly solutions.

Offers a wide range of ad formats, including banner, pop-up, and interstitial ads, as well as mobile and video ads.

Chitika specializes in contextual ads, as opposed to Adsterra’s more general targeting.

Is Chitika a good alternative?

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a free program that enables website owners to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites.

Both Adsterra and Google AdSense are advertising networks.

Adsterra offers more types of ad formats than Google AdSense.

Is Google AdSense a good alternative?

Adsterra Head-To-Head

Adsterra is an online advertising network that provides advertisers with a variety of services, such as display advertising and pop-unders. It is one of the leading digital advertising networks in the world and is used by some of the biggest companies in the world. In this article, we will compare Adsterra with other websites to help you decide which one best meets your needs. We will look at several different aspects, including pricing, targeting capabilities, customer service, and more. By the end of this comparison, you should have all the information you need to make an informed decision about which website is best for your business.

Google AdSense

Adsterra and Google AdSense are two of the most popular advertising networks for monetizing websites. Both offer a variety of features to help website owners maximize their earnings from ads. Adsterra has an easy-to-use interface that allows website owners to set up ad campaigns quickly and manage them with a few clicks. They also offer advanced targeting options, such as by location, device type, and language. Additionally, they have access to over 100 ad formats including popunders, banners, interstitials, and direct links. Google AdSense offers a wide range of features designed to help website owners promote products or services and increase their traffic. They allow users to customize ads based on keywords or topics they’re interested in, as well as target ads to specific audiences based on age and gender. Additionally, they provide helpful metrics so that website owners can track their progress and optimize their campaigns accordingly. Overall, both Adsterra and Google AdSense offer great tools for monetizing websites but may be better suited for different types of websites depending on the needs of the user.

Google AdSense

Adsterra and Google AdSense are two popular ad networks, each offering a variety of features to help advertisers reach their desired audience. Adsterra's main selling point is its wide selection of ad formats, including pop-unders, banners, sliders and more. Additionally, the platform offers several targeting options, such as geotargeting and niche targeting. The platform also provides 24/7 customer support and has a low minimum payment threshold of $100. Google AdSense is an older but still widely used ad network. It specializes in contextual advertising and offers both text-based ads and display ads. Its targeting capabilities are slightly more limited than Adsterra’s; however, it does offer some advanced features such as frequency capping and remarketing. Payment thresholds for Google AdSense begin at $100 for wire transfers and checks; however, lower thresholds may be available for other payment methods. Both platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses; ultimately, it depends on the advertiser’s needs which one they should choose.

History of Adsterra

Adsterra is a leading global advertising platform that has been in operation since 2013. It provides a range of services for both advertisers and publishers, including display, mobile, native and video advertising. Adsterra has grown significantly since it started, and now serves over 25 billion ad impressions per month across the world. It is now one of the most popular advertising networks in the industry.

Adsterra Status

The Adsterra website on online and reachable (last checked on ).

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  • I'm sure Adsterra must be feeling pretty flattered by all the knock-offs!

    2023-02-21 02:03:17 ·
  • Wow, this list of websites really takes 'copycatting' to the next level!

    2023-06-29 20:30:08 ·
  • I'm pretty sure this is the biggest 'me too' list I've ever seen!

    2023-07-23 08:04:39 ·
  • I'm not sure if I should be impressed or scared by the sheer number of similar websites to Adsterra!

    2023-10-17 04:01:25 ·
  • It's like seeing a bunch of Adsterra mini-mes running around!

    2024-03-18 18:08:37 ·
  • This list is like a 'Hall of Fame' for Adsterra clones!

    2024-04-23 08:14:14 ·
  • Adsterra must be blushing to see so many clones of itself!

    2024-05-15 17:40:58 ·