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7 Alternatives to Hotjar: A Look at Similar Analytics and Feedback Tools

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-14 16:57:13

Are you looking for a website that offers features similar to Hotjar? If so, then look no further! This article will introduce you to a list of alternative websites that provide the same or similar services as Hotjar. From heatmapping and A/B testing to analytics and polling, these websites will help you get the most out of your website. Read on to discover the top websites like Hotjar.

Hotjar is a comprehensive website analytics platform that helps you understand what visitors are doing on your website. It helps you make data-driven decisions on how to improve the user experience and increase conversions.


  • Heatmaps to see the parts of your website that visitors interact with the most
  • Visitor recordings to watch how visitors explore your website
  • Conversion funnels to identify drop-off points and understand why visitors don't convert

Hotjar Alternatives

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand.

Both services offer website analytics and user feedback tools.

Google Analytics offers more in-depth data analysis and reporting than Hotjar.

Is Google Analytics a good alternative?

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg provides heatmap and visitor tracking tools to help you understand user behavior on your website. It provides visual insights that allow you to quickly identify what’s working and what’s not on your site by providing data-driven analysis.

Both services offer website heatmaps and A/B testing tools.

Crazy Egg has more features related to A/B testing than Hotjar.

Is Crazy Egg a good alternative?


Mixpanel is an analytics platform that helps businesses understand how customers use their products and services. It provides insights into customer behavior and product usage that allow businesses to make better decisions, build better products and deliver better experiences.

Both services offer data analytics and reporting tools.

Mixpanel has more features related to segmentation and insights than Hotjar.

Is Mixpanel a good alternative?


Kissmetrics is a powerful analytics platform that helps businesses measure, understand, and improve customer interactions. With advanced reporting and segmentation tools, Kissmetrics enables businesses to gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior and develop strategies that increase customer retention and conversions.

Both services offer data analytics and user behavior tracking tools.

Kissmetrics has more features related to user engagement than Hotjar.

Is Kissmetrics a good alternative?


Clicktale enables organizations to understand how users interact with their digital properties and how user behavior affects their business. Through its solutions, companies can see how visitors navigate their websites or apps, how they interact, where they get stuck and where they drop off. It also helps them uncover why users behave the way they do, so they can improve the overall customer experience and the performance of their digital channels.

Both services offer website analytics and user feedback tools.

Clicktale has more features related to website optimization than Hotjar.

Is Clicktale a good alternative?


UserTesting is a user experience testing service that provides businesses with insights into how their customers interact with their products, services, and websites. The service enables businesses to gain valuable feedback from real customers, so they can make informed decisions about the user experience.

Both services offer website analytics and user feedback tools.

UserTesting has more features related to user experience testing than Hotjar.

Is UserTesting a good alternative?


Mouseflow is an analytics platform that provides website owners with actionable insights about their visitors, user experience and conversions. It offers a unified dashboard that gives you access to heatmaps, session recordings, funnel analysis, A/B testing and more.

Both services offer website heatmaps and user feedback tools.

Mouseflow has more features related to session replay than Hotjar.

Is Mouseflow a good alternative?


HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing and sales platform that helps businesses of all sizes grow better. It includes a powerful set of features and tools, such as content management, contact management, email marketing, and automation, that make it easier to attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers.

Both Hotjar and HubSpot offer insights on website visitor behaviour.

Hotjar focuses on user feedback and analytics while HubSpot provides more of an all-in-one marketing suite.

Is HubSpot a good alternative?


Maze is a career planning website that helps you create a customized career plan that fits your goals and preferences. It offers a variety of tools and resources to help you make the right career decisions.

Both Hotjar and Maze are user testing tools.

Hotjar provides data analytics and feedback collection, while Maze focuses on creating tasks and measuring user performance.

Is Maze a good alternative?


VWO is an all-in-one conversion optimization platform that helps businesses increase their website conversions. With VWO, marketers can A/B test, personalize, and segment website visitors to identify and act on opportunities that converts more visitors into customers.

Both Hotjar and VWO are online tools used for website optimization.

Hotjar provides analytics, heat maps and recordings, while VWO provides A/B testing and personalization solutions.

Is VWO a good alternative?

Hotjar Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of Hotjar with other websites. Hotjar is a revolutionary analytics and feedback tool that allows you to understand your website visitors’ behavior, collect valuable feedback and increase conversions. In this comparison, we will compare the features and benefits of Hotjar with those offered by various other websites. We will evaluate each website's usability, user interface, functionality, customer service, pricing structure, and overall value for money. By the end of this comparison, you should be able to make an informed decision about which website offers the best solution for your business needs.

Google Analytics

Hotjar and Google Analytics are both popular web analytics solutions used to measure website performance. Hotjar provides a more comprehensive suite of features than Google Analytics, including heatmaps to track visitor clicks, scrollmaps to analyze user engagement, and A/B testing to optimize conversion rates. On the other hand, Google Analytics offers more detailed data and advanced reporting capabilities, allowing users to gain insight into how visitors interact with their pages in real-time. Additionally, while Hotjar focuses primarily on tracking user behavior, Google Analytics also helps measure goals and objectives. Both tools offer effective ways for businesses to evaluate their website performance and make data-driven decisions.


Hotjar and HubSpot are both comprehensive platforms that enable businesses to better understand their customers. Hotjar is a user experience (UX) analytics platform that helps companies gather feedback from their website visitors through surveys and heat maps, while HubSpot provides more general marketing automation capabilities such as blog management, email marketing, and customer relationship management (CRM). Hotjar offers features such as heat maps which allow companies to visualize how users interact with their websites in real-time, session recordings which allow the company to view individual user sessions on their website in order to identify areas of improvement and Conversion Funnels which provide an in-depth understanding of how users navigate through the website. It also provides survey tools to collect customer feedback on UX issues. HubSpot offers various automated tools for content creation, email marketing, customer segmentation and contact management. It also allows users to track website visits and convert leads into sales opportunities. Additionally, HubSpot features powerful analytics capabilities that enable companies to measure the performance of campaigns and gain insight into customer behavior.


Hotjar and Maze are both user experience testing tools that allow users to collect qualitative feedback from their website visitors. Hotjar offers a wide range of features, such as heatmaps, recordings, surveys, and polls, while Maze focuses on user testing with tasks and recorded sessions. Hotjar’s heatmaps provide an easy way for users to understand how visitors interact with their website. Heatmap data can be broken down by device type, location and more. Hotjar also allows users to create polls and surveys that appear on the site itself or can be sent via email. Finally, Hotjar records visitor sessions so users can get a better understanding of how they use the website. Maze is focused on user testing. It’s main feature is task-based testing where users are presented with tasks to complete within a set time limit. While doing this test the session is recorded so users can review later. Maze also has features such as automated insights which help identify usability problems in real time and automated bug reports which help developers find issues quickly. Overall, Hotjar provides a comprehensive suite of features for understanding visitor behavior while Maze focuses solely on user testing with tasks and recordings.


Hotjar and UserTesting are both web-based tools used to measure user experience (UX) on websites. Hotjar provides a suite of analytics and feedback tools that allow you to understand how visitors interact with your website, while UserTesting offers a platform for providing user feedback through usability testing. Hotjar's analytics tools include heatmaps, which provide visual insight into how users are navigating around your site; form analysis, which lets you track form interactions; surveys, which let you collect visitor feedback directly; and recordings, which capture real user sessions to help you better understand their behaviour. UserTesting provides an easy way to get feedback from real people about the usability of your website. It has a large pool of testers and collects thousands of data points about the user’s experience. Users can create tests to capture information such as first impressions, task completion success rate and overall satisfaction with the website. The platform also allows companies to record users’ screens as they use their website or app in order to gain deeper insights into their behaviour.


Hotjar and VWO are two websites that offer comprehensive digital analytics services. Hotjar is a website heat mapping and user feedback service, while VWO is a website optimization tool. Hotjar offers a more in-depth analysis of user behaviour than VWO, allowing users to view real-time heatmaps to track mouse movement and clicks on webpages. It also enables users to set up surveys and polls, collect qualitative data from customers, and use the feedback for improvement. VWO focuses mainly on optimizing website performance by helping users identify problems with their website design and content which can be improved upon. It provides users with a/b testing tools, split URL tests, funnel analysis reports, multivariate tests as well as an AI-powered personalization engine. The AI-powered personalization engine is able to learn visitor behaviour over time and deliver more relevant experiences across channels. Overall, Hotjar is best suited for those who are looking for detailed user behaviour insights while VWO is suitable for those who are looking to optimize their websites for better performance.

History of Hotjar

Hotjar is a website analytics and feedback tool founded in 2014. It allows users to gain insights into their website visitors by collecting and analyzing user data. Hotjar also allows users to collect feedback from their website visitors through surveys, polls and other interactive elements. It has become popular for its ease of use and the ability to quickly gain insights about their website visitors.

Hotjar Status

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  • Is there another website that's like hotjar but not as...jar?

    2023-06-17 21:32:20 ·
  • Hotjar is the Beyonce of websites.

    2023-07-06 16:48:52 ·
  • Is it hotjar or not-jar?

    2023-08-23 17:47:43 ·
  • Hotjar is like the cool kid at school.

    2023-09-29 00:41:22 ·
  • Is there a website that's like hotjar but not so hot?

    2023-10-12 05:26:48 ·
  • I thought hotjar was a food delivery service.

    2023-10-30 18:39:35 ·
  • I'm looking for a website that's like hotjar but not as...jealous.

    2024-05-14 00:20:10 ·